182 Episode 182 "In order to solve the mystery of the waterside, all the cheat characters started the investigation".txt (1/2)
The next morning. You're at your vacation home in the sanctuary of Mischlila.
I'm afraid that's what happened.
As we transitioned to the recreation area, we were listening to Leticia and Cutlass' reports.
It was last night that we transitioned here.
One night later, and now Cecil, Aine, Iris, Raphilia, Leticia, and Cutlass are gathered in the living room of the villa. Rita should still be in the saint's labyrinth.
Letitia's report was brief and accurate.
Rita, Cutlass, and Letitia have taken care of Delilira (a golem with an entrance) and the mermaid (a mermaid) girl up the river.
Both the mermaid and the body of the demon found in the village - the ”Horned Serpent” - are creatures of the sea and cannot be in the river.
And that for some reason there was not a single 'sea-related quest' in the Adventurer's Guild.
''It's kind of ...... spooky, isn't it?''
I agree.
Me, Letitia and Cutlass all nodded in unison.
Cecil and Iris also have a difficult look on their faces.
Aine and Rafilia stand up when they hear the sound of water boiling. It looks like they're going to make a cup of tea.
'What do you think, Cecil and Iris?'
I'd like to hear what the mermaid has to say. If you're a sub-human of the sea, you might have information about the Demon Dragon's Dungeon, which is located by the sea.
'Yes. If you're a sub-human associated with the sea, you might listen to what Iris has to say.
...... You have a point. Either way, we can't just leave that mermaid girl alone like this.
I think I should at least listen to what they have to say while I return them to the sea.
Besides, Iris has the blood of a sea dragon. To the sub-humans of the sea, she is the descendant of a god-like being. The current Iris might be able to communicate with the mermaid girl. If Cecil is with her, we can manage any magic-related problems.
I guess I should have the two of them go to the Saintess first.
Besides, the sea dragon Kerkator said that the sea is noisy lately. This might have something to do with what happened.
It's just like Cecil said, the place that seems to be the Demon Dragon Dungeon is by the sea.
I think it's best to do some preliminary research on the area before you go there.
I understand. I'm sorry to say that we just arrived here, but do you think Cecil and Iris can go to the holy woman's place? Aine and Rafilia, would you be able to escort them? It shouldn't take too long to get to the 'Delilira Labyrinth' if you take a horse.
「「「「 yes!
Cecil and Iris raised their hands in unison, and Aine and Rafilia's voices came back from the kitchen.
I asked Aine and Rafilia to come back once I dropped Cecil and Iris off, and I asked them to investigate the Adventurer's Guild. Aine might be able to get some information that won't be revealed. There's no need to rush.
Yes, I understand. It's important to investigate, but it's also important to have tea with everyone.
With that, Aine and Rafilia hand out tea to everyone.
It's tea time after breakfast.
I really want to make it a nap time afterwards, but .......
I rescued the mermaid girl, you know. I can't just ignore the rest, can I?
I have some things on my mind, so I'll check them out where I can.
What can I do to help you, my dear boy?
Come with me to see Mr. Dolgor, the Merchant. Mr. Dolgor is also a member of the Merchant's Guild, so he might be able to give you some information.
Yes, sir.
May I join you?
Letitia said.
'There aren't many merchants you can trust, are there? If you're the one Nagi-san relies on, I'd like to get acquainted with you.'
Okay. Okay, so Letitia's on my team.
Now the division of labour has been decided.
Me, Leticia, and Cutlass went to the merchant Dolgor-san's place to gather information.
Cecil, Iris, Aine and Rafilia went to Saintess's and met up with Rita. We'll get some information from the saint and, if possible, a story about the mermaid girl. Let's do this.
'I shouldn't have, I almost forgot. Lady Cutlass.
Iris clapped her hands together.
'My brother has asked me for a letter. Please show this to Mr. Dolgor.
What is it at ......? This,
'You went to take the knighthood exam with the help of the merchant, didn't you, Mr. Cutlass? I thought it would be a good idea to follow up on that.
Cutlass's eyes widened.
'It was! I had the help of Mr. Dolgor!
