57 [1-57] 疑心暗薔薇 (1/2)

The cold stone dungeon is actually warmer than the ground.

In the gray corridor lit by a magic lamp, the footsteps of the leg armor reverberate high in the air.

”This way, sir.

Gomez, a stern, middle-aged knight, guides Lawrence.

Gomez is Lawrence's subordinate, and he is in charge of a squad. Gomez is Lawrence's subordinate, in charge of a squadron, and Lawrence highly values his honesty and loyalty to the king. Although he has passed his peak as a soldier and is beginning to show signs of decline, he is still the best man under Lawrence's command in terms of personal strength.

That was why he had sent his troops to capture Bertil. Against a truly strong opponent, even a hundred ordinary soldiers would be reamed out.

As Lawrence entered the steel-doors of the cell, a man chained to a crude bed barely looked up.

”Lawrence, ......! What the hell is this!

It's Bertil.

Bartyr, stripped down to his upper body armor. His statuesque body was exposed.

But he's missing from the shoulders down. Only blood-soaked bandages were wrapped around them.

Despite the coldness of the stone prison, Bertil is sweating profusely. His breathing is labored.

”Good catch, Gomez.

”Well. He resisted, so we cut off his arms and captured him as you requested.

As soon as Gomez said that, Barthil snapped his chains and twisted.

”You're lying! I've been--

”Shut up!

Gomez plunged his sword into the side of Bertil's head, piercing the flimsy, cookie-cutter pillow.

Gomez thrusts his sword into the side of Bertil's head, piercing the cookie-thin pillow.

I knew this day would come when you rebelled against His Majesty's decree!

”What the hell, ......?

I knew this day would come when you defied His Majesty's decree! Gomez yells at him with the fury of a god of war, and Bertil's eyes just go black and white.

Lawrence understood the situation. Gomez, unable to control his overflowing sense of justice, must have gone a little rougher than necessary.

Even after realizing this, Lawrence could not help but think, ”Well, look at that.

Let me just state the facts straightforwardly.

About twenty members of the Second Order attacked the south gate tower and broke down the gate.

”What the ......?

Bertil's eyes peeled back in disbelief.

What's ...... going on?

”Are you kidding me? Are you sure you don't know?

Well, whatever it is, you brought it on yourself.

Lawrence snaps back. Instead of slashing with his sword, he slams his words down.

Even if Bertil hadn't betrayed him, Lawrence was sure that the reason the Second Order members had acted this way was as a result of the meeting they had just had.

The naive idea of trying to negotiate with the diabolical undead had led to this result. And the cause, Lawrence believed, was the mind of Bertil, who had been friendly to the former king.

What happened to the undead army?

”What's the use of you knowing?

”You don't need to know that,” said Barthil, smiling sarcastically as if he could see right through him.

I can only guess.

The gates have been breached and you've left your command post to come and see me. There's a lull in the ...... standoff across the city walls, or maybe the undead are retreating while the attack is halted by the redeployment of the city.

The city walls have ...... been completely breached.

...... Tsk.

Lawrence clicks his tongue.

It seemed useless to talk to Bertil any more. It just pissed him off.

”Recovery magic?

No, sir. We're dealing with a renegade.

Gomez answered the question with a serious look on his face.

I thought Bertil looked strangely distressed. It's a miracle he's bandaged up.

He thought he could make him suffer a little more, but Lawrence still gave him pragmatic instructions.

”...... will interfere with the interrogation. Give him the minimum amount of treatment.


He might have some information. I don't care how you do it, just get him to talk. Don't kill him.

Yes, sir.

Gomez followed Lawrence out of the cell, locked the door, and strode away to call for the Interrogator.

God protect the people of ...... Ciel-Teira!

Barthil's muttering was probably only heard by Lawrence.

Biting his teeth in abhorrence, Lawrence left the prison with his shoes clicking loudly.

I'm not sure.

In the event you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at .......

The cooperation of the temple is essential to carry out this operation. If we wanted to perform the ”consecration” on a large number of people, we would inevitably need a large number of priests.

However, what came in response to my request to the temple, which I had expected to be accepted with a simple answer, was a scream from the head of the temple.

We are at our wits' end! We can only heal the retreating knights. Half of the priests have already collapsed.

Can't we hold them? What about potions to restore magic?

I've been told that if you can gather enough catalysts you can put up the wards again.

In other words, if we gave up on that, we would have a lot of magic resources to spare.

But the temple chief's reply was the same.

'I've used up all of it, too! If it weren't for the resuscitation earlier ......

”Resuscitation? In this situation, we can't afford to use any resurrection magic unless something happens to you! Why did you do that!

How much magic does it take to revive someone? Even Lawrence, who is not a sorcerer, knows that it is not an ordinary effort.