216 Episode 216 "Request to the Saint and the Form of the Saints Wish".txt (1/2)

The day after we left the northern town of Hermilt, we arrived safely at the resort of Mishlila.

We have to unload water and food, so we're stopping here today and tomorrow. What are you all going to do?

We're going to go see a few people.

You know him?

The one in the mountains.

If you're on the ...... mountain, you won't be able to get back in two days. ......

I'll take care of it. Then!

We left the Mishlila recreation area and went to the street.

We had to make sure it was clear.

”Aine, please.

I got it. Activate Sister's Treasure Chest. Come on out, Lord Death and Chariot!

”Here I am, that I am!


From Aine's storage skills, the box-shaped Lord Death and Chariot appeared.

And then...

”Transformation, that it is!

One of the party members struck a cool pose at the same time as Lord Death's transformation.

It was so cool that Lila's nose bled.

Then we connected the horse-shaped Lord Death to the chariot and put in a split Elder Slime.

We're ready.

Off we go!

「「「「「 oh! 」」」」」

We went all the way to the Labyrinth of Our Lady.

...... It didn't take you more than two hours.

'It's really great. Mr. Death and Chariot.

The rough stuff is no problem for me. It's amazing.

You wouldn't believe the speed of six people.

As expected of a demon armor.

I'm impressed. ......

It's really amazing, Lord Death and Chariot.

If it were normal, it would take half a day to get from the recreation area to the mountain where the saintly lady is.

I mean, if the 'Ancient Elf' has this level of technology, they should use it for a comfortable life, not to counter the Demon King. It's just a waste of technology.

''If you think about it in a common sense, that's more beneficial.

No, I'm starting to lose my common sense.

Lila, you're blue in the face. Do you suffer from car sickness?

”I'm techno drunk: ...... so how can you all look at all this superb technology and skill and be normal?

Get used to it, Mr. Lila.

Raphilia popped, and tapped Lila on the shoulder.

'When you're with your master, this becomes more and more normal and pleasant, you know.

'Hmm. If you say so, Mr. Elf, you're right!

Lila nodded.

...... I think you're being too honest with Raphilia, Lila.

Then we parked Lord Death and Chariot at the foot of the mountain.

It's not polite to visit so many people at once, so it's just me, Lila and Rafilia going to the holy woman's.

Everyone else was going to take a break at the foot of the mountain.


Rafilia and I stood in front of the cave, talking in unison.

Delilirah-san, he's coming!

”Come on! I've been waiting for you: ────!


The rock that had been blocking the entrance crumbled, revealing a saintly golem.

This time it's not figure size. It's life-size.

What's more, she's smashing the rock with a punch and raising her fist to the sky with a scowl on her face. It's so cool.

It's too late, you know. It's getting late, isn't it? I've been waiting for you, Nagi. I sent you a message and you haven't been able to get it in yet!

'The Message Golem'?

'That's right. I sent it to Nagi's house at the sanatorium, but it hasn't come for a long time. Delilira-san, I thought you didn't like me. ......

She looks sad and depressed, saint.

Doesn't the tension rise and fall too much, saintly woman?

'Could it be that you forgot to tell me the other day that you're going on a vacation?

'...... Sorry, I heard that. I forgot it was Mr. Delilira.

The saintly lady clapped her hands with a pop.

'No, that's right, that's right. I'm sorry. I was so absorbed in making magic items for a while that my memory just flew off. So you didn't hear Delilira-san's message then?''

'Yes. What's the story on the saint's side?

''It's nothing important. But first, I need to know what you want to do with Nagi-kun.

Okay. Raphilia, Lila, come here.

I call out, and Raphilia and Lila step forward.

They both look at the saint and bow.

''Well, well, well, it's been a long time, Rafilia-kun. Are you ...... first time we've met?''

My name is Lila Tinotas. I've heard rumors about you, Your Highness.

”...... Oh. You're not alone. Do you have two souls?

How do you know?

As expected of a saint.

You didn't say anything, but you noticed Uriera-san's presence.

”Well, you know. After all, Delilira is a saint! Yes, sir!

””Oh, ────.”

Koto, koto, koto.

Me, Raphilia, Lila, and Mr. Work Golem joined in the applause.

That's my girl. Dependable.

''Then we'll have to talk fast. As a matter of fact, this Lila-san has the soul of a person from the 'Ancient Elle' who died a long time ago. But ...... that person has been bound by a mission for a long time, and even now that he's been freed, he can't move freely.