Apparently, the merchant, Dolgor-san, makes it a hobby to help the young ones.
So when Cutlass was taking the 'knighthood qualification exam' too, he helped me change my address or let me accompany the caravan to the royal capital.
Actually, I should have gone to greet him earlier.
I can't let them know who ...... Cutlass is, you know. We decided not to tell anyone until we were ready.
After all, Cutlass is the hidden princess of the royal family, right?
Besides, now that she's aware of her gender, Cutlass is no longer the same girl she used to be. I thought it would be better to go to see Mr. Dolgor, with all the preparations in place and with me by his side to follow up, so that his true identity would not be revealed.
'This letter should vouch for Cutlass's position, I'm sure. I asked Iris to do it for me. 'Let's take this and go and say hello to Mr. Dolgor. I'll come with you.
'Thank you! 'I know,'
Well, what can I say?
For the sake of the invincible 'no work life', we want to make sure that we don't have to go backwards.
We'll have a cup of tea and a smoke, then we'll check our equipment and go to ...... when things settle down. Take it easy and don't rush.
「「「「「「 oh! 」」」」」」
So we started getting ready to go out: .......
'I'm sorry, Cutlass. Can you go out with me for a minute?
I whispered into Cutlass's ear. Then I beckoned him to me and led him down the hallway.
I had something I needed to do before I left.
'Of course it's fine, sir. What can I do for you, sir?
Cutlass also whispered back into my ear.
I took out a short spear from the bag of packages.
The Telescoping Spear Fetra that I bought in the hidden market. It's a reconstructed version of it.
I bought this at the market in the port city of Ilgafa. I was wondering if you would be willing to use it for Cutlass.
Cutlass looked at me with a glint in his eye.
You don't have to do that for me,” he said, ”you don't have to do that for me. If you have done that for me, I don't know what to do to repay you at ......!
Don't worry about it so much,
Cutlass kneeled down in front of me.
I am Arujido's subordinate, or rather, slave. Whenever my master does anything to me, I have no choice but to repay him, even if it means returning the favor!
I'm in trouble myself if you do that. I have to 'readjust' this spear with Cutlass from now on.
...... Huh?
Cutlass's eyes widened. Come to think of it, I didn't mention it.
This time, we had to hastily create a quick structure in the market,” he said. I need to stabilize the concept. This spear is for Cutlass, so I have to adjust it with Cutlass' magic. So...
''Also, of course. I hope so!
Cutlass tapped his chest with a pop.
It is natural for me to cooperate with the magic item that Arujidono enhanced, so it is only natural for me to help in its readjustment. In fact, I'd rather ask you to do it for me!
You're awesome. Hey, Cutlass.
'Come on, come on, we don't have much time. Let's 'recalibrate' the spear before we go out!
With that, Cutlass pulled my hand away and went to his room.
─ Nagi Cutlass Letitia team── Nagi Cutlass Letitia team──.
One hour later
'huh, ”Priestess of the Sea Dragon”, a letter handwritten by the Lady Iris-Hafeumea?
This is Dolgor's mansion, which is always a great place to be at a recreational area.
I was shown into the parlor, and first handed a letter from Iris.
Cutlass and Leticia are sitting on the sofa, looking around restlessly.
You'll be surprised. This room is full of sea dragon goods. It's a room full of sea dragon goods.
''Hmmm. ...... My God! So, Cutlass is in the service of Master Iris!
Or, more accurately, Lady Iris's bodyguard, who is now part of my party.
I'm not lying.
Cutlass is a party companion and I'm superficially working as Iris's bodyguard.
''You know the story about the trouble Cutlass had with the 'knight qualification exam' he was supposed to take, Dolgor-san, right?
Yes, sir. And that there was a mass exodus of ghosts in the streets at the same time.
Cutlass was my party mate at the time, and he helped me solve the problem.
'What! But I heard that at that time a mysterious light fell from the sky and wiped out the ghosts!
Yes, I've had the chance to see it up close and personal.
It was like a blessing in disguise, I'm told.
Maybe it's a blessing from the heavenly dragon.
Exactly. Very!
Mr. Dolgor is excited.
He wouldn't believe me if I told him that Cecil and Rita had combined and used extreme magic. ......
