Jian Ru felt wrath as she looked at the three women laughing and whispering. She did not like them all, but Hu Lei was particularly irritating to her eyes. She felt like she could stab her a hundred times and still her anger would not be appeased.

She could not wait to put her plan in motion and ruin her forever. Tonight would be the night that the slut would stop being an eyesore.

In truth, though Jian Ru was angry at Hu Lei's designer dress and her natural camaraderie with the beautiful managers, this was not the reason that she had decided to ruin her reputation and get rid of her. Her reasons were much deeper.

Over the week, she had been observing the b*tch and following up on her activities from other employees at Etude. She had found out that the woman had spent almost every moment with CEO Zhong. Even when she was not needed to work, she would stick to him like a barnacle. And when they were not in meetings, she would be lazing around in his office like she owned it.

The worst thing was that the president allowed her to act as she wanted. He did not question her or have her transferred back to the ninth floor. She had also noticed that he did not even seem to mind when she came to the office past the set office hours.

Who knows what manner of witchcraft the woman had used to beguile the President? If she was allowed to continue, she might have him under her clutches completely. She, Jian Ru, would not allow her destined lover to have a woman as hateful as her.

Since she had seen the severity of the situation, she had decided to deal with her immediately and completely. The gala was the best chance to get rid of the slut forever. She felt that her receiving the ticket was a sign from the universe that she should put the woman in her place. Well, even if she had not gotten the ticket, she had had a backup plan. After all, sometimes, fate could be wrong.

Hu Lei sensed the evil intent flowing towards her and looked back. When she realised it was the strange marketer, she nodded at her with a friendly smile. This type of small ant did not even deserve a frown from her. She turned back to her new comrades.

Not long after Hu Lei arrived, a gorgeous lady in an exquisite flowing gown entered the hall, and the crowd fell into a hush. One could tell that she was not ordinary. Among the crowd of normal people, she seemed like a goddess.

She walked to the front of the hall and looked around with a gracious smile.

”I would like to officially welcome you to Demesne Hotel. We hope you have had an opportunity to socialise with your compatriots in the industry and meet...” She continued to talk.

Her presence and aura sparked Hu Lei's curiosity. She could not help but admit that the woman had everything. From her appearance to her clothing, she seemed like a deity. Even the beautiful Lin Man and Chu Heng could not compare.

”Who is she?” she spoke softly while her eyes remained glued to the woman in front.

Her companions did not answer. Instead, a new voice responded.

”Miss Hu does not know?” The words reeked of condescension.

Hu Lei turned from the speaker and saw that strange marketer who had been sending her hostile glares. She did not show any reaction at the words. Jian Ru smiled at her and offered her one of the two glasses of champagne that she had in her hands.