213 Episode 213 "Cheat Brides Worries and Senior Slave Guidance Again".txt (1/2)

Good work, everyone.

After neutralizing Joss Kosaka from the Original Brave Guild, we returned to the Valley of the Sumiro, where we spent a lot of time moving and gathering information.

It took us a while to get around and gather information. We are going to stay here today.

If you plan to stay the night, please use the cave where the tailbone is located.

Uriera said to us as we looked for a place to camp.

The purpose of the pilgrimage, the Bone of the Tail, is in a large cave.

We were told that we could spend the night there after the pilgrimage. Laila and her villagers will spend the night there and return to the village.

Since it's such a special occasion, we decided to use this house.

The host, Laila, is still absent. Uriera-san said that she has permission to borrow the body.

We'll explain to her that this will be our last pilgrimage, and that she is a descendant of the Ancient Elleweiler, and then we'll say our goodbyes.

I'm sure Laila-san will be surprised.

”Please use that cave.

We descended into the Black Valley and headed upstream to the river, where we saw a hole in the rock wall.

This is the cave where the bones of the tail are located, the destination of the pilgrimage.

When I entered, it was a large space inside. Soft grasses grew on the ground like a cushion.

This hall near the entrance is where the pilgrims stay.

At the end of the hall is a corridor with a number of rooms. The innermost room is where the Bone of the Tail is located - Uriera-san told me.

'It's a little chilly inside the cave ...... isn't it? Big brother.

Iris is shaking and holding my hand.

The entrance is open, so a cold breeze comes in.

It's also rocky inside, so it's definitely a chilly feeling.

You'll need to take precautions. Tsk.

When I thought Iris had grabbed my jacket, ...... it went straight in and crawled inside.

I'm sure you'll be able to find it. It's warm, isn't it?

Mr. Iris. It's not fair! Please let me in!

So, master is on your back, big brother.

Okay. Okay. (SNAP)

Raphilia flipped my jacket up and snuggled it against my back.

'Nagi-sama. Can I take the left side?

I'd like to be on the right side.

It's called ...... with Cecil sticking to my left and Cutlass sticking to my right.

'Um, I'm stuck at ......,'

It's not a good idea to have a good time, but it's a good idea to have a good time. I'm not going to be able to get the same thing done, but I'm going to be able to call up Fynn and have five people work together to warm up the house.

「「「「 is a huuuuge 」」」」

Everyone stays attached to me and sighs contentedly.

'I see ...... my sister Raphilia-Grace is living a life like this.

I noticed Lila-san - Uriella-Grace was staring at me.

''I like .............''

Are you sure about that, Mr. Uriella!

Me, Cecil, Iris, Rafilia, and Cutlass are in a group. We're all snuggled up together.

Since we were going to be in a battle that wasn't planned, everyone seemed to be nervous.

And since I've been on the front lines this time, they've been worried about me. I guess I'll keep it that way for a while. ......

...... Good call.


............ windproof insulation. It's for the prevention of colds.

I noticed that Aine had taken out a large piece of cloth and hooked it to the entrance of the cave.

It's a picnic sheet, that she carries around for travel. It seems that she took it out of her storage skill 'sister's treasure chest'.

Aine blocked the entrance to the cave with it, and then she looked at us and...

It's going off. My sister's lair!

─ I activated the ”Spirit Link” skill, ”Sister's Lair”.


A warm breeze blew in from nowhere.

The ceiling began to glow faintly. Like an electric light from the original world.

Aine tapped on the wall with a pop, and water flowed out of it. No, looking at the steam coming out, it's hot water.

The hot water that fell to the ground disappears out of nowhere. It's exactly like the waterworks itself.

As expected of Aine's ”KODAMA” skill.

The inside of the cave was turned into a comfortable space in the blink of an eye.

My sister's lair.

Warding skills that create a comfortable space.

The warding is fully equipped with heating, running water and a stove. The smoke comes out normally, so cooking is safe.

However, the ward itself has no defensive ability, so it cannot be used in battle.

''Yes. I got warmed up. Everyone, we're going to start getting ready for our overnight stay.

「「「「...... yes」」」」

With a few words from her sister, everyone let go of their hands in a regretful manner.


Aine looks at everyone with a troubled look on her face.

'I know you want to pester me, Nah-kun, but you can't embarrass me. Right?

''I'm sorry. After seeing Nagi-sama's fight with the ”Flame Fiend” (Efreet), I was ...... worried about him.” ”He wanted to stick together so that big brother wouldn't do anything recklessly,” she said. You must let me fight next time.

Cecil, Iris, Raphilia, and Cutlass all have worried looks on their faces as well.

It's not every day that I'm on the front lines of a fight. They must have been surprised.

But ...... this time I had no choice.

I wanted to hear directly from the visitors of the Original Brave Men's Guild to see what they were thinking.

He said that the next generation of brave guilds will be ”chosen”.

Which means that someone in this world has the right to choose one. There is no 'Guildmaster' anymore. So is the next generation of the Guild of Heroes to be chosen by the royal family or the nobility?

I was hoping to hear something like that, but in the end I couldn't.

I'm not such a good talker either.

I guess I'm waiting for information from Rita and Leticia about ...... the royal family and nobles.

They're on their way to the ”Commercial City Metekal” now. We should be able to get some information about the royal capital there.

Let's leave that to them and we'll focus on exploring the Ancient Elf Ruins.

Yes. Everybody has to work.

Clapping, Aine clapped her hands.

