218 Episode 218 "I tried to make a fake bait for the Demon King to stop the damage to the town.".txt (1/2)

In the port city of Ilgafa, from the perspective of the Nagi.

'The seed! There is no demon king!

It's called ”Demon King Deficiency Syndrome. You're wielding a weapon! Seize him!

The guards surrounded the man, who was shouting in the main street, and the guards surrounded him.

The armor-clad guards slowly narrowed the circle around the man.

'...... maogun?'

The man who was shouting looked at the guards.

''You're a Demon King's Army too...!


I love it!

The sword the man wielded slammed into the guard's shield.

The impact caused the guard to involuntarily back away.

''Seize it! Set up your shields and press on!

'You're a demon army too? Demon King's Army! Demon King's Army! Demon King's Army...!

I'm sorry. Gentlemen. Goin' in.

The man swings his sword like a propeller. The guards, who protected themselves with the Great Shield, wrapped around him and blocked his movements. The man, deprived of his sword, still flails about. After a dozen minutes of this, the guards finally managed to restrain the man.

''...... What is that thing?''

Iris and I were watching the scene in the room of the Ilgafa lord's house, stunned.

The Lord of Irgapha seemed to be tired.

It's the latest freak disease, the Demon King Deficiency Syndrome.

...... It is indeed a strange disease.

I've never heard of such a disease. Father.

It's all the rage these days.

The lord sighed and then began to explain.

''The 'Demon King Deficiency Disease' has begun to spread in the last few dozen days or so.

Those who are affected by this disease, ''The Demon King is! The Demon King's Army? He stalks around the town like a zombie, shouting, 'You're the demon king! ''You're the Demon King?!'' when he finds a soldier or adventurer. He shouted and began to attack. They are also very strong and are said to be difficult to seize.

The common denominator is that most of the patients are adventurers and travelers.

And they are from King's Landing and Metekal.

They have sent inquiries to King's Landing and Metekal, but no details are available.

Or rather, it was said that there were patients over there as well.

''I will ask my lord about it. I've heard that people are gathering in 'Commercial City Metekal', do you know anything about it?

I'm sure your father has dealings with the merchants of Metecar.

In response to me and Iris' question, the lord thought for a moment and then

Right now, I hear that the 'Martial Arts Tournament' is being prepared in 'Commercial City Metekal'.

A 'martial arts tournament'?

Yes. It's a tournament to choose the brave man who can defeat the Demon King.

Could it be that one of the requirements of the tournament is 'hate the demon king'?

Do you know what it says?

The lord took out a piece of parchment and presented it in front of me and Iris.

On it, it was written that an organization called the 'Original Brave Guild' had obtained unique information that the Demon King was coming from across the sea. In order to find a brave person who can compete with it, the Original Guild and the noblemen with the support of the royal family are going to hold a ”Martial Arts Competition for Brave Men”.

The 'Original Guild of the Brave' is, as I recall, a group of mainly swordsmen.

I've heard that it was in conflict with the Original Brave Men's Guild, which was mainly composed of wizards.

When I thought I stopped hearing about it in the northern town of Hermilt, I heard that they had come to Metecal.

...... So this is the plan of the 'Original Heroic Guild'?

''Do you think that the Sea Dragon Brave Lord thinks that the martial arts tournament is related to the 'Demon King Deficiency'?''

I don't know. It's just that I have something I'd like to try.

Something you want to try?

First, let me ask you something. People with ”Demon King Deficiency Syndrome” attack soldiers and adventurers, right? You don't do much with the public?

'Yes. They may attack when they try to stop you, but it's still the soldiers and adventurers who make the first attack.

''What did the 'Demon Lord Deficiency Syndrome' person say after you seized him? Or even a companion of someone who has developed the disease, any idea what might have caused it?

......He may have run out of steam, but he's in a coma. Many of his friends have been running away from him for fear of getting involved ...... and we haven't been able to get much testimony from them.

I see.

The only way to get a testimony is to neutralize the opponent before he runs out of power, right?

