360 357. Stand behind the scenes.txt (1/2)

The reception at the Epic Seeker base took place late into the night, making the most of the renovated and enlarged garden, and there were several times as many people there as there were in my group.

The number of people there was several times larger than when I was a member of the guild. Surrounded by guild members, who easily exceeded three orders of magnitude, I was constantly bombarded with questions.

At first, it was a celebration, and everyone was chatting and tasting the sumptuous food, but ...... soon the bad things about Epic Seeker began to come out. The guild members who had promised a rematch were forcing me to be taken to the base's equipped training grounds to repeat my old practice matches.

An all-out competition, which is not really a welcome, begins, and I am forced to play practice matches endlessly. Yotaki and Maria, who were watching the situation from afar, did not try to stop me at all. Even without words, I could tell that they were saying, ”I had it coming.

That all-out competition began with the boar-headed Seri-chan, and for some reason, Agnes-chan challenged me in a three-on-one match, and we confirmed our abilities to deepen our friendship with Volzak-san and Teyri-san--in the end, we matched up with all the guild members and exhausted our hand-to-hand combat. The last thing that would bring us to the end of the day was a wound from Snow.

The quintessential Walker family's 'strongest' and Snow is just about to be praised, and just as the sun is beginning to set and evening darkness is about to spread.

The air of dismissal filled the training grounds. Just then, Snow came up to me, not wanting to let me go, and grabbed my hand tightly.

''-- Hey, hey, hey, Kanami! Since you're here, come to our house today!

Home ......?

I was getting ready to leave and was about to head back to the inn when I stopped in my tracks.

Come to think of it, I wonder where Snow is laying down now. And Maria there.

From what I saw earlier, it could be any of the Walker family's vacation homes. If they're renting one of the rooms in this 'Epic Seeker', they shouldn't be saying 'our house'.

'Yes, that house on the hill!

Snow replies cheerfully.

A house on a hill.

There was only one thing that came to mind when I described it.

It was the house I rented for money when I first started exploring the labyrinth.

Eventually, I was only able to use it for a few days, but the house left a strong impression on me. After all, I was tested there by the guardians of the labyrinth. It's also the place where she disappeared after battling with Arti, the one who stole the logic of fire. I can't forget it.

The House on the Hill ......? I mean, does Snow live in a place like that? I mean, was that even left in the first place?

I can still remember the house being consumed by the flames.

I don't think it was in its original form after that battle.

It's still there. It's just that it's still there, or at least I heard it was rebuilt. Maria and I bought it because our work was close to the Wald area.

'I didn't know ....... You had to rebuild it after that. I mean, it was a rental house and you didn't reimburse me for it, I .......

I realize that I forgot a lot of important things.

Because I was a fugitive at the time, I didn't have the time to pay attention to such things.

But don't worry about that, Maria joins the conversation.

'I've paid for it. Since Arti and I burned it, it's a strange story for Kanami-san to pay.''

'Oh, Maria did that for me: ....... I think it was pretty expensive, was it okay?

'No, it was cheap. When the building was rebuilt, the land where Kanami lived in the past seemed to have a premium value ...... and the people at the store weren't that angry. Most importantly, it was decided that Snow would live there after the reimbursement. Thanks in part to the Walker family's backing, the story ended peacefully.


I'm a little uncomfortable with the premiere value thing, but if the people in the shop aren't unhappy with it, I have no problem with it. Once I'm reassured, Snow insists again, ”That's why I'm living with Maria now.

So, I'm living here alone with Maria. Thanks to Maria, every inch of the place is clean.

I turned my gaze to Maria.

There she was, smiling and nodding at me.

'I had no choice. Snow-san, I announced to the Walker family that I was going to stand on my own with enthusiasm, but the next day, she cried to me ....... He said he had no one else to turn to before I dressed up around him.

Maria easily divulged Snow's inner feelings.

To that, Snow said, ”Don't say it too loudly ....... It's a good thing that you're not the only one who's been in the market for a while. It seems to be a secret to the others, but from the expressions of the guild members around them, it looks like everyone knows about it.

