238 愚者の末路⑤ (1/2)
Hey, what's all the noise outside?
”Just do your job, Zelaphitis. ......... d*mn, you're so easily distracted. .......... I'm sorry.
In a room in the temple, Masaru and Zeraphitis were busy with their work as gods.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
You can't manage something like this, so what do you do? This is the first time I've ever been to a home improvement store, and there are usually hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of different products, large and small, and the person in charge of the store is basically in charge of everything from inventory control to receiving and selling.
In other words, the person in charge has to be able to understand the contents of thousands or tens of thousands of products and be able to consult with customers before he or she can manage the inventory and stock at the same time. What is that?
What is that, it smells so black... In the meantime, what did Masaru do?
I did the relatively easy shelves of consumables like screws and nails. ..........
Oh, that sounds easy!
We were a small store, so we always had about 1,100 kinds of screws, and if you count catalogs and orders, I think we had about 4,000 kinds. If you include nails, bolts and nuts, you're dealing with tens of thousands of items. ”Gosh!
”Geez, ......... is a world. The world of .
It's a crazy world where some really big home improvement stores carry 3,000 types of screws alone at any given time.
In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, then you're in the right place. It's a funny world.
It is quite common for a screw that has not been sold for several years to be discontinued to be suddenly needed .......... However, there is a limit to the number of products that can be placed in the warehouse, and there is also a limit to the number of places that can be placed in the warehouse.
In addition, the shelves don't always need a clerk, so I'm sent to support other departments. Thanks to your help, I've been able to get everything from flower and vegetable seedlings to fertilizer to planting to installing a fountain in my pond. ......... Oh, I'll build a fountain one of these days! ......... What was that? ......... Oh yeah, I delivered the products I bought, and went to assemble the prefab that was bought for me because I wanted to put it in my garden. ...... ...It was hard to assemble in the middle of summer. .......... I'm sorry.
You've been through a lot. .......... It was hard work.
Well, it was a little nice to be able to roam around in a different place every day. ......... Grandma and Grandpa were friendly because it was in the country, and I could go to the coffee shop for coffee because my boss couldn't see me. I'm sorry.
You've been slacking off, haven't you?
You've been slacking off! You've got to learn how to relax and you're a full-fledged worker. It's not enough to work hard at everything. It's usually the ones who are not good at relaxing that quit, and the ones who overexert themselves that are forced to quit. I don't see many people being forced to quit because they can't do their job. That's a great quote.
That's a great quote. .......... This is a great quote.
It's a hard world to live in, because working too hard or being too good at your job is also inappropriate for a member of society. However, it is also difficult for those who are able to do well to reduce their workload to normal, which makes them look as if they are not working at all.
Japanese people are not good at taking time off, and if they are told to work for 8 hours, they tend to think that it is wrong if they do not work for 8 hours. However, according to the global standard such as in Europe and the United States, once the 8 hours of work is done, the rest of the time is free. This may be a desirable attitude toward work, but it is also a peculiar Japanese attitude toward work that makes us strangle ourselves unnecessarily, such as cleaning up when we have free time, or having a conflict with other people if we finish early.
”It's good that we have a slow life here, unlike in Japan... If we had so much time to spare, we wouldn't know what to do...
”This is the slow life? Japanese people are scary. .......... This is the slow life.
It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this. You can't do that.
Even May, after half a day of boat building, goes out to play or take a nap. ......... Masaru, on the other hand, wakes up with the hunters at sunrise and feels like he has to do something until sunset. In reality, Masaru works more than 12 hours a day. In reality, Masaru's work includes hobbies and entertainment, but because he is doing something productive, it looks like he is working.