Got it. I'd like to try something. Will you help me?

I said.

'Maybe we can find out the cause of the 'Demon King Deficiency Syndrome'.

'Oh! What kind of a plan is that?!

The lord leaned forward.

I've told him the plan.

I'll need the help of the guards for this. And I need Iris' advice.

We know the real Demon Lord doesn't exist.

So, we should find out here what kind of 'Demon King' the 'Demon King' that the 'Demon King Deficiency Syndrome' people are aware of.

''As expected of big brother. I think it's a good idea.''

That's an interesting idea. Good. Let's get the guards ready to go.

Iris and the lord nodded.

Then we discussed and decided to go and work out a plan.

──────────────────── ...

'Where is the Demon King? There is no demon king!

A woman's cry echoed through the night in Irgafa.

The woman, who seemed to be an adventurer, drew her sword and shouted in the main street.

'Oh, hey, what's going on?'

'You're in a martial arts tournament, aren't you! Don't cause problems here!

Without hearing her companions shout, the woman draws her sword and runs towards the guards at hand.

The guards hold up their large shields. All of them are pale.

Every night these days, those with the 'Demon King Deficiency Syndrome' have been on a rampage.

Miraculously, there have been no casualties, but it's only a matter of time.

How long will this kind of thing continue for as long as it takes?

”Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Just as I thought that, a scream went up in the alleyway.

The guards, the adventurers, and the woman from the 'Demon Lord Deficiency Syndrome' all looked in that direction at the same time.

A suspicious figure stood in the alleyway.

Black armor. A cloak with a blood-red lining. A helmet with a crimson tassel on it.

The face is covered by a face with raised eyes and a hole in the shape of a gaping mouth.

For all intents and purposes, it was a suspicious person.

”Oh, you, you, you...

The woman with 'Demon King Deficiency' stops in her tracks.

She turns to the black shadow standing in the alleyway, as if she has completely forgotten about the guards.

”You're the Demon King──!

'Wait! That's just a guy in cool armor!

”It's Miizuge! You've been there for five minutes, but aaaaah!

The woman's eyes were bloodshot and her breath was heavy.

Her fellow adventurers were surprised by her instantaneous power.

The woman, who drew her sword, swept past them in an instant and slashed at the man in armor.

''Stop it ────!

Don't cause a scandal here...

The woman was already approaching the 'man in armor' when her companion shouted.

It is no longer possible to defend or evade in time.

The woman raises her sword and tries to bring it down on the man with all her might...



The slime that was lying on the ground caught her foot and she fell down.

The woman spun around with great force and crashed into the wall of the alley - but for some reason the slime was there as well, and it gently received her body. The sword she was holding fell off and was on the ground. She stood up and tried to pick up the sword, but──.

We are Irgafa regulars. We need to talk to you.

His hand was held by a man in the armor of a regular soldier.

''Oh, you guys!''

A group of fellow adventurers spoke up.

It was answered by a soldier who looked like a captain.

''I'm sorry to frighten you. We were ordered by our lord to look for someone with 'Demon King Deficiency'.

Oh, is that slime ......?

'I honestly don't know ...... but I've heard there's no harm in it.'

'Who was that 'cool armor' guy from earlier!

That's one of our associates.

Collaborator, sir?

'Ah. He said he was going to wander around looking like a demon king to protect the guards and the people of the town. He's protecting us by drawing attention to himself, you know.

At ......, but it's gone.

”My lord said, 'He's a very swift man'.

'Yeah, maybe. How much more so: ......

The adventurers pointed to an alleyway.

The man in the 'cool armor' who had been there earlier had disappeared before long.

I couldn't even see him run away. It was as quick as an illusion.

”We minimize the damage and as long as we hear from this person, that's all that matters.

Are you sure?

Yeah. ”Yeah, we're on our way to the next place. We'll leave some people here, and you can tell the rest of you what happened to that girlfriend over there - the one who went on the rampage - if she's been any different lately.

After saying that, the regulars walked away.

Nagi's point of view...