233 Episode 233: "When I remodeled the treasure of an ancient elf, mysterious magical power came along.".txt (1/2)
One hour later, right after the discovery of the Demon Lord's orb, from Nagi's perspective.
This is in front of the altar, set up in the arena.
We were hiding in front of the altar and listening to the story of the Demon King's Orb.
The Orb of the Demon King tells us about the ability to use it as an item.
It was about the rituals that are performed to bring it out.
''──In other words, the 'Ancient Elf' was trying to create a Demon King-like item in order to stabilize the world. The reason being that it could unite humans and subhumans for the purpose of defeating it.
I said.
'You're catching on fast. You're right.'
Well, I've heard about this part from Lord Death: ......
You must have been surprised when you heard about .......
It's a terrible story, I remember.
I hope the 'Ancient Elf' will think of Lord Death a bit.
Rita, Aine, and Cutlass all nodded.
'But even if you create the Demon King itself, it can only be used once. If the Demon King is defeated, it will be the end of the world. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. That's why──
I saw the Orb of the Demon King behind the pillars of the altar.
The vaguely glowing sphere behind the barrier seemed to be waiting for my words.
''──So in order to be able to use the Demon King as many times as possible, the 'Ancient Elves' created an item to make humans look like the Demon King. So that's you 'Demon King's Orb'?
”──── is right.
'The Demon King's Orb' replied.
His voice was indifferent and emotionless.
''I heard that this time, before the 'martial arts tournament', we're going to hold a ceremony to create a Demon King's Army.''
”...... Finally!
You noticed?
Because without the Demon King, there would be no more heroes.
It seems that both the nobles and the 'visitors' are very particular about being brave.
If there was an item that could create the Demon King to be defeated, they would use it.
”The nobles are now selecting the items to be made into the Demon King's Army, and I have heard that they're going to use them.
Did he even bother talking in front of you?
”I can only hear myself because of the Demon King's armor and the one who wears it.
That's right.
So the nobles don't know that the 'Demon King's Orb' can speak or have a will.
That's why the nobles felt comfortable telling the secrets of the project: ......
After talking with the 'Demon King's Orb', I found out some things.
First of all, this 'martial arts tournament' was to create a 'Demon King's Army' for the brave men to defeat.
The nobles were planning to take some of the people they gathered in the name of the Martial Competition to another place.
After that, they plan to change the people into ”something that looks like a demon king” by holding a ceremony using the Demon King's Orb.
The target of the Demon King's Orb will be transformed into a different form and their skills will also change.
If it's done poorly, they won't be able to speak the language of this world.
The winner of the Martial Arts Tournament will become a hero by defeating the created Demon King's Army.
The candidates for that hero are Count Kervis, the lord of the 'Northern Town of Hermilt', and the brave Yamazoe.
''............ s the worst.''
You're not even close to being a dick.
Who's in charge of this project? The person in charge of this project.
”For years, I've been creating something that looks like a demon king through ritual.
But I've never heard of so many Demon Kings?
''This is the first time I've made the Demon King's Army itself. I've only been used twice before. I've only used it twice myself, once as the master of a demon-like bandit gang and once as the boss of a demon-like pirate gang - both times when the kingdom was in turmoil and the power of the king and his nobles was shaken. ......
We were speechless for a while.
Maybe we were just dumbfounded. The story of the ancient elves and the rituals of the nobility.
The way the nobles did it is terrible, but what I'm more concerned about is...
'I see. ...... 'The Demon Lord's Orb' was created, so Lord Death was left alone. ......
What are you thinking, ”Ancient Elf”?
There must be another way to get people to work together. You were a race with amazing technology.
Why are you using technology in such an oblique direction?
Didn't you think about what would happen to Lord Death who was left behind, or how the 'Demon Lord's Orb' would feel after being forced to create a Demon Lord?
If the original 'Ancient Elves' were still alive, I'd want to punch them .......
”The ancient elves are all gone.
