Hu Lei slept like a little pig even though her name was being thoroughly defamed. Unfortunately, her beautiful dreams were interrupted in the middle of the night by her ringing phone. She opened her eyes after the first ring and picked up the call. The restricted number put her on high alert.
”Lei'er, I might be in a bit of trouble.” The person speaking sounded weary and tired, but she recognised the voice immediately.
”Dad, what happened?” She asked sitting up.
”I am not sure about this matter. But it seems that there are people after me.” Her father spoke in a strained manner.
”What did you do?” Hu Lei was clear about his patterns. She doubted that people would suddenly be after him without cause.
”Hu Lei, it is not what you think. I did not do anything bad. There was a certain product which I handled a little in a laboratory in Amazon. I improved it a little and now they are after me.”
”Did you take this product from the owners?” She asked with gritted teeth.
”I only borrowed it to continue fiddling a little. Anyway, I am the one who improved it so it should be mine.” The crackling voice sounded childish.
Hu Lei sighed. It is just as she had thought. It was not the first time that her father had pushed legal and moral lines in pursuit of medicine. He would cheat, steal, coerce and extort if needed to further his means. The messes she had had to clean for him since it all started Russia when she was only sixteen had only increased over time. She had thought that he would change now that he was alone.
”You have to return what you took.” Her voice became cold with anger.
”I have returned it already. I left it in one of the motels I stayed in, and I saw men in black fatigues come in after I left. I think they are after me specifically.” The interference on the line was stronger. ”I have tried to do what I could, but now… you have to help me, Lei'er.”
Hu Lei felt disappointed in her father even as she heard the desperation in his voice. He had promised to let her live her life the way she wanted. He had said that he would not drag her into his problems once she returned to Supreme. He had sworn that he would not do anything that would get him in trouble.
”Who is after you?” She asked calmly.
”I… know. They… like private military.” The connection was breaking, and Hu Lei could no longer hear all the words.
”Where are you?” She asked while stepping out of her bed.
Even though her father was the way he was, she loved him dearly. He was the parent that had not given up on her when she could have been mentally incapacitated or even psychopathic. Moreover, he had been the best father after they had left Supreme City. Perhaps, if she had not proven to be highly useful, he would have continued to be that kind and indulgent man towards her. Regardless of the circumstances, she would not abandon him.