134 Episode 134 "Extra Edition 13" Guidance of Rita, Cutlass, and Senior Slave "".txt (1/2)
'We need to talk to you, sir! Rita-senpai (senpai)!
The day after the battle with the Black Knight.
In the evening, after a day of rest and relaxation, after deciding to stay one more night because they were tired after the battle.
Rita, who was washing her face at the well, couldn't help but turn around when she heard a voice.
Behind her, Cutlass was standing.
He was staring at Rita with dazzling eyes.
''...... Cutlass-chan. By senior, do you mean me?
Yes. In order to serve Arujidono, I would like to hear a word from Rita, sir.
'I think that since we serve a person of Arujidono's caliber, there are certain things that we need to be aware of and prepared for as slaves. So I thought it would be a good idea to ask Rita, Arujidono's proud slave.
Proud slave ......?
Rita's heart skipped a beat.
─ Oh, no. Nagi, is that how you feel about me ......?
'So, but then I think you should ask Cecil. You're Nagi's first slave.
Cecil-dono said, 'The person who is most helpful to Nagi-sama is Rita-san.'
Cecil-chan, you can go to ......
Leggy-sama said, 'I'm sure you'll get more interesting reactions from the beast girl if you talk to her.
”Leggy-chan! Enough!
Therefore, may I ask you a question? Rita Dori.
I can't help it. ......
Rita washed her face quickly and sat down on a suitable stone by the well.
Waiting for Cutlass to sit on the stone next to her, Rita began to talk.
'So, what do you want to hear?'
Yes, that's right: ......, first of all, .......
Cutlass put a finger to his cheek and nodded his head.
'I like the story of when Rita-sama became Arujidono's slave!
When I was a slave: ......
I'm not ready to be a girl, so I'd like to hear how you all became slaves, and I'd like to imitate you where I can: ......
Cutlass's face was serious.
I have to respond properly to this──thought, Rita put her hand on her chest.
”─ ─ When I met Nagi...
I'll jog your memory.
I'm going to retrieve a memory of my first encounter with the Nagi.
When he was the head priest of the Iturna Order, he called Nagi a ”foreigner” when he rode in the carriage.
I made a lot of embarrassing noises during my first rebuild, and on top of that, I lost control of my body, and they found out that I was a beastman...
Cecil and I traded the right to wipe Nagi's back for the right to wipe the front of her body using a subterfuge, but because of that, I've grown to love the smell of Nagi...
A nostalgic memory flashed through her mind, and Rita...
”............ I'm going to ask Nagi to give me a spanking.
'Wow. Where are you going in the middle of your story, sir!
Because .......
Rita had tears in her eyes.
It was because she remembered how she met Nagi.
I had a selfish misunderstanding, and my first impressions were terrible, but we fought together and became close - and I loved her - and we became friends.
And now we're so close. I think we have a great relationship now.
But we met ...... when there could have been a better way to meet .......
'Yes, it could have been better. I'm going to ask Aine to erase Nagi's memories with a 'memory wipe'. And have her forget everything I've done - ah! But that would take away some precious memories. How can I ...... do it!
”Dear Rita! Don't roll over with your head in your hands! What on earth is going on in Rita-sama's head?
Yes, he had Cutlass with him.
I shouldn't do this. I don't want him to see me embarrassed in front of my juniors. Well, you'd better cover up if you did. A slave cannot humiliate his master by exposing his clumsy appearance.
'So, we met ...... well, we rode in the same carriage as Nagi!
Is that so?
'Then together, we fought to protect people, but they didn't approve of us, and Nagi saved me from wandering around ....... That's all!
Rita finished her statement with her chest like a senior citizen.
When I asked for a fearful cutlass reaction──.
That's what I'm talking about, sir!
I was listening to him with a twinkle in my eye.
'You and Rita-sama have understood each other by fighting alongside Arujidono, haven't you!
Oh, my God. I'm sorry!
Rita clasps her hands together in her mind.
I didn't tell a lie. I didn't say it, but my heart hurts. ......
'Okay, so what do you want to hear next?'
It seemed dangerous to be pestered any further, so Rita hurriedly changed the subject.
You are right. The story of our encounter seems to be dangerous, so Rita-sama's saga is a story of heroism!
The saga: ”......
I see, Cutlass seems to like that kind of thing.
Knight's Tale and all that saga stuff.
Then you'll be safe. It's just that...
I'm in charge of front-line combat and reconnaissance.
Then I'm sure you'll have some useful information to share with us. I'm the vanguard!
'First of all, ......, yes. Nagi's particularly keen on information.
It's all about tactics, isn't it?
'Yeah. I'm trying to make the fight as easy as possible and make sure we don't get hurt.
Rita put her hand on her chest again.
My job is to help Nagi with his goals. For example...
I'm going to draw on the memories of our past battles.
I'll tell you about the things that I and my master fought for, the things we did together.
You destroyed his wards to fight the Fake Demon tribe in the hot springs. After that, my skills got better and Nagi gave me a lot of them.