''--Kanami-san, you're still the same as before, right?

One word.

Maria appeals to my memories of the past.

The house where Maria and I used to live together.

Like Snow, Maria had the same determination to invite me to join her.

When I looked at the guild members around me, Volzak-san called out to me ahead of me.

'Leave the cleanup here to me. I'm not going to leave this kind of chores to an honorary lifetime master.

He reacted quickly.

Maybe he was listening in nearby. In spite of his scarred and strong face, Volzak-san is a person with such a fine attention to detail.

''No, that's not how it works. 'No, that's not how it works, I'll help you clean up.

Immediately I try to deny it, but the woman in the guise of a wizard next to Volzak-san - Teyri-san - covers me with an even stronger denial.

''No, Kanami-kun. By ingratiating myself in detail like this, it's my intention to get you to help me when the 'Epic Seeker' is really in danger.

Teyri looks at me sharply.

She's the first to try to get me and Snow together. I'm sure she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

I feel I can't say no to her, so I have no choice but to leave her in charge of the base.

...... then, I'll take care of it.

Yeah, go ahead. The master needs a long rest.

Take care of Snow, Kanami! Snow! Our snow!

I ignore Teyri and only say 'yes' to Volzak and bow to him.

With that, we say our goodbyes to the people around us and leave the 'Epic Seeker' headquarters.

'Kanami, this way. Ehehe. ......

Then, with an overjoyed Snow's loose face, he leads the way to the house. His hand is still holding mine, and the eyes of those around us hurt.

We don't have to hide as we walk down the white stained streets of the Confederacy.

I can see the residents putting their hands over their mouths and whispering to each other. We don't need to use the Dimension to know. Right now, the rumors that the head of the Walker family is talking about are intensifying.

Maria must have sensed this as well as me.

Haha ....... Mr. Snow, let go.

What do you mean, let go of what?

It's a hand. It's very visible.

Maria pointed to the linked hands, followed by a look around. Caught up, Snow also moved her eyes, which had been on me the whole time, to look around.

'I don't ...... care.

When Snow refused in understanding, a smiling Maria released her magic without a pause as Snow refused.

''Hot--, hot!

Maria's flame dexterously burned only Snow.

'I know you're happy about many things, Snow. But please be moderate. It's a bad habit these days.'

'Ma, Maria, just because it's me, I have a bit of firepower ......'

'You wouldn't let go of your hand if it wasn't like this, would you? You're not even related by blood, but you're a lot like your mother-in-law.

'Yeah, yeah ....... No, Maria is starting to look more like your mother-in-law these days. ......

'It can't be. Unlike that man, I'm not paranoid at all.

Oh, really?

Snow, away from me, goes to stand side by side with Maria, chatting amiably.

I watched it - I felt a strong sense of discomfort. Unable to grasp the true nature of that uncomfortable feeling, I couldn't say anything, only slowly turning my eyes to Yotaki behind me.

She too was watching quietly.

She is walking at the farthest back, not trying to interrupt the conversation at all.

As I ponder the meaning of this, we reach our destination.

At the top of a hill with a great view.

The labyrinth is close and there are few other buildings. It's a perfect location for the explorers of the Valt. There is a single house there.

It's neither large nor small. Although the house is basically made of wood, it is equipped with the latest system using magic stones everywhere, and you can tell that it's a priceless house just from the outside.

It's nostalgic.

I wonder if they went out of their way to recreate the same building as before.

The same house I knew was there.

Snow and Maria lead me into it.

The interior was the same.

I walked through the familiar front door to the large living room with a view of the kitchen.

As soon as we reached there, Maria said, ”I'll hurry up and prepare a meal. Kanami-san is our guest today, so please take your time,” she said, and headed for the kitchen. Knowing her personality, I did as I was told and got to the table in the living room to relax. Then I turn to Snow, who naturally doesn't help Maria, and talk to her.

