206 Episode 206 "I tried to legally persuade the guard who complains about his family while traveling.".txt (1/2)
From Nagi's point of view.
After killing the pirate goblins.
The 'Wind Spirit Mages' told me about the 'Original Heroic Guild' and the 'Original Heroic Guild'.
''We were recruited by an adventurer ...... while on vacation.
The adventurer showed his strong magical power and then told me about his previous practice.
He then told the 'Wind Spirit Mages'.
''In a few months, there could be an incident related to the Demon King's Army. In order to deal with it, I'd like you talented people to help me.
The adventurer also said, ”Beware of the 'Original Heroes' Guild'. That's run by a fake hero.” ...... It seems that the adventurer went on to give a warning: ”Beware of the 'Original Heroes Guild', it's run by a fake hero.
”We 'Wind Spirit Mages' were always looked down upon by the adventurers.
I saw a chance to look back. I'm sorry.
After they spoke, the girls began to weep raggedly.
'We weren't cut out to be brave. ......
''I will work for the port city that received the 'Sea Dragon's Blessing'. Your salary, it's good. ......
''I look forward to working with you in the future!
...... Oh, oh.
The commander of the regulars who heard the story was troubled by it, but...
Mm. Mm. You'd better be quick about complaining about your job. You're very important to the port city of Irgafa, whose livelihood is based on shipping, and you're very important to them!
This is how the story was settled.
By the way, the adventurer who recruited me to the 'Original Brave Men's Guild' was a young wizard.
His name is unknown. All I know is that he was a tall man with red hair.
But they said that they remembered him insisting that wizards were the only ones who could save the world from crisis. The 'Wings and Swords' emblem of the 'Original Heroic Guild' means 'Let your sword grow wings and go away', they said.
It's a guild that prioritizes wizards and ...... countermeasures against the demon king.
I really don't want to get involved in .......
I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make the most out of your time with us.
We took a day to relax and, as promised, bathed Reggie, Iris and Fynn, plus we left the next day.
We boarded the ship again and spent about a day in the 'Northern Town of Hermilt'.
”So this is the 'northern town of Hermilt'?
It's a cooler place.
If it's summer weather at the retreat, it's more like early fall here.
Next to me, Cecil and Aine murmured.
The ship has just arrived at the port of the northern town.
It's a bit chilly here, unlike the year-round warmth of Mishurira.
Of course, we've taken precautions against the cold. Aine made a list of things we'll need before the trip and sent it to Iris, so we stocked up on everything at the market.
Now we're wearing our fall jackets. Everything else we need is in Aine's storage skill, ”My sister's treasure chest”. I've already shared the list of contents with everyone. Sharing information is basic.
'...... is there a ruin up ahead?'
Beyond the city, I could see a forest and a short mountain.
According to the information from the ”Earth Dragon Earthgulls”, the ”Ancient Elf City” is located beyond that mountain.
I confirmed the route when I was in the port city of Ilgafa. It's not exactly a difficult place to get to. There's a normal route through the mountains, and apparently the townspeople use it for hunting and trading.
However, there were no rumors about the ruins. That means they haven't been found yet.
Since it's the 'Ancient Elves', they may be hiding their existence with some kind of magical trick.
According to the map, we are about a day and a half walk from the town to the ruins. We'll discuss where we can stay during the trip at the inn.
'We have to go to the merchant in this town first, right? Brother.
I nodded at Iris's words.
The lord of the port town has asked me to deliver the goods and bonsai to him,” I said. I'll do the job for which he gave me a ship. The goods should be waiting for our arrival in the warehouse district at the harbor.
Right now, the regulars are going through the formalities of entering the city.
When that's done, we'll get off the ship too.
Just when I think that's all...
Please wait!
Suddenly, I heard a loud voice from the harbor.
When I looked, I saw several soldiers in armor standing in front of the Ilgafa regular soldiers.
'We are the guards of the 'Northern Town of Hermilt'. Before you are sent on land, we have some things to confirm!
'This is the port city of Ilgafa, sent by its lord. What kind of confirmation is this?
The regular soldiers of Ilgafa answered.
The blue-armored soldiers cried out in a hushed tone, ”Will there be wizards among those who land?
”I wonder if there will be any wizards among those who will land?
What about ......?
''The lord has given us instructions now. All wizards in this town are to be registered and monitored. I'm sorry, but you will have to follow them.
'Wait! I didn't hear anything about that!
Of course you don't care. The Ilgafa regulars are warriors, aren't they? On top of that, they are officially employed by the lord of the port city of Ilgafa. They must be very strong people. No, it's wonderful.
The guards spread their hearts out and said, ”The warriors and swordsmen who stand on the front lines and fight in a fair manner are what this town respects.
They said, ”The warriors and swordsmen who stand in the front line fairly and squarely are what this town respects. You are trustworthy. But not wizards. They are cowards who use their warriors as a wall and release their magic at the safety of the rear.
We don't need magic. Chanting will create an opening. No matter how hard you try, you're no match for a quick warrior.
I don't trust wizards. They could unleash their magic on the entire city at any moment. Hence why this has been done.
...... What the hell is that?
Even the regular soldiers of Ilgafa are stunned. It's like they've never heard of it before.
