327 324. Magical power of the mirror.txt (1/2)

Blood continues to rain in the underground cavity.

Like wine sprinkled on parchment, the rain paints my vision.

My clothes suck blood and my body feels heavy. Blood drips into my eyes, nose and mouth, and my five senses become dull. The pool of blood is a pool, and the water level rises to my knees. If I didn't get up the stairs at once, I would sink and drown.

But I can't move.

I'm alone here - it looks like I'm alone, but there's another person.

The enemy Lagne Kaikwola is waiting for me to start moving, impatient.

He's holding his breath, trying to assassinate me head-on.

'Ha, ha, ha ......'

I didn't do anything, but the tension alone made me start to lose my breath.

It helps that they don't use wide-range magic like I used against Maria, but this is a tricky one.

The worst thing would be that I would be left alone in the basement and both Ragne and Mr. Fafner would go upstairs at the same time. If Lagne, who is now lost, is comfortably climbing the stairs alone, I must start moving immediately.

But I can't do that.

The 'bad feeling' appealed to me that it was the enemy's aim to make me so impatient.

And conversely, the enemy is close by as long as the ”bad feeling” is there.

I didn't let my guard down as I stood on a stick and thought about how to attack the enemy. The 'bad feeling' that I learned from Ms. Tiara can postpone defeat, but it can't bring about victory. It's not like Mr. Loewen's or Christ's 'sensitivity'. In order to win, you have to think for yourself, you have to decide for yourself.

--First of all, you must not touch the enemy's attack.

You'll be able to use magic to make them faint, although you don't know the conditions.

Hence, all you have to do is avoid them instead of receiving them.

As long as it also seemed to transmit magic from magic to magic, we don't use the wind as much as possible either. Instead of spreading the magic power outside of the body, it is condensed and sharpened inside the body.

Powerful magic like 《Tauschus Wand》 and 《Zeer Wand》 are absolutely not allowed. Probably, with the magic control that Titty taught me, I will probably follow the same way of losing as Maria before.

The magic power control taught by Aide is the best for this place.

Exactly, that's a good teaching to say that was for this situation. In the end, I couldn't make up with my teacher, but I heard about his death from Christ. I'm sure the teacher and I are still teachers and students.

There are things I still remember.

It was Aide's kind words to me at the time of my self-doubt.

He encouraged me that choices are just hard to find and that everyone has an infinite number of choices. Remember that nostalgic lesson. Handcuffed and under the watchful eye of Shea and Hailey, along with Rouge and Noir - and


My body moved before I could think.

Folding my body forward, I ducked just short of the killing intent from my back.

''--Avoided? I thought I had an opening, though.

At the same time, a voice echoes into the underground cavity.

I take a passive position as I roll forward and look around to find the owner of the voice. But there is no one there. Indeed, a blade wet with killing intent strikes me - but it's only my body that is creating ripples in the pool of blood.

There is nothing to block the rain of blood in my vision, and all I can see is a wall of flowing blood and a bright red world tree.

But it echoes. The voice continues to echo from somewhere.

It's a very good idea to be able to have a good time with them. You will be able to find out the best way to get the most out of this article. It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. Am I embarrassingly exposed as an idiot?

The voices are in different directions.

I can't see the enemy at all.

I decide to look at only one point with my eyes thinly open so that they don't realize it.

Then, I don't attend to the enemy's words and wait for his surprise attack again. I regret that I let my mind wander back to the warm and nostalgic times, and I refocus once again. This time I'm not going to let my guard down - I'm going to hold my breath with a counterattack (counter).

'...... Heh. If that's what you're coming for, we're coming for you too, right?

Lagune seems to have sensed my 'waiting' attitude.

I'm not going to be able to get it right.

I'm ...... not sure if I'll be ...... a liner with skills that don't seem to be compatible with each other later. It's not a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. Like Kanami's brother, I'm a cowardly perfectionist. ...... So, I'm going to kill everyone upstairs first, and then slowly and surely capture the liner. Hahaha.


After that laughter, Ragne's voice ceased to be heard for the last time.

The underground cavity is enveloped in silence, and the only sound is the sound of blood beating down on the rain.

The familiar sound of clattering and the unfamiliar sight of blood droplets continuing to dance.

A slight hesitation arises. The ”bad feeling” still continues to be activated, and I continue to complain about the danger to myself. However, I can't say that there is absolutely no way for me to leave this place while Lagune continues to trigger my skills.

The worst thing that could happen right now is for Ragne to move freely on the ground. Now that I've promised the Reaper that I'm going to be stranded, I have to stop that from happening, or he can take me by surprise up there.

After a slight hesitation (later), I take a few steps forward in the pool of blood against the 'bad feeling'.


The enemy's attack is not coming.

They may have really left this place without me.

Soon I'm cautiously trying to move up the stairs to the underground cavity--


This time the killing intent is approaching from the right direction. I duck again with the same forward motion as before and reach the stairs in the underground cavity. I put my hand on the second step of that staircase and look around to try to capture the enemy's position this time.

However, that location information was divulged by the enemy, Lagune himself.

''--Hahaha. You can't see it (・・・・・・)?

I quickly turned my eyes in the direction of the voice, and at the top of the stairs - around the 20th step - Lagune appeared, standing and looking down at me.

When I looked into her eyes, my whole body was agitated.

Her brown eyes were cloudy and dyed jet black. Her short, dark brown hair, her unique clothing, the twin swords in her hands, everything was discolored. It's as if the colors of the surroundings were invading them, blending in with the landscape behind them.

Blending and dissolving, mimicking.

Lagne is there, but I feel like she's not 'there'.