So, what are you going to do now, Snow? I thought you were done with that pioneering mission,

Yeah, you're finally done. And now that I've finally had a decent break, I'll start helping Kanami explore the maze tomorrow.

You don't mind that this is your day off, do you?

The fact that the war between the North and the South is at a standstill probably explains why he is taking this leave so easily for a former deputy commander in chief. Of course, Snow's tone suggests that he had to ask for his leave quite aggressively.

Of course it's fine. Of course it's fine. I'll be physically and mentally fit and become Kanami's partner. That dream has never changed.

Following the house on the hill, there was another word that I missed.

A partner in a labyrinthine quest. Not a one-sided relationship, but a supportive one.

'Kanami, if you don't mind?'

Snow begged emphatically for permission to join the labyrinth search.

In both of his eyes, he seemed to have the confidence to have overcome his experience as a military officer and his feud with the Walker family until today.

''Yeah. Let's go to the labyrinth together.

I nodded, making sure the discomfort I'd been remembering all along had swelled to its maximum.

I know that Snow has grown up to be a great guy.

But this is a little ...... strange.

I'm sure Snow wasn't as confident in himself as he should have been. To be honest, there was a section where he had given up on the goal of being a partner, but half of the time he had given up. The reason for this is that there was a 'big reason' (・・・・・) for the loss of confidence.

--I'm sure you're not going to be able to find any trace of that 'big reason' in this world.

That's why Snow is so vibrant in this way.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

While confirming the identity of the discomfort, I inform Snow of the current state of search, having promised to explore the labyrinth. However, when Snow finds out that we've reached the deep end in the past few days, she says, ”What, eighty-five floors already? He looked a little uneasy. However, that anxiety was dispelled by Maria who brought the meal.

''--I'm here too, so it's okay. Snow-san.

'Oh, I see. ...... That's right. You'll be safe with Maria. It's nice to meet you, Maria.

Snow takes a plate of food from Maria and returns to his bright face as he lays it out on the table.

The depths of the labyrinth are scary, but if Maria is there, she has an expression of calmness.

'Ehehe. Let's use the rest of the day to show Kanami all the good things about you.

My mouth is saying my name. But Snow looked at Maria, not me, and smiled.

He seems to be directing his gratitude and strong trust in Maria for her encouragement.

At that moment, I suddenly felt the loneliness that I had felt even with Deah.

At the same time, what I felt today when I saw the state of the 'Epic Seeker' comes clearly into my head in the form of words.

-- the two of them have already gotten what they both wanted.

If it's 'family', then Snow is fulfilling that role, and if it's 'partner', then Maria is fulfilling that role.

They complement each other and live an ideal life together. If this is the book, then all that's left to do is get into the final chapter and wait for the end. That's how much relief I felt from this nostalgic home.

When I wondered if this was the intention (...) of this ”Gentle Winter World”, my younger sister Yotaki, who had been maintaining silence for a long time, spoke up.

''Snow-san, have you already decided on your next job?''

It was next.

When asked the question, Snow happily answered Yotaki.

'It's all set, sister. Your next job is on the mainland, representing the Walker family in various capacities.

'I see. ...... I'm just saying that lightly, but it sounds like a pretty big job. I mean, you're going to take the place of that master of the house.

'Yes, your mother-in-law's replacement: ....... But--

Snow turns her eyes to Maria again.

The two, now sisters-in-law, look at each other and smile at each other.

''My sister-in-law told me to go with you and assist you. Your mother-in-law doesn't seem to believe in Snow-san with all her heart yet.

'Heh. If Maria is with you, you won't have to worry about her. I'm sure that the two of you will be able to help each other with each other's weaknesses. Just like the partners I just mentioned.

Yotaki praised the bond between the two of them.

That statement seemed to confirm my current assumption.

Hearing this, Snow did not deny it, but continued a little shyly.

...... Yeah. To be honest, Maria is very dependable.

'You're not very good at taking advantage of each other, Snow. I will take on the aristocrats' deceitfulness. For that, though, I'll do my best to use the foil that is Snow Walker.