But the answer to the 'Demon King's Orb' was short-lived.
''We've tapered off as a race because of all the worrying we've been doing.''
”Too wise for my own good. I was only worried about the future. In the end, I worried about whether I would walk off my right foot or my left, and I was so worried about making mistakes that I was creating magic items that would never be finished.'
Have you ever seen ...... 'Ancient Elves'?
”But... But it's all a bit of a blur.
The Demon King's Orb said.
But the Ancient Elves are extinct. But the Ancient Elves are extinct, and the person who has been managing them is an alchemist under the command of the Ancient Elves.
Where is this alchemist?
He's gone now.
Saying this, the Orb of the Demon King stopped talking.
''............ Have you been doing such things without my knowledge, that I haven't.
Lord Death's voice is trembling.
That's right, ...... if it was made as armor for the demon king to wear and then neglected ...... and another project was done in a different place. You can't help but be stunned.
And this time, a separate 'demon king-like' one is being created.
This is what the nobles and brave men have been trying to do since the death of the White Guild: ......
What do you think they're thinking?
That guy, Count Kelvis, and Yamazoe...
Of course there's no need for heroes if the Demon King doesn't exist.
I mean, if there isn't one, why would I make up something that isn't there?
There are demons in this world, so as long as you defeat them and keep the peace, you'll be treated as a ”hero” in time. You should be satisfied with that.
You don't need to hold a martial arts tournament like this and gather people together. At all.
But there's something I don't understand.
”I wonder...
The 'Demon King's Orb'. Why did you call Lord Death?
Perhaps the reason why Lord Death could hear the voice of the Demon King's Orb is because it's close in existence.
The item that creates the Demon King's army and the armor that the Demon King should wear. It's the same item that has to do with the Demon King.
But there should be no reason for the Demon King's Orb to call out to Lord Death.
I'm not the one who called the Demon King's Armor Death Catastrophe.
The Demon King's Orb said.
''I just called the person who has the rightful ownership of the Demon King's Orb.
”'What about ............?'
I heard a strange voice.
...... No, wait.
To begin with, the fact that the ”Demon King's Orb” conveys information to us is strange.
Let's start from the beginning.
The ancient elves created the Demon King's Orb, and the one who managed it was an alchemist.
And the alchemist disappeared. But a nobleman who knows how to use the Demon King's Orb is trying to use it without permission.
But what if he doesn't have the right to own the Demon King's Orb?
'You mean, now that there are no ancient elves or alchemists, it's me, who Lord Death has acknowledged as the owner, who has the right to you, ......? Is that why you called me here?
''That's right. ''Because the Demon King's Orb and the Demon King's Armor are both items from the Demon King's series made by the Ancient Elves.''
”'I see...'
Rita, Aine, Cutlass, and Lord Death nodded.
'If that's the case, then ...... do I have the right to order The Orb of the Demon King?'
And stop you from functioning?
”If that's what you want...
This 'Demon King's Orb' probably doesn't have any good or evil.
It was created and used by the ancient elves without question.
It's just an item that has the function of changing people, but...
So how does he have consciousness and the ability to think? There's no need for it.
Is it a feature put on by the ”ancient elves” or did it occur naturally ......?
I'm curious.
Let's check out .......
”The Demon King's Orb. What do you know about the Pillar Warding?
I know. I know. Only the chosen one can pass through.
Can the Demon King get through?
That's right.
I approached the pillar while wearing Lord Death.
I told everyone that I could escape whenever the need arose, and then - I reached out to the wards.
'...... Nagi.' 'Nah-kun, be careful.' 'Arujidono!
............ is fine.
The gauntlets of the Maou Yoroi armor went straight through the wards.
As it is, I extend my fingers and touch the sphere on the base.
The alarm doesn't sound.
Of course, I don't become demon king-like. Well, I hear that one requires a ritual.
Then I pulled out my arm, and there was a black sphere about the size of a human fist.
This is the 'Demon King's Orb'.