Vladimir Romanov was not a good man, but he was as reliable as expected. Using his rather large network of powerful connections, he helped her get to Aural Hills. She felt tired, strained and tense about everything. For a moment, she wondered if this cloak and dagger method was needed to find Hu Ming.
However, she did not dare abandon her original plan. She would not allow herself to be exposed to unnecessary peril. If she ended up in a bad situation due to carelessness, then hope would be lost for both her and her father. In addition, she did not know how dangerous her opponents were. Until she understood the case, she would not be making thoughtless moves.
Over the years, she had realised that the field of medical research was one of the most dangerous in the world. Outwardly, medical research seemed like it was established by people interested in improving the quality of life and saving the world from disease.
Unfortunately, it was rarely the case. On one hand, there were people like her father who were obsessed and passionate about medicine. While their focus was on medicine, they were people who would not hesitate to sacrifice humanity for knowledge. On the other hand, there were those who were only interested in the power and money that came with medical research. After all, disease was very profitable.
In a manner of speaking, these philanthropist who invested in medicine and committed to research controlled disease. Most of them were not interested in biological warfare. However, they were no different from plague mongers. For instance, it was not uncommon for these groups to withhold research on drugs or procedures which could cure chronic diseases if it meant more profit from only managing the illness.
The amount of resources that were invested in keeping medical research confidential was more than the funds invested in the actual work. The goal was not only to prevent the findings from leaving the company and profiting other people. The corporations, governments and doctors also needed to keep their research methods private because more often than not, they violated human rights and decency on every level.
In the past, her father had only been involved in open medical research which was approved and regulated by various authorities. Then, he had discovered that there was much more in the world than cute little regulated labs. Fortunately, she had had the capability to protect him when things got a little complicated.
Now, he was alone and afraid. She did not have a way to contact him, and he could be in a dire state. Her only comfort was that she was certain that the people after him would not kill him. If they had intention to do so, they would not have needed to stalk him with care. She frowned lightly because she felt that she was missing something but did not know what.
After a short rest, Hu Lei dressed like a regular office worker and left the motel she had chosen. With the casual air of a local, she walked along the streets until she found the office building she had been looking for. She entered the lobby, approached the receptionist and smiled before asking about her friend.
The nice receptionist allowed her to go in and directed her to the office of one Kim Han. She walked on into a messy office covered in a range of computer parts. For a moment, she thought that there was no one in the room. Then, she saw a foot sticking out from under the desk. She sighed. It seemed that the person had regressed instead of growing up.
”Mr Kim, you have a customer.” She spoke loudly.
”I am not interested.” A sharp voice responded.
There was silence and then quick scrambling before a head poked out from beneath. Kim Han snatched his glasses from the desk and put them on.
”Is that you Jane?” he asked with excitement.