It would be an ideal division of labor.

This way, I can rest assured that the two of us will be heading to the mainland. Yotaki speaks for my feelings.

''We have a really good relationship ....... So, have you decided when you'll be leaving?

Well, I'm pretty sure it's not...

The banter continues.

Maria, Snow, and Yotaki talk about the bright future as they work on the food on the table.

In the midst of their banter, I didn't say anything unnecessary.

There was no need to say anymore.

Then, after a few moments of peace and quiet, the dinner that Maria had prepared was over.

Yotaki, who must have talked it all out, finally drank a glass of water and broke off to say goodbye.

''--Ah. Before you know it, it's getting so dark. ...... So, I think it's time to leave. It was very good, Maria.

I thank him for the meal and leave the table.

To which Maria smiles and replies, ”Come again,” she says.

My sister, Yotaki, is about to leave.

Behind her, my brother, I--.

”Yotaki, I'm thinking of staying here today. ......

It doesn't go by.

Naturally, the homeowners are surprised by that statement.


Kanami, ......?

Snow was simply delighted and Maria wondered.

The only person who understood what was behind my words was Yotaki.

'Yes, I know. I've heard that this was Arti's final resting place. And Maria, who inherited everything from her, is also here. Please, go ahead and have a 'past view' of Arti to your heart's content. Brother.

'If we're going to do it, we need to know about it early. You can find out more about Alty at .......

When I told them it was for magic, Snow and Maria's surprised expressions loosened when I told them it was for magic.

''Just because I'm not here doesn't mean you should do anything weird, okay?

'I know. I mean, if I'm going to 'see past', I'm not going to sleep today, I'm going to be spellbound. It's more like renting a place than staying in.

Of course. Well, then, I'm going back to the inn first.

Without any particular bargaining, Yotaki went home alone.

I had been thinking of a strategy to get Yotaki away somehow, but I had shrugged it off. But on the contrary, I felt that the goodness of Youtaki's understanding was proof that everything was in the palm of your hand.

Thus, I was the only one left in the house, and Snow asked me without hiding her happiness.

'What? Um, so ...... does it feel like Kanami is staying in my room today?

No, why would I do that? Listen to me, Snow. I'll rent the corner of the room where Maria sleeps. When Maria is asleep, I'll cast a dimensional spell on her body.

What ....... Thank you for--

Snow stopped mid-sentence.

He then proceeded to show that he was an adult with room to spare.

'Then I'll sleep in my room so as not to interfere with the magic.

I could see that he was thinking about all sorts of good things.

I won't interfere, but he'll at least eavesdrop on the example, at the very least.

As if Maria also has a premonition of this, she stands up with a bitter smile on her face.

'Well then, let's get an early night's rest today, shall we? If I go to bed early, Kanami-san will probably find it easier to do 'past vision'.

Maria understands that even though the sleeping quarters are the same, they won't be able to settle down and talk about it, and she quickly prepares for it.

'It would help if you did. It's a little embarrassing to stare at Maria's awake face and use magic.

I thanked her as I helped Maria clean up her food.

Snow does the same as I do, lowering his plate and giving a chimney.

'I'm really tired today! As for your mother-in-law, I made too much noise with 'Epic Seeker' - ......

With the three of us working together, the cleanup was soon done.

As it was, we left the living room and went into our respective rooms.

I'll see you tomorrow then. Kanami, Maria.

We wave at each other and part ways with Snow.

Then I go into the same room as Maria.

This is another familiar room.

Immediately, Maria goes to bed and I sit on the sofa provided.

As I said earlier, Maria seems to be planning to sleep right away.

Only, before I close my eyes, Maria mutters.

''It's a little nostalgic. The two of us here, sleeping like this: ......'

Sleeping in this way - probably on the first day I bought Maria and her as a slave. I remember sleeping unfaithfully that day, feeling extremely confused and defeated. Thus, I was on the couch.

'Yes. Reminds me a bit of that time.