'Cecil-chan, get some water from the bucket. I will show you how to make the water. Iris, you will prepare the tea. There is a stove in the cave. Rafilia and Cutlass, go outside to the river and catch some fish. Aine, go and prepare the evening meal.

What about me?

You're not allowed to step foot outside.

Not a step?

”I want you to be grounded for the rest of the day. Please.


We were all really, really worried about the fight today, you know?

Aine is staring at me.

...... Are you angry, Aine?

Of course I was afraid to go in front of the ”Fiery Demon (Efreet)”, but I was prepared for that, right? I even confirmed with Reggie that 'I can slay at least a spirit called up by magic'? I had Cecil and Rafilia's magic ready to go, too, you know?

...... I don't think there's anything to worry about...

”...... naa kun

Yes, sir.

So, you're going to reassure Aine and the others?

Is it safe?

You didn't get injured when you fought against 'Fiery Demon (Efreet)'. I'm not going to be able to say that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. I want Aine and the others to confirm that.

Aine has serious eyes.

This means ...... that I've really worried you, right?

'Okay. Good.

Do you have anything to say to your master?

I won't. So just make sure I'm okay until you all feel better.

I understand. Then everyone takes turns changing Naki-kun's clothes until we return to town.

...... Huh?

Specifically, morning and night. Also, after the bath, you have to take off your clothes and put them on. Together.

What? Aine!

Then you will know for sure that Nay-kun is not injured at all. Of course, we all have to wipe off the body together. Then we have to make sure that she is getting enough nutrition. We have to make sure that they are getting proper nutrition. We have to check up close and personal whether they are sleeping well or not.

Wait. That's just too much.

'You don't have two words for your master, do you?

No, no amount of embarrassment. I am.

You're okay.

Aine smiled very nicely and gave a 'gulp' of her thumb.

''I'm not going to embarrass you just for Nay-kun.

So, as of today.

Iris (rock-paper-scissors, or rock-paper-scissors, to be determined) would ”aww” at me while I ate my food, and then she would ”aww” at me while I ate my food.

While I was undressing Cutlass, he was undressing me.

I was to spend my technical days dressing Aine while she dressed me.

That night.

...... Huh?

I thought I heard footsteps and I opened my eyes.

”............ fumigation. Nagishama ...... ah.

............ Cecil, go to bed.

I squirm out of Cecil's arms, who is sleeping next to me, and stand up.

Aine, Iris and Cutlass are all asleep in the cave.

There are two empty blankets. They are Raphilia's and Uriella's.

I noticed a faint glow at the back of the cave.

Is it the magic of the light? I'm not sure if Rafilia and Uriella are there.

I'll go too.

I'm sure I've seen it before, but I want to see it again.

The tailbone of the Earthgalls' tail that was left at the bottom of the cave.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Master!

I'm sorry. Master.

As expected, Raphilia and Uriella were in the back room.

There's a large bone buried in the wall of the room.

This is the tail bone of the 'Earth Dragon Earthgalls'.

On its side, there is a red colored crystalline body embedded in it. This one was left behind by the ancient elves and is what holds Uriera-san together in this world.

'What happened to Raphilia and Uriella-san?

I was just telling Sister Uriella about the future.

It's about the Great Valley and the Ancient Elven Ruins that lies ahead.

Raphilia and Uriella nodded.

'As you climb up this 'ink-colored valley', there is a cleft in the earth. We were just giving you a heads up, as the Masters seem to be passing through that way.

Yes, I see. Thank you, Uriella.

”Yes. ''Once you pass the 'Great Valley', the 'Ancient Elf Ruins' should be just around the corner.'''

Have you ever seen those ruins, Uriela?

None. After I was born, I traveled the world and created a hiding place for Lyra and her friends. Then, after I died, only my soul came back here. I suppose this crystalline body was what immobilized my soul.

How long ago was that?

''It was more than 100 years ago. Back then, there was the Heavenly Dragon Blanchalka. The Guildmaster also seems to have already existed at ....... Although I don't think the two have ever met.

Your sister, Uriella, used to be an adventurer.

Yes. It's the quickest way for those who have no relatives to make a living.

So, can you tell me a story about that time?

Yes. Of course.

Then, sitting in the cave, Uriela told me about the old days.

About the demons back then, which were even more powerful than now.

That the demon that destroyed an entire town was instantly killed by the celestial dragon Blanchalka with his breath.

The scales of the celestial dragon were sold for a high price as a good luck charm.

The various small nations began to fight wars, and this Kingdom of League Nadal grew as a result.

It wasn't until after I died that I realized I was the 'Ancient Elleleitre'.

Uriella said.

'My soul came back here after I died, and that's when I remembered my mission.

Uriella said, looking up at the crystalline body.

''The rest is as I told you yesterday. Unbeknownst to me, the lore of 'pilgrimage' was left behind in my descendants, and they naturally came here.

Before he died, I think I also met the Guildmaster. I had told that person that I was an 'Ancient Elf' and that I would cooperate with his purpose.

I became a liaison of the 'White Guild' as prescribed by the 'Ancient Elves' and I have allowed my descendants to cooperate with the Guild.

...... Uriella sister.

I am sinful.

You were on a mission to do just that: ...... I can't help it.

It's the 'Ancient Elves' that are to blame.

Like Raphilia's misfortune skills, they have given their replicas a self-serving mission. Moreover, they left them behind in the world after their own destruction without even informing them of it.

They are a black race. Totally.

I wonder what the 'Ancient Elves' were thinking.