'What if there's a wizard on the ship and he refuses to register and monitor it?
You are denied permission to land.
The town guard answers the question of the Ilgafa regular soldier.
The first thing you need to do is to have your magic used in the town. Well, unless you can prove that you're a truly reliable wizard, but how can there be such a wizard?
............ Yeah, I'm sorry.
The Ilgafa regular soldier looked at me with a troubled face. I know.
There are some 'wind spirit mages' aboard this ship. And Cecil and Rafilia are ostensibly dark elves and elves. They'll probably get treated like wizards.
Cecil and Rafilia will be placed under the ...... guard's surveillance. ......?
It's not a joke. I'm not going to let that happen to you both.
”Cecil, Rafilia, come here for a minute. Aine, too.
Yes, Mr. Nagi. Mr. Nagi, we will take action, won't we?
I took Cecil, Raphilia, and Aine and hid behind the pile of luggage.
''Aine. Did you hear about the 'registration and surveillance of wizards' going on in this town?
I'm not listening.
Aine shook her head.
''The 'Northern Town of Hermilt' is the defence base of the country and is home to many mines. We need the power of wizards for defense and mining. It shouldn't be possible to discriminate against them.
I see.
That makes me wonder if it's something that just started recently.
I looked through the gap in my luggage toward the town.
Beyond the harbor, I saw the main street of the town. The only people walking down the street are people in normal clothes and warriors with swords and spears. There are no people anywhere who look like wizards. Ilgafa should have had normal wizard-like people walking around the recreational area, though.
'Let's disguise ourselves,'
I looked at Aine.
'I'm sorry, but can you get some spare clothes out of your storage skill 'sissy's treasure chest'?
Okay. What are you going to wear?
It's .............
I whispered into Aine's ear.
I don't know if you've brought it with you or not, since you don't need it right now, but...
Of course I'm prepared.
Aine clapped her hands with a plop.
'Since we're going on a trip, I don't need as many clothes as I can find. I'm bringing those clothes with me too, you know?'
That's my girl.
I'm doing it for you and for everyone. It's for your sake and everyone else's.
You could cover your ears with a hood - but that would be blatantly suspicious. So, this outfit is better. I'll just do it anyway.
You can even force your way through when the situation calls for it.
Iris is pretending to be 'Anshinto Kokoro Yasumaru' and she has Rafilia's disguised cloak. But right now we're in the position of being the Irgapha Lord's messengers. Regular soldiers are watching us, and we want to get through this as legally as possible.
Then, Cecil and Rafilia, hurry up and get dressed. Let's try to convince the guards in a quiet manner.
”Yes, sir!
And so we began our mission.
After we finished getting dressed.
I took Cecil and Raphilia by the hand and got off the boat.
The guards looked at me.
The guards stacked their spears in a crisscross pattern, blocking our path.
''What's wrong with ......?''
Are you guys ...... adventurers?
The guards stared at me.
'Hmm. I hear there are no nobles on board this ship. It's a merchant ship. So you must be an adventurer of the escort. So, you're either an adventurer or ...... just an adventurer for hire. I see.
What's the problem with being an adventurer?
You're not a problem for yourself. You wear armor. You carry a large sword on your back, but you are used to walking under its weight. I'm a swordsman. I have nothing to say to you.
But! The two in the back would be an elf and a dark elf! Both are of a race that is skilled in magic.
I've given you two a dagger.
'It doesn't matter! If you're a race that's good at magic, you'll definitely use magic. Since you're entering this town, you'll be subject to registration and surveillance measures!
We are here on a mission from the lord of the port city of Ilgafa.
I said.
'My lord will testify to their identities. And the two here are my dearest companions. I don't see why you shouldn't believe me and trust them.
”It is the policy of my lord, the Earl.
Registering wizards and monitoring them?
'But they're not wizards. They're a race that's skilled in magic, but that's not their job. Because they're my slaves (・・・・), because they're my slaves (・・・・・・).
Oh, yes. As you can see, we are the master's slaves.
Cecil and Rafilia stepped forward.
It's a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
You'll be able to find out more about the best way to get the most out of your time.
Slave clothes - to be precise, the kind of crude clothing that Cecil was made to wear in the slave shop.
It's a simple outfit made of cheap cloth and fastened with an obi.
Cecil's was in Aine's 'sister's treasure chest' as a change of clothes. Raphilia's was ...... somehow she prepared it as a hobby and had Aine keep it for her. She said it was ”for when the ...... master wants to play like that.” ...... Huh? Funny, when I heard that information I would have said that I wanted clothes that I could get dirty in: ......?
They wear a collar. They can't disobey my orders.
Therefore, they don't use magic of their own accord. I'll be on the front lines if I tell them to. You're on the lookout for 'cowards unleashing magic in the safe rear', right? They don't hit it. Hence, there should be no need for registration or monitoring.
We don't use magic unless our master wants us to, and we're all slaves to love.
I put Cecil and Raphilia in 'slave clothes' to emphasize that they are slaves.
By the master-slave contract, the master gets the right to give orders to the slave. A slave cannot disobey that order.
In other words, by guaranteeing that I, the master, won't let them use magic, I can show them that they are safe.