289 286. Born Challenger.txt (1/2)

My earliest memory of Nosfi Fuzzy Yards is the moment of its birth.

Clearly I remember it.

It's all a faded memory, but I can remember every conversation I had that day. The lights I saw, the sounds I heard, the scents that tickled my nose, I can remember everything so vividly - all of it.

-- I wake up for the first time in a darkened room.

As a newborn, I wake up in my adult body and look around the room I'm seeing for the first time but already know. It's hard to reconcile the knowledge with the knowledge because it's so dark that it's indistinguishable from the back of my eyelids, but I'm convinced by smell, not sight.

The unique smell of death is mixed with the smell of various chemicals.

In addition, I can feel a thick 'demonic poison' that envelops my entire body.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the towers in Hooziyaz Castle.

It is the former princess's hospital room and the current ”Demonic Poison” laboratory and morgue.

As my eyes become accustomed to the darkness, I first find a pile of corpses called materials piled up in a corner. At first glance, the pile of corpses on the closed window seems like an outrageous research project, but they weren't collected by killing them.

They are all people who have been invaded by the world's ”demonic poison” and have regrettably died out.

In these times, there were countless people who had no relatives and were unable to enter their graves. Rather than leaving them to fend for themselves, scholars overcame the fear of infection and studied the corpses to find a cure.

It's a wonderful story. It's an inspiring story.

But it was also a story of a very futile effort.

In the end, the scholars of the Hoosier State achieved nothing. All they got from dismembering the bodies of their compatriots was irresistible despair.

The knowledge and technology of this country probably would not have been able to unravel even a thousand years from now.

Realistically speaking, it was impossible to continue until the country was destroyed.

So how did I come to be able to relax in a room full of 'demonic poison'?

It was thanks to external factors that came from outside the Hoosiers.

The Apostle and the Gentiles.

Especially thanks to the power of the Gentiles, the study of the 'Demonic Poison' exploded. Furthermore, with the miraculous power of the apostles, we were able to create an artificial creature that was able to adapt to the ”Devil's Poison”.

This is how I was born.

Even though I was born, it wasn't born from my mother's stomach.

I was born in a humanoid shape, born by human hands, by combining human flesh and the crystals of the ”demon poison”.

I knew that from birth.

Conveniently, there was no confusion thanks to the technology of carving knowledge into blood. Like an instinct I would get up, know myself, know the world, know my place in it, and try to get out of this dimly lit room.

I get out of bed and walk on the cobblestones with my floppy, bare feet.

I push open the old wooden door and walk down the stairs that lead downstairs into a room that was recently added to the house.

And for the first time since I was born, I feel the light - but both of my eyes were accustomed to the light before I was born. I entered the room downstairs without any problems.

Unlike the room I just left, it was filled with clean air. It's used as a little waiting room, or maybe it's just a modest table and chairs.

The people who have been waiting for me in the room welcome me with surprise at my arrival.

'Ho, it's really working ......!

The first voice was a blonde adult female, the Apostle Sith.

''Of course it's going to move. I heard they made it that way.

The next voice was the brown-haired boy, Apostle Legacey.

'Thank goodness ....... You've succeeded. ......

Taking a breather is a white-haired old man, Apostle Diprakra.

The three apostles greeted me.

All three of them have an odd air about them. Their faces and clothes are quite normal, but my instincts make me understand that they are special. I can't help but think that they are different (...).

This is the apostle who made me ....... Then these are my--.

I've heard it's called 'Jewelcruise'. It's the first prototype, but it's good enough to be called a finished product. It's the perfect fit for the time it takes for the world to adjust - according to Yotaki. Yes, that's the end of my message. Did you guys hear me correctly?

The younger Apostle Legacy explains to the other adult apostles.

I thought they were small and pompous, but I knew they weren't as old as they looked.

When I remained silent, the other apostles revealed their joy.

'Heh, The Magic Stone Man (Jewelculus) ......! Great, that's pretty good!

'Magic Stone Man (Jewelculus)' or ....... That's a good one. You've definitely taken a step forward. Finally ......, yeah, finally .......

The three of them called me 'Jewelculus'.

It was the moment of birth of the first 'Jewelcrus' - an ideal humanoid something that could endure the demonic environment of that time by using all of the magic technology of that time and the best magic stones of that time.

However, its treatment was only slightly different from what I had expected.

So I could see my face darken just a little bit, even to myself.

'Um, what do we call this?'

Perhaps sensing my expectations, Legacy suggests something a little closer.

The other apostles are severely puzzled by it.

''Mm, aren't you going to call them 'Magic Stone Humans' (Jewelculus)?'''

'You don't have to have a name, do you? You can call it the 'Flag of Light'.

Both the apostle Diprakra in his old man's form and the adult female apostle Sith have the appearance of a large adult but lack common sense. Their sensibilities are a bit out of character. It's as good as knowledge.

'No, that's a position or a name, not a name. ...... Let's give this guy a name that we have too: .......

'Oh, surely it is necessary for identification? The Lord says so. But I'm not very good at that sort of thing. One or the other, please.

Then I'll have to put it on! Hmmm, yes. She's a symbol of the South, a saint who saves the country and leads it to the North, so--

The Sith raised his hand in front of him.

And my name--

'The One to the North (Northfield)! She is the Confederate Flag of Light to save the world. 'The One Who Steals the Light's Reason' Northfield Hoosiers!

They give you a name that doesn't sound like a very good name.

It's not a name either, it's a role designation.

I didn't have the energy to say that.

I just repeated her words in my head.

Apparently I'm a saint, 'the one who steals the reason for the light'.

...... Honestly, I don't know what that means.

No, I know exactly what the words mean. Thanks to the fact that I have so much knowledge packed into my blood, I am surely more knowledgeable than those scholars out there.

I understand everything about this world, this country, this basement and this situation.

I know that this world has been driven to the edge by the Devil's poison. I know that the world wants a savior. I know the role I am called to play. I know why I have to do it. I know how much power I have.

I know it all, but I'm .......

I don't really feel like I'm doing anything.

I don't feel like I was born. I don't feel like I'm living in this world. Naturally, I'm not very interested in the crisis in this world. Everyone around me is a stranger. I don't care about everything they say. I don't care about everything.

I really don't care - the first emotion I learned after I was born was such an easy despair.

Too empty and sad, too pointless and laughable, too pointless to disappear, and I'm suddenly drawn to what I see.

It