'At that time, Lord Iris-sama came to the streets to receive the nobles who were coming to Ilgafa. It was at that time that Lord Iris recognized the work of Cutlass and said that he should be one of me.
...... Is that what it was about?
I'm one of those people who was saved by Nagi and Mr. Cutlass.
Leticia stood up and declared.
She glanced at me with a sideways glance, closed one eye--
Ghosts ...... skeletons ...... fought desperately against the flood of undead. If it wasn't for the support of Nagi-san and the others, I would have ...... lost my life.
'Oh ...... the Viscountesses such as that.'
Mr. Dolgor turned his gaze towards Cutlass.
'I'm so proud of you, Cutlass! I didn't know the boy I supported had the courage to stand up to the undead. That's something to look up to!
”Oh, no!
Cutlass looked up in a panic.
His cheeks and earlobes were bright red. He put his hands on his thighs and rubbed his knees together from earlier.
It's okay, sir. I'm fine.
Cutlass is waving his hand in an awkward, awe-inspiring manner.
When his fingertip touches my cheek...
Cutlass squeezed his knees closed.
”Cutlass. Are you okay?
It's fine. I was on my way to ...... for a moment and had a happy moment ......
Cutlass looked at me with glazed eyes.
His shoulders were trembling. I think I can hear the sound of my heart thumping.
...... Yeah. I knew I shouldn't have 'readjusted' before I left.
I'm sure there's still some of my magic inside the cutlass. Every time you touch me, it trembles.
I'll follow up on that.
Cutlass said that he wanted to put protecting people before his position as a knight .......
I got up from my seat and bowed to Mr. Dolgor.
Cutlass saw that and did the same. Then she takes a deep breath and...
That's right. I've decided to join Souma-Nagi's party as a new way to go. I apologize to Dolgor for the help he gave me in taking the knight's exam: ......
Cutlass let out a long breath with his head bowed deeply.
He looks at me and his cheeks loosen as if he's embarrassed. Finally, he seems to have calmed down.
'Look up, Cutlass.'
Mr. Dolgor smiled serenely.
'Helping the young ones is a hobby of mine, you know. As long as you have found your way, that's all right.
Mr. Dolgor: ”Mr. Dolgor: ......
But what's with the collar?
Mr. Dolgor pointed to the 'master-servant contract collar' around Cutlass' neck.
'This, this is for ...... me to enhance myself!
Cutlass touched his hand to the collar and declared.
'Make yourself (by making yourself a slave to Arujidono. (By having your skills reconfigured) to make you stronger. In order to elevate you (to the same position as all the other slaves as a worthy slave), we have made a master-servant contract!
I see. To make me stronger (in a difficult position). And make you a worthy knight. I see. If the ”Priestess of the Sea Dragon” is involved, you must be right.
”Ha ha ha!
Cutlass and Mr. Dolgor looked at each other and smiled.
The only thing I want to do is to repay you for all the help you've given me, Dolgor-san. Do you have any requests for quests?
Yes, Arujidono... no, I talked it over with Nagi-san and we decided to do it. That's the least I could do.
Cutlass looked at me.
I guess it's my turn to go from here. I'm also gathering information.
'We're indebted to Dolgor-san as well. If there is anything that the adventurers need help with there, we would like to be of help. What do you think?
Sure, there's a pressing issue: ......
Mr. Dolgor looked to the side as if in trouble.
'That's something that time will tell, you know. It's not particularly worth asking for a quest.'
What's the problem?
We get invited to the house quite often.
It's the 'rookie training' solicitation.
””Rookie training!”
Me, Cutlass, and Leticia's voices are all together.
I've told the two of them that the new lord, Royeld, was treated badly in the port city of Irgafa in the 'rookie training'.
As for the person who brought it up, they are still investigating it in Irgafa.
But ...... why is there talk of 'rookie training' at a recreational area?
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
The door to the parlor opened and Dolgor's daughter appeared.
''I apologize for being a visitor. I'm the one soliciting for 'rookie training' again!
'Again, ...... even though I just turned it down the other day. ......
Dolgor-san sat up with a bitter face.