98 [2-32] ??? ? ? ? ? (1/2)





Pain like a cracked soul, anger like a creaking soul.

I'm not even sorry. ......? I'm sorry for cheating you! ”I'm sorry for cheating you! You don't even have an excuse! I'm not going to listen to you!

I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not going to listen to you.

”...... what is it? I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm not sure.

It's a common thing for the undead to be confused, unable to distinguish between their memories from before they were born and the present. It's not uncommon for the undead.

Rene didn't see the bewildered Drouet.

Rene had seen into Morgana's mind with the power of emotional perception.

There was the eye of God.

I don't know why I could see it from there.

But Renai understood that it was the will of the god who created this world.

There was also the thought that maybe...

Maybe Rene had been deceived by the evil god, or there was a mistake, or there were circumstances that made it impossible.

Even if not, I thought that he would at least feel guilty. He had thrown her out for his own reasons.

But when Rene touched the thoughts of the Great God ......, the thoughts directed at Rene were nothing more than the intention of 'elimination', as if replacing a faulty mechanical part.

A holy presence approaches. Heavy, heavy footsteps on the cobblestones. The flapping of wings in the dark night.

”The holy beast has caught up. Take ......!

Erminio's command was not to the Holy Beast, but to the party members.

The three of them started chanting at once, and the bearded bandit (Thief) targeted Rene with a magic item.

The tiger-shaped holy beast stepped forward to shield them and jumped at them. The bird-shaped Holy Beast swooped down with its golden claws flashing.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. Behind the Holy Beast in front of him.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. In the instant that the Holy Beasts were frightened, Rene flashed his cursed red blade.

The two tigers were cut in half at once, spewing blood and guts.

Because they're big! Because they are strong! Because you're more than human!

That's why! That's the only reason! Do you really think you can free everything?

Rene's voice echoed in the night sky like a howling beast.

Believing that the Great God, who was prostrating himself somewhere high up, was listening to this voice.

Rene was a pawn assigned by the Great God.

A pawn to be kept in stock and given blessings to fight when needed.

You won't use it, but you'll have it for now.

If they die, you just replenish them.

A pawn to be disposed of as an enemy without feeling any emotion if he goes mad and rebels.

A pawn.

There was no love there. It was a one-sided relationship.

Then I'll climb up to where you are! I will crush you! I will crush you! I'll trample you down!

I will crush you!

The bird shape that fine-tuned the trajectory of the dive attacked the eyes of Rene who looked up.

The head became like a golden mask. The holy beast's eyes had a strange glow to them. They were not bird's eyes.

”Ice Lock!

The first thing to do is to use a low level magic that is reasonably powerful even without chanting.

The wings with golden strips of ornaments fluttering on them froze and bound him in a posture as if he were tied up behind his back.

”Yeeeeeeeeee ......!

With a creaking sound of metal, the bird-shaped holy beast falls. It landed with its claws cracking the cobblestones.

The holy beast waved its wings in an attempt to escape its icy bonds. The Holy Beast's magic resistance is generally high, and it will be able to escape if it continues.

Rene immediately cut off the thin neck of the bird-shaped Holy Beast to finish it off.

Then there was the sound of wind.


I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to do. The cobblestones are blown away as if from the inside.

It was an attack from the magic item that the bearded bandit and Erminio were carrying, which looked like a fireworks tube.

”What is that? Is that a grenade launcher?

This time, divine magic flies at Rene, who evaded it.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

The two temple knights shot out shining magic bullets at the same time, each the size of a cannonball.

I'm not sure what to do.

In response, Rene shoots out a reddish-black flash of death from the tip of his sword.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life. The shining meteor did not reach Rene, but exploded.

The temple knights who had been targeted jumped back to avoid the flash.

A tiger-shaped holy beast attacked through what could not be mistaken for smoke or dust.

René catches the claws and fangs with his red blade.

The red blade, made from blood and curse, scrapes against the claws of the holy beast like a golden cuirass and sparks each other.

Rene then concluded his chant.

It's not the holy beast he's aiming for, but further behind.


I'm not sure what to do. It's a good idea.

The bearded bandit's neck was covered with a tattoo that looked like twisted ivy.

He hurriedly curled his body to protect his heart. But that was all.

--As you can see, I don't have a lax tolerance for easy death. ......

≪The ”Necro Brand” is one of the ”instant death magic”.

It is a one or two shot offensive spell that can cause death with a single blow if it breaks through the resistance of the subject, otherwise it does not do much damage.

Instant death magic is a complex and elaborate device for efficiently killing living beings, and its techniques are likened to works of art (by perverted magic developers like Everis). Perhaps for this reason, resisted instant death spells have a markedly diminished effect, just as a golem that loses a single gear becomes immobile.

In fact, the success rate of instant death spells is not very high, but the effect of 'if you are unlucky, you will die without question' is feared by adventurers, and it is also a spell that can be used as a check against them.

Instant death magic is coming!

It's no use, use the talisman!

Erminio instructed, and each of the adventurers activated their talismans.

≪The bad vibes of the Consecration are gone.

That's what I wanted. Now you can't use buffs. The talisman is an item that can shut out enemy magic attacks, but since it activates indiscriminately, it also absorbs magic from yourself and your allies.

--The ”Dolorette” seems to have a holy beast standing in front of it, ready to provide cover fire. ...... Let it defend itself for a moment, so it can't use its buffs. And then And ......

After cutting down the tiger beast, Rene dove towards the flying bird beast and sliced off its leg while passing through a claw blow.

And then.


Cracks appeared on the ground.

They split the cobblestones and even the ground exposed underneath the cracked cobblestones, going deep.




The targets were the Thief and the Temple Knights on the ground.

The Thief ducked, but the two in their heavy full-body armor were too late.

As the lower half of their bodies are sucked into the crack, the crack tries to close.

It was not powerful enough to pin them down, but it was still enough to block their movement.


Then, the rubble of the collapsed house swooped into the air.

A few tens or hundreds of crushes floated around Rene and flew as a meteor shower.

It doesn't matter if the opponent is using a talisman or not, it's a spell that deals physical damage.

”d*mn it!

The target was everyone. I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you have.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

And then they appear next to Erminio.


Both of them were holding something that looked like a shattered gem in their hands.

That must be the magic item for transference. Probably a disposable item that flies to Erminio's place.

The two knights crossed their swords and baskets to protect Erminio's head from the debris.

And then, as if cutting through an avalanche of rocks, a bolt of lightning shot out at Rene.