31 Episode 31 "Extra Part 1" Festival of Nagi, Cecil and White Knot "Part 1".txt (1/2)

'The Festival of the White Knot'?

The day after Cecil and I arrived at Metecal.

We were walking around the town and noticed a stone monument in the grounds of an old shop.

It looks very old.

The surface is covered in moss and the inscriptions are almost gone.

The ...... 'White Knot Festival' is a festival to honor the slaves. It is a confirmation of our bond with each other ...... Cecil, read more.

'Yes, there seems to be a festival like that every five years. The closest one is ...... Huh?

What's up, Cecil?

Today. ”The Festival of the White Knot.

Tilting her head like a puppy, the slave girl Cecil said.

''Ah, there was a festival like that, too.

We returned to the inn and asked the innkeeper about the festival.

The White Knot Festival is a very old festival,” she said. The White Knot Festival is a very old festival that has something to do with the God of Contracts, but I don't know if anyone does it anymore.

This is a festival to honor the slaves, isn't it?

Are you interested in ......?

The mistress looked at me as if she was priced out.

Then she looked at Cecil, shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

'I'm sure we have a record of that at our house. My ancestors knew a wizard who lived near the town.

The hostess raised her hand and called the clerk.

A festival to reward slaves, right?

In other words, it means that the employer is going to treat the people who always work so hard.

...... Is it like a company trip?

What's that?

No, no, I'm just talking.

We've traveled this far, and it's easy to understand if you think of it as a traveling event, like a company trip.

The ”White Knot Festival”, a festival to reward those who usually work for us.

In other words, a company trip as a reward. You mean the one with a banquet.

...... Actually, I've been longing for a company trip.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. Trust me, I had a great time! Look at the pictures, listen to me! And I was so desperate to get out of there after the trip.

He looked really tired, though.

I'm sure that's how desperate he was to have fun.

The 'Festival of the White Knot' is a company trip to reward slaves ...... then I'd better do it.

I looked across the table at Cecil, who was eating bread.

A thin body. He was wearing a short length of cloth clothing. A leather collar over his shoulders.

He's tearing off a bit of hard bread, dipping it in the soup and munching on it.

Cecil follows me without complaining.

But I haven't done anything for him, have I?

...... Okay, if there's a slave praise festival, I'll repay him with that.

I'm not sure I'd be a black employer if I didn't.

'If you don't mind, can you tell me about that 'White Knot Festival'?

I asked the mistress.

The voluminous hostess shook her flabby jaw and said, ”You're going to make a 'contract' first, aren't you?

”You'll have to 'contract' first,


You make a 'contract' with your slave, 'I will not use the ring's binding power for a day. It's all up to the slave's free will. It's all up to the slave's free will.

One more thing. If the slaves don't like it, we stop the ritual. That's the point.

The proprietor held out a bundle of parchment that the clerk had brought to me.

It's written here in detail. Well, you'll have to try.

Hmmm, the mistress sniffed.

Then she looked at Cecil, gave me another glare, and then moved away.

I returned to my room and was reading the parchment I'd been given.

It seemed to be quite old and discolored in places.

That means it's historical. So there is a high probability that it is the real thing.

Even if the mistress thought it was a random idea, it would be all right if she could reward Cecil.

There are four pieces of parchment.

Each one has a ritual written on it to strengthen the bond between master and slave.

I've just finished the ”covenant” not to use the ring for the rest of the day.

And the first ritual is...

”The First Ceremony.

While thanking him for his usual work, the master wipes every inch of the slave's back and cleans it,'

And in front of the door of the room, there is a tub of warm water.

I even have a cloth to wipe my body.

An innkeeper who had persuaded me to bring it back earlier.

That's right. I'm going to wipe Cecil's back clean with that.

It's true that we sometimes go to hot springs for company trips.

I see, so the employees get their backs washed by the president or managers on the trip. Or is it the other way around?

It is a high hurdle. No wonder they're so tired.

”You know what, Cecil?

I sit down on the bed and ask Cecil a question.

'Yes, Nagi-sama,'

Cecil is still sitting bolt upright on the floor, looking up at me.

”I want to be nice to Cecil.

'Yes, Nagi-sama. Thank you.

But I don't want to do anything that Cecil wouldn't like.

Of course I do.

That's why I think we're going to do away with the first and fourth rituals.

I understand. If you say so, Nagi-sama.


Cecil turned his back to me and pulled his clothes down to his waist.

A brown, crisp back appeared.

Glossy, smooth skin.

Cecil says he doesn't like the color of his skin.

I don't think there's anything to dislike about it, it's beautiful (pretty).

Cecil ran his hands over his shoulders and parted his long hair to the left and right, letting it flow forward.

The clasp of the collar that wrapped around her thin neck chirped.

As it was, Cecil held his hands on his chest so that the shoulder blades could be seen standing out.

There was no unnecessary flesh on it.

I think it would be better if there was a little more flesh on it. It's beautiful, though.

What surprised me when I came to the other world is that there really is such a beautiful girl, living and moving.

Cecil is right in front of me, adjusting her body position so that I can easily touch her back. She raises, pulls back, and shifts her clothes, which have slipped down so far that I can almost see her ass. I grip my tiny toes, closing and opening them.

My mind wanders to the scene in front of me. All I can think of are the same words.

Did my brain freeze or short-circuit?

'...... please, Nagi-sama.'

Cecil looks back over his shoulder as he holds his silver hair.

With such a small body, Cecil is always supporting me, right?

Alright, today I'll do my best to praise Cecil--today

............ ”Wait a minute, calm down, myself.

What did you just do? Why did you get out of bed?

Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.

...... You know what, Cecil?

Yes, Mr. Nagy.

Didn't you say there was no back-wiping ceremony?

Yes, ma'am.

So why are you dressed like that?

'Because I didn't know why Nagi was hesitating.

I know what Cecil is up against. Having a man wash you down.

Nagi is fine.

You say that again.

Nagi always tells me that my skin is beautiful, doesn't she?

Yes. Because it's beautiful.

But I don't like my skin. Because of this skin, everyone hates me as a demon race, a dark elf, and because of this skin, everyone hates me as something evil. Maybe even Nagi-sama is looked at white because of his presence with me.

As he said it, Cecil stroked his arm.

'Still, I feel like if Nagi-sama washes this skin for me, I'll be able to love it. I can't hate what my dearest person has cleaned up for me.

...... This is a scene you shouldn't run from, right? Here.

You can't say, ”Cecil has beautiful skin, but I don't want to touch you. But I can't say, ”Cecil has beautiful skin, but I don't want to touch it,” can I?

I'll make up my mind.

I am Cecil's master.

”Fine. But you have to tell me if you don't want to.

I put my hand in the tub and check the temperature of the water.

Okay, the right temperature.

I dipped the cloth in the hot water and placed it on Cecil's back.