It's a contradiction, but I've never seen a human being so present and so absent. The presence of Lagune is so thin and vague that I'm tempted to think it's some kind of ghost - it's horrifying.

'Instead of going up, rather, he tried to chase me as I was about to get down - but I avoided him. Definitely not in sight. But I know (...) - is that right?

Ragne observes me with his cloudy eyes.

I guess he understands his condition well. He throws out words that shake my heart, as if to fuel my fear of the unknown.

Then, with a certain conviction, Ragne smiled with a smirk. He threw one of the swords in his hand and thrust it dexterously down ten steps - ten steps above for me.

That crystal sword shines clear even in the rain of blood.

It is a supreme treasure sword that anyone who uses a sword would admire.

''This, this ......! You b*tc*!

I swear when I realize that it's 'Loewen, the Treasure Sword of the House of Alais'. Ragne catches it with a smile.

''It's Rowen-san's sword. Aren't you going to pick it up?''

I don't know who would fall for this obvious trap: ......

...... It's not a trap. I just want it back. Before we have a real fight.

Ragne maintains a smile and speaks with a divine expression in her eyes.

'Net, I'm only willing to return that sword to your side ....... It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. It was an enthralling match that really stole the hearts of all the knights. It's not a good idea to sully that fight as a knight of mine: ...... It's not worth it, I'm fully aware that it's not worthy of me. This should be in the hands of a straight-hearted knight.

As the narrative goes on, I recall a bit of Mr. Rowen's battle.

The two deceased world's best swordsmen were fighting on the world's highest stage, a giant theater ship. The unseen sword flashes continued to draw fantastic lines, and the crystals and ice crystals continued to color the scene. That sword fight.

On that day, Ragne and I were in a similar position, making the same moves and fighting for this 'Alais Family's Treasure Sword Lowen'.

I swear on my knight's heart. Of all the guardians of the labyrinth, I really respect Rowen.

She remembers the same thing, and she swears with unprecedented seriousness.

''And my junior, Rainer Helvirshein. I respect your chivalry as well. You are the knight who has inherited the soul of Hein Helvilleshain, who was called the best knight in the United States. You can't say that you are fit to be the owner, but you are fit to be the scabbard until the master of this ”Treasure Sword of the House of Alais, Rowen” appears.

I thought it was obvious flattery.

I stare back at my enemy, caught off guard, and deny it.

'Do you expect me to believe that ridiculous story ......?

'Don't you believe me ....... The truth is, even I'm not doing this ...... no, it's nothing. ......

Ragne looked a little sad, her twin eyes downcast. There was something fragile reflected in the smile on his mouth, and it seemed to exude some kind of reluctance. It was an expression that seemed somehow to resemble Christ--

I almost get caught up and listen to her details.

I almost take a step up the stairs.

But I didn't react at all, only keeping my kill alert.

A few seconds of glaring back - and then a swarm of killing intent descends from above.

I move as if I were bouncing and duck up three flights of stairs and duck all of them.

This time the attack was visible. Five of Ragne's signature magical materialization swords seemed to fall from the sky. Earlier, Ragne had said that she couldn't let go of the swords made of magic power from her hand, but it turns out that she was lying.

And that lying woman smiles and speaks to me in a friendly manner like in the past.

'Well, as you might have guessed, it's a trap. It's all a lie. Well, I can see that! Isn't that too convenient? You can't go upstairs without releasing the liner, can you?

After watching the enemy's sword throwing, he immediately went to pick up the 'Aleis Family's Treasure Sword Lowen' at the end of the stairs, but those things were no longer there, and they were in the hands of his former colleague who had a disgusted smile on his face.

Haha. In the first place, Ryner is not a knight with a straight heart! He doesn't look at all like that noble man, Hein. And yet, Ryner makes it sound like he's the successor to Hain-san. To be honest, no one in the Helvilleshain family thinks that way.

Ragne threw away all of her serious expressions and suddenly began to speak eloquently.

I'm talking about the fact that you and Ryner are that close to each other in the first place. It's not the same as being the only one for Ryner, right? It should be Franlure's sister that Hein-san loved the most. I wonder if Hein-san really entrusted his will to Ryner. I mean, he's an adopted son, Ryner, who's not even related to me. In lieu of other blood family members? You're going to leave it in the capable hands of that baby, Reiner? You're always alone with a failed liner! To that blobby liner that's been around since I was born!

I remembered the agitated way he spoke.

I could remember Brother Hein, who is the topic of conversation now, talking to that man in the past at the Helvilshein house.

''Haha, you were alone in the academy, right! I'm pretty sure I was alone in the cathedral. And Ryner, who was one of the Helvirshine family! Of course, as a knight, he was one too, Ryner! And Ryner, who doesn't want to be alone, will call himself Kanami's brother's knight without restraint when Mr. Hein dies! On top of that, you let Kanami's brother die, too! Same delusion, same delusion, same failures, liners over and over again!


At the mention of Christ's name, Ragne swung the sword in his right hand to the side.

Then the sword flies like a bow and arrow from the side stairwell towards the spiral staircase.

I calmly bent down to avoid it, and Lagune's mouth twitched in disappointment.

You can't ...... it? When it was Kanami's brother, I was able to stab him with this, though. Well, surprisingly, liners are a pain in the ass. You can't incite them. You can't even threaten them. You can't pretend to surrender. Oh, now, we have no choice but to take hostages. The effect was immediate in the cathedral. I learned a lot about how knights like Reiner should be attacked. Thank you, Mr. Feidert! Fortunately, I'm good at kidnapping and stuff like that!