In The Holy Land of the Sea Dragon, you sang the sweet love song of ”Binding Song of Binding” to capture your enemies...
In Foggy Valley, he used his Full Beast Transformation to take on the form of a wolf, and circled the mountain to make sure it was safe.
Afterwards, he told me about how he and Nagi got into the hot springs and realized that he forgot to change his clothes...
I hid myself in Nagi's freshly-removed jacket and cloth, but I was so happy to see his kindness that I wagged my tail, and then the cloth around my waist blew off, exposing my belly button to the sky.
'Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Let me start over, Nagi ──────!
”Dear Rita. Where to ────! There is no Jido on the tree!
Cutlass is calling me, but I don't care.
Rita, with the athleticism of a beast, runs vertically up a nearby tree.
As it is, she sits on a high branch and clings to the trunk of the tree and starts to shiver.
''Could it be that I'm ...... Nagi has seen all the embarrassing parts of me ......?''
No, I'm getting the results right.
It was Rita who defeated the wolf user's 'Visitor', and it was also thanks to Rita's skills that we broke through Delilira-san's labyrinth. Even the perverted knight we fought yesterday wouldn't have been able to hit Cutlass and Fynn's skills if it wasn't for Rita's 'Warding Breaker (Area Breaker)'.
Nagi acknowledges and praises what Rita did.
I know.
I know, but I can't help but be embarrassed!
Ugh. ──────
I'm sorry about that!
Under the tree, Cutlass bows his head deeply.
He realized that he had poked at Rita's painful memory.
'Yes, it is! I want you to change your mind here and show me what you can do, Rita-sama!
...... ability?
Cutlass starts counting on his fingers.
Singing ability, athletic ability, sacred power, and many more.
She has a lot to learn from Rita, apparently.
''As a senior, I would love to see some of that power ...... no?
Well, if that's the case, then I guess I'll have to do it!
With a swoosh, Rita kicked a branch.
She landed on the ground in a clean form, somersaulting back to the ground.
'Sooma-Nagi's slave powers, I'll show you, Cutlass.
It's a pleasure to meet you!
Well, first of all, I would like to hear you sing, Rita.
Okay. Why the first song?
That's why I love to listen to the stories of the bards and their knights.
The two came to the outskirts of the village.
There is a wall to keep out demons and thieves.
There were no houses around, and perhaps because it was evening, there were no people anywhere.
'Whenever a bard comes to the village to listen to the bard, I have come to love the song itself. Both Arujimondo and Cecil said that Rita's songs are very beautiful. That's why I'd love to hear her sing.
Well, it's not much of a stretch. ......
Rita looked around from side to side. No sign of people. And of course, no sign of demons.
The stone wall that separates the village from the outside is about twice Rita's height. There are no people up there, and even beyond that ...... yeah, there's no one. The only people who don't fall for the beastman's 'presence of mind' are the nominal bandits, but that's not a convenient way to be.
'Well, I'm going to sing, then?'
Rita took a deep breath, sighing.
The only person listening was Cutlass. No one else is there.
Then I'll just sing my honest feelings...
So, Rita began to sing.
”I like my master's eyes. Deep, deep black eyes.
You'll see my reflection in your absorbing eyes.
I like the master's hands. His hands are always gentle.
Big, warm hands, touching me.
I like the master's voice. I like the master's voice. I like to hear his voice.
We don't have to do it all the time. Call me.
I like the smell of the master. I like the way his presence permeates my skin.
It's like he's holding me. I always feel like he's holding me.
I noticed that Cutlass in front of me was all red.
He's holding his mouth in embarrassment with downcast eyes, as if he was sweltering with heat.
Rita couldn't help but come to herself.
Huh? Huh? I just sang whatever came to mind, so how could this happen!
And... did you just activate the binding song?
Bullshit. I, when I sing a fiercely sweet love song, I unconsciously activate my skills!
It doesn't work on the party member, Cutlass, but ...... who else, right? No one has ever heard such an embarrassing song! Hey, hey, hey!
”Rita-sama is very fond of ...... Arujido,” he said. ......
'Wahhhhhh. Don't tell me!
Rita hurriedly left the place, hugging Cutlass, who was ripe for a sweet love song, to the side.
A few minutes later. A few minutes later, the villagers who were on patrol are ......──.
Even in a small village, there are people in charge of security.
Young men take it in turns to patrol the outer walls in the mornings, evenings and evenings with weapons.
On that day, a couple of men were looking out beyond the wall, but...
What the hell? There are some suspicious men down there!
'There are chains of magic wrapped around my body! Binding magic?
”And these guys are ...... thieves.
I've heard about it. I've heard that the nearby village is being raided by unknown bandits who are skilled in the art of 'blocking out all signs of life'.
The villagers acting as guards looked down at the motionless men.
The men were all dressed in black and carried daggers in their hands. Seeing that they had even prepared a rope, they were probably about to steal into the village.
But now he is struggling with chains of magical power all over his body. What in the world happened here: .......
''Could this be ...... the adventurers who arrived earlier?
Those who serve the Sea Dragon Priestesses ......?
The villagers talk about it in secret.