She's my sister.

It's my own ancestor.

So I was wondering if you could lend me your vessel to put the soul in.

'...... sounds complicated, can you elaborate on that?'

Yes, sir.

I've decided to blurt it all out to the Lady.

That Raphilia is the 'Ancient Elleleitai'.

That her sister, Uriella-Grace.

That Uriella-san woke up before Rafilia and was bound to her mission even after she died.

That we found Lord Death in the ruins of the Ancient Elves. The identity of the Demon King.

That there was a genius from the Ancient Elves who planned it all.

The saint was listening to my explanation with her arms folded.

'...... I see, that's what happened.'

─ After I finished, he nodded with a serious face.

'An ancient elf, huh? I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this. So Nagi-kun and the others thwarted that ambition.

That's the way it is.

”So you want to give Uriera-san, who's been tied up with the mission all these years, a free body to move around in?

Yes. Could you, please, my saint?

'Don't underestimate this Delilira-san. How could you refuse to cooperate with such a story? No, no!''

The saint clapped her hands.

'Good! Let's make a golem that this Mr. Delilira can put his soul in! The best of the best!

'Thank you. Saints.

...... Thanks for the help.

Thank you so much .......

Raphilia looked serious, and Lila bowed her head in tears.

'But are you sure?'


Of course we are going to pay you, but we were thinking of borrowing the golem that Your Highness hasn't been using. But then I was told that she would make a top quality product for us.

I don't mind. This is Delilah's decision.

The saintly woman puffed out her chest.

''If such a plan has been carried out in the past, Delilira-san is no stranger to this. It's possible that the Demon King's Plan could have had something to do with Delilirah's being made a saint. I can't leave you alone.''

The ancient elves had been planning to be involved with the 'Demon King' since long ago.

If that's the case, even the fact that the Saintess was given the role of a saint before her death might have something to do with it. So it's not a personal matter...

But if that's the case...

I suppose my being summoned from another world might have something to do with it.

'Well. Delilira-san thinks about it sometimes. 'What would have happened if Nagi-kun had been on the side of the heroes?'

What if I was on the side of the hero?

”Yes. If only you were the mission-minded type, manipulating your Inochiki skills and working for the king...'' Maybe Delilira's labyrinth would have been taken over by brave men and used to counter the demon king. I think it's really, really good that you weren't that kind of person.'

...... If I were the mission-driven type.

............ I can't imagine it at all.

But if I wore a cool sword and armor and worked for the king with all the people I was summoned to work for at the same time...

The secret of the ”Ability Rebuild” is also passed on to the king, and he might use it to provide slaves.

The skills of those children will be forcibly rewritten - creating an army of cheat heroes .......

If I send those kids to the nobility to work for the black world...


I felt a chill run through me.

'Ma, Master? Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a bad idea.

No, seriously, I want a break (kanbei).

I don't like the idea of me being a black employer and using my slaves ...... just to imagine it.

In such a situation, it's better to create a self-destructive skill with 'Ability Rebuild 《Skill Structure》' and annihilate the world.

' ...... Please don't say nasty things. Saintess.

'I'm sorry, ....... You didn't like that.

'I'm just who I am, and I'm grateful to have met you all. Really.

Maybe the future was just like the one the saint mentioned.

It's a good thing that you're able to get your hands on a few of them.

...... I really should be grateful for the opportunity to meet you all .......

It's a good idea to make a golem for Uriela-san. Of course, I'll pay you.

''I see, so as a reward, I'll ask you to do me a favor, Delilira-san!

What's this about?

The first one. One more thing, you'll need it to make a golem for Uriella. I need Rafilia, who is also an 'Ancient Elle', to help me with this. Uriella and Rafilia should have the same soul shape. I'll make a golem based on Rafilia-kun's example. ''I'll make a golem based on Rafilia-kun.

Rafilia, could you do me a favor?

'Of course, sir, but ...... can I keep my underwear on?'

Raphilia looked at me for some reason and said.

”I've decided that I won't expose my bare skin to anyone but my master!

'...... No, Delilira, you don't have any taste for looking at your naked body either, do you?

'Of course. If the master can be present, he can be present at ...... otherwise .......

'I told you, it's okay to wear clothes. It's all about the soul!

Really? That's too bad.

Raphilia, stop blushing when you glance at me.