256 The reality is harsh. (1/1)

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's a bit nervous about the whole thing.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I'm not sure what to do.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I mean. He said he was born in the same country as you. He said he was born in the same country as you.

You're right. I'm a kid from your country. There's no personal connection whatsoever. ......... In the meantime, I've had Athena confirm your identity over there.

It's hard to find a place where that's not a problem. .......... I'm sorry.

It's hard to find a place where that's not a problem.

I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm not sure what to make of that.

That's a bad comparison. In my world, there was no magic, no demons. In addition, the country is the safest in the world, there are no bandits, and the law of the country has renounced war. In other words, there is no need to fight, and at his age, it is his job to go to school to study. ”Your country

”Your country ......... must be crazy, 16 years old is not a warrior and has no work to do?

In Arusatia, you're basically on your own at 15. It's normal to help out at home when you're five or six years old, and by the time you're twelve or thirteen, some of you have fiancées.

By the age of 15, they should have some role to contribute to the community, town, or country, no matter how big or small.

Eighteen is the age at which one begins to pay taxes and is the final age to apply for official jobs such as knighthood.

In other words, there are almost no 18-year-olds, whether noble or commoner, who have never had a job.

What's the use of complaining about the common sense of different countries and worlds? On the other hand, if you grew up in an environment that is too different, you must have some kind of advantage. I'm sure he has some advantages over you and Cook. Please be patient with him.

”......... Yeah. He's from your hometown, he'll get along just fine. Sorry.

I'm sorry, but you're setting the bar really high by being from my hometown. ......... At least do your schoolwork normally. If you don't, you might be seriously stuck. .......... I'm sorry.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you can do it. ......... You should interview him properly first so you can follow up on things. The most important thing to understand about him is definitely that he is Masaru ......... you. Okay.

Okay. Then feed him, bathe him, and let him stay in the guest room of the castle for the time being. The walls of the other world are so thick.

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