31 1 in Parliament (1/2)
The next day, I thought I was going to be called down to the Order, but instead I was going to a place called the Assembly Hall.
On my way there, I took a second look at the city, and the first thing I noticed was the smell... there was filth everywhere, and trash was thrown all over the city. If this was the standard way of living in a city, I wouldn't be able to live there.
The second thing that struck me was the number of poor people there who probably don't have jobs. How can you tell that just by looking at them? It was obvious that there was a grown man sitting in front of the house begging for money.
A little further on, the scenery changes from houses made of wood to brick and stone houses. Apparently, there is a complete separation between the wealthy and the poor. As I was thinking about this, I was approached by Erdam, a knight walking in front of me.
The building you see in front of you is the council chamber. It is used for discussions among the nobles, for the management of the city, and as an emergency headquarters in times of war. As you can see, the city is still poor. But as you can see, the city is still poor, and they don't like to set up a budget because they need to save for the war. Who's up there?
What do you mean by ”higher-ups”? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Or are you referring to the most powerful people in the city?
Both. The city's administration is currently under the command of the Order. The head of the city's nobility is also a member of the Order, though his faction is different from the Order. And the city is in this state?
”So that's why the city is in this state? So the city is in this state. I see.
This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.
This is the guest I've brought with me by order of the Commander. Please confirm immediately!
He called out to the two guards standing in front of the council chamber, and one of them rushed inside to check. After a while, the guard returns with a man who looks like a civil official.
”Sorry to keep you waiting. My name is Godolda. Thank you for coming today...
”Enough with the greetings, let's get down to business. ”Enough with the greetings.
I'm Godolda, and I've come here to greet you.” Godolda's face showed a grudge for a moment as he urged Erdam to go on before he could even finish his greeting, but the next moment he spoke as if nothing had happened.
I'm sure you've heard of him. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. ......... Yes, that's fine. Please drop off your weapons at the door and proceed to meeting room 1. He's a long talker.
He's got a long story to tell. ....
I can't help it, it's my job. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but when I walked through the door that Erdam opened for me, I saw that it was completely made of stone from the outside, but inside, only the important parts were made of stone and the rest was made of wood. The floor was well polished and waxed, but it was wooden and did not look like it was suitable for shoes.
”Please leave your weapons here. Please leave your weapons here.
I came to my senses. I took off my sword and handed it to him with my sword belt. After a brief body check, I was allowed to proceed.
It was conference room number one, right?
Yes, the largest door at the end of the hall is Conference Room 1. Yes.
When I opened the door and entered the room, I found four people sitting at a large U-shaped table on either side of me, and another massive desk in the back with a big man sitting in the middle of it, standing behind him with a bundle of parchment under his arm.
You're Masaru, aren't you? I'm Lancelot, head of the city and head of the Order. I've heard that you want to free the beastmen? Let's hear the details, sit down. Sit down.
Thank you. I'll see what I can do. I'm sure we'll hear what you have to say.
You take the seat he offers you, talking lightly.
”What do you want? I thought you were the one with the requirements. What?
”What? I don't know what you're talking about. .... What?
You invade with gusto, but you don't have the assets or technology to feed people, do you? It's not a good idea to fight or develop something that doesn't fit your size. You!