The big boss led Hu Lei to Suite 1701 without any more of his aberrant behaviour. In fact, judging from his demeanour, he did not look like someone who had been drugged. His physical and psychological state seemed to be excellent. As expected, the mighty Zhong Feng was not one to be taken lightly.

However, Hu Lei did not take the ingestion of an unknown substance lightly. She felt concerned for his well-being because she had seen first-hand what these types of mysterious drugs could do. The more crucial problem was that their long-term effect could not be predicted.

Most people, including countless doctors, took drugs like aphrodisiacs lightly and believed that 'venting' would be enough. Unfortunately, this was not the case. These products were not like normal medicine. These kinds of drugs were produced in unsuitable conditions and by people with insufficient knowledge in pharmaceuticals.

Since the substances were illegal, there were no standards and regulations on their manufacture. For instance, some constituents used might be effective, but they could also have a high level of toxicity. If these ingredients were consumed, they could shorten one's lifespan. In addition, the products were not tested thoroughly, so there was no way to determine the long-term side effects.

Typically, even after the effect of the aphrodisiac substance passed, there would be dangerous residues left in the body. The effect would not be obvious at first, but their presence could compromise the immune system and harm internal organs.

Zhong Feng's body condition looked good, and he probably had a strong internal system. However, she did not want to be a person who contributed to the loss of even a single day of his life.

She thought of Jian Ru's role in this matter and her eyes darkened. In truth, she had not been planning on seriously retaliating over a cheap trick that she saw coming from a mile away. However, now that she thought about that woman harming Zhong Feng, she felt true wrath in her gut. It was not the casual anger she showed when the evil emperor teased her. It was a feeling that promised retribution.

”Where would you like me?” the man asked in a casual voice.

Hu Lei looked around the lavish suite in interest. Under ideal circumstances, a patient should be lying down comfortably, to provide access to their body. Unfortunately, the sectional coach in the living room of the suite did not seem like it would accommodate Zhong Feng.

”A bed would be ideal.” She responded immediately.

Zhong Feng smiled a little with a hint of wickedness in his eyes causing her to humph in annoyance. Did anyone know that the president was this childish?

”We cannot afford to waste any more time, Mr Zhong. These drugs can be really harmful. Even if you have a good body constitution, it is better to act quickly.” Her voice finally betrayed her deep worry.

He did not play around anymore when he saw the sense of distress on her face. He led her to the bedroom and obeyed immediately when she instructed him to take off his coat and shirt. If it was any other woman, he would assume that she was intending on eating his tofu. Unfortunately, the look in his small interpreter's eyes only showed clinical interest.

Once he was on the bed, Hu Lei climbed on too so that she could have easy access to his abdomen. She linked her fingers together and cracked her knuckles quickly like a street thug. With single minded focus, she used the power of her index and middle fingers to poke firmly on the firm abdomen. Though the pressure had to be painful, Zhong Feng did not display a hint of discomfort.

”I am sealing the stomach membrane to prevent further absorption of the drug.” She spoke in a calm voice.