'Back then, I was a slave and Master Kanami was my master. Master told me that he wasn't, and indeed he was: ......

I remember Maria being really stubborn and troubled.

I respond to the memories in a light-hearted tone.

When Maria hears this, she laughs and says, ”Hmmm” - after a pause, she says a few words.

'Can you hold my hand until I fall asleep?'

I hope so.

I look at Maria's face with surprise.

Maria doesn't turn her face to me.

She is clutching the blanket with her left hand and pulling it closer, shyly hiding the lower half of her face. And from the hem of the blanket, there is a small hand sticking out of the hem of the blanket.

'-- I really wanted to grip it. That day.

What I couldn't say, I'm saying now.

I have no choice but to respond to it.

There was a reason for that, and my body is built that way too.

I found a suitable chair, sat down next to the bed instead of the couch, and took Maria's hand in mine.

Then she meditated reassuringly.

'Goodnight ....... My favorite master .......

I muttered my former sarcasm, this time in a straightforward manner.

Ah .......

Maria is the same as Snow.

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on a new one.

-- that must have been a really, really 'big reason'.

So now, finally, Maria doesn't stand tall and shows her age.

And Maria begins to breathe in her sleep.

In a short amount of time, she was truly relieved and fell asleep.

After watching her sleeping face for a while, I unfold the Dimension.

I see that Snow, who is in the next room, is also sleeping in her bed. Hearing that our conversation has stopped, he seems to have fallen asleep as well.

I'm now the only one awake in the house.

'Magic, we have to use it ......'

Immediately I spring into action.

Although I have plenty of time to spare, it's not infinite.

...magic [Distance Mute].

However, the magic I used was not 'past vision'.

I moved Maria's hand to the bed and then made the hand in which it was held transparent.

Then, without Maria's notice, I left the room.

If I had done 'past vision' in that room, I would have definitely been able to see Arti's life.

Maria and Yotaki had recommended it, but I had no intention of doing so.

I followed the impulse that came from my heart and searched for what I lacked.

There was something intuitive about it.

Now that Yotaki was gone, I had to find something to fill the missing feeling I was feeling from The Epic Seeker. And that missing thing must be in this house.

Walking soundlessly through the creaking corridor, I let my instincts guide me to expand the 《Dimension》.

Of course, Maria and Snow - so thin and wide that no one in this world will notice.

The layout of the house is the same as before.

A grand entrance and living room, a fine kitchen and bathroom.

There is one bedroom and two guest rooms.

I've just come out of the bedroom.

I take a look at the living room and bathroom, and also take a quick look at the guest room where Snow sleeps.

There's nothing remarkable about it.

Nothing mind-blowing either.

Finally, you enter the second of the remaining guest rooms and look around the room.

This one is not much different from the other rooms in terms of furniture and layout.


This is the only place that felt a little different from the others .......

There's a sense of life here that shouldn't be there .......

The bedroom is used by Maria and the guest room next door is used by Snow.

Even in the past, this room should not have been used.

Back then, it was just Maria and the two of them, and there was no such thing as a third--


Just when I thought there was no third person, the darkness in the corner of the room moved.

The edges of my vision caught the brown-skinned child running, hiding in the shadows, and disappearing.

Immediately I reached into my 'possessions', grabbed my sword, and prepared to use my magic.

I moved the Dimension instead of my eyes and prepared for a surprise attack from every possible direction, when one anomaly caught my attention.

''Sword ......?''

There was a single sword lying haphazardly in the corner of the floor.

No doubt, it wasn't there when I looked around the room earlier.

I also find the window in the room open and the snow blowing in the nighttime darkness.

I 'gazed' at the beautiful silver sword exposed to the snow.

[Heavenly Sword Noah]

Attack power 7.

Wear rate -99%.

My heart beats with the most powerful heartbeat of the day.

My body is drawn to the nostalgia of the sword, not by its superbly crafted silverwork, but by the nostalgia of the sword.

'This sword, who ......

I wonder who brought it in.