While Zhong Feng looked around and doubted the condition of his eyes, Hu Lei had snuck into a lingerie shop. As a modern woman, she knew that she should not feel embarrassed about such purchases. However, she did not know how to be casual about it. Luckily, she had maxed out her sneak skills. She could be invisible if she wanted.
With formerly unseen efficiency, she picked out the goods she needed, placing them into her basket with careless haste. She did not want to be found before she could finish her mission. It would be more embarrassing if Zhong Feng discovered her because he would find out the reason she had disappeared.
If that were to happen… it would have been better if she had directly brought him with her. She could only sigh in relief after the slow cashier packed her goods. Without further ado, she rushed back to the still confused Zhong Feng.
”Looking for someone?” She asked with a light laugh, appearing behind him.
He turned to her with a disapproving look on his face.
”Where did you go?” He inquired with those glorious orbs looking right into her soul.
”I thought I saw someone I know.” Her response left a feeling of guilt in her heart.
”Mmmh… So you did not sneak off to buy some intimate goods because you were afraid of bringing it up?” His usually cold eyes held deep amusement.
Hu Lei's face flushed in embarrassment at the words. He knew! She checked her shopping bag and found it was as she had requested: non-descript. How had he known? Unfortunately for her, she confirmed his suspicions by looking at her bag. His question had been a simple guess based on his understanding of her.
”How did you disappear like that?” He could not figure it out.
Happy that Zhong Feng was not going to embarrass her further, Hu Lei sighed in relief.
”A beautiful magician never reveals her secrets.” Her upturned nose and smug smile was both exasperating and amusing.
”In that case…” She felt the weight of her shopping bag disappear and her small hand captured in a large warm one. ”We can't have you sneaking off again, can we?”
Hu Lei felt completely defeated because of the double loss she had dealt herself by running off. More importantly, she did not know how to respond to the current predicament. All she could focus on was the powerful hand gently but firmly holding hers. She took a deep breath and tried to will the redness from her face. She would be damned if she would show any embarrassment or shame.
”Where would you like to go next?” The man beside her asked after making sure she was not distressed by his familiar action.