31 LIVING IT UP (1/2)

Hu Lei was planning on calling her usual car service when Zhong Feng insisted on driving her home. She was not certain about her location, but she did not want to interfere with his weekend plans. However, he claimed that he was leaving the apartment anyway, so she graciously accepted the offer.

When they left the building, she could see that the high-end apartment was set somewhere in the city, but in a sparsely populated zone. The general environment was clean and quiet, and it was relatively close to the hub of Supreme City. In addition, the roads did not look like they experienced heavy traffic.

She looked at the neighbourhood in deep contemplation and a thought grew in her mind unbidden. Wouldn't it be nice to live in this convenient but beautiful residential zone?

She did not hate living in the old manor, but she felt that she should not still be living in the house as a grownup. The home was also quite inconvenient. The distance to the central board district was too long, and there was always traffic. She also did not have access to high speed internet which she believed was an essential.

Most importantly, the manor did not hold the best memories for her. She could not even bear to sleep in her old bedroom and had settled in a guestroom. The whispers of the past seemed louder when she was in that old room which should have held her fondest childhood moments.

She mulled on the issue, and she could not also help thinking that moving to an apartment would give her an opportunity to experience the Supreme life she wanted. She would start attending parties, making friends and generally, living it up.

Sure, she had been more of a shut-in more than a living-it-upper since she had been back. However, this could change with a move into the neighbourhood of the young and posh. Perhaps she would even stay up late without the excuse of staring at a screen

The only problem… She looked at the man driving.

”What do you want to say?” he asked without looking at her.

Damn, that peripheral vision…

Hu Lei felt this was good too. After all, she knew that once a thought grew in her mind, it would not stop. It was better to get it out as soon as possible.

”I am interested in getting an apartment in your neighbourhood. Would you be ok with that?” She paused.

He did not respond immediately, so she took that as a sign to continue.