160 [3-17] Dolls dancing night ($120 per week) (1/2)
In this world, the technology of visual memory is undeveloped.
Everis says, ”It's not that there is no way, but it's expensive.
However, the art of distant vision, which shows what is present, is relatively common.
”Well, you've fallen for it. It's only yesterday.
Some say the killer returns to the scene of the crime.
It's a little further into the jungle than the field where the attack took place.
It's a room in a shack-like structure that's been magically raised and turned into rock.
It had been built as a base for monitoring the work, but now it had become a 'guard room'.
The far-sighted crystal balls lined up on a large desk shine dimly in the dark room.
After the discovery of the raid on the field, Rene and his friends immediately prepared to go fishing.
First, they saturated it with evil air to eliminate the residual power of the Order.
Next, Everis set up a large number of surveillance cameras around the area.
After that, he reinstalled the transit poles, and the skeleton cultivators went out again after dawn.
There was no change in the daytime.
We increased the number of guards around the site just in case, but the cultivators finished their work without incident and left at nightfall.
It was just after dark that something strange happened.
Something glowing appeared in the field that was engulfed by the approaching night darkness, a view seen through a crystal ball.
A mass of light gushed from the ground like steam, forming a human shape.
The silhouette was vague, but from the long, thin body and pointed ears, it looked like an elf. There were several of them.
Each of the light figures in the form of elves had a light bow in their hands.
When an arrow of light was fired from it, it exploded.
”...... bomb bows and arrows?
”Hmm, something like that.
It was more like a magic bullet than an arrow.
The fields were well tilled and ready to be sown, but the transit poles used to move the undead laborers were destroyed by the carpet bombardment of light arrows.
Then, when the whole area was a mess, the elves disappeared.
The humanoid light disappeared as if it were dissipating in the wind.
Elven ghosts appear only at night. ......
It's not really a ghost. It's not even a ghost. It's something really weird.
And after all that, it just disappeared like smoke. I don't care if he ran away, he didn't just disappear.
It seems to be a strange situation that makes even the well-informed Everis fold his arms and ponder.
I'm not sure if this is related or not.
I don't know if there's a connection, but there's a big 'Elven Forest' just north of this place. Didn't I tell you that before?
Everis placed a green jeweled accessory on the desk and surrounded it with three blue sugar cubes of magic stones in an inverted triangle.
The brooch represents the elven forest and the magic stones represent the human race.
There is an elf forest in the middle, surrounded by three human nations: northwest, northeast and south.
However, there is a unique relationship between these three nations and the elves. The Elves control almost all of the land in the area.
”Why ......?
I don't know. The only thing that is clear is that the elves control the veins somehow. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
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Of course, the three surrounding countries rebelled, but in the end there was nothing they could do, and now they are living at the mercy of the elves.
Elves are a type of human race. They are a graceful, long-lived, forest-dwelling species.
They usually live in large forests as their territory and form tribal societies. The forests inhabited by elves are forbidden to outsiders, not just humans, but even elves from other forests.
There are many such ”Elven Forests” in this world.
However, except for a few oddballs, the elves don't pay much attention to what goes on outside the forest and don't want to get involved.
They do do business with humans and join in battles with demons, so it would be more appropriate to call them reclusive than exclusive.
Four hundred years ago, when the entire human race was on the verge of extinction, elves were mixing, living, and fighting with other human races (although interracial marriage seems to have been suppressed because it was difficult to have children), and the long-lived elven elders know that period with their own eyes. They were not hostile to other races.
In any case, the situation of the elves living in the neighborhood just north of this place was strange.
Even the humans, who hold the lifeline of the earth's veins in their hands, don't seem to understand what the elves are up to.
There is no evidence to connect the recent events in Rene's territory with the elves in the north.
I don't have any evidence to connect the two, but it shouldn't be too much of a leap of faith.
It's kind of creepy. I haven't even finished unpacking my things yet, but I think I'll have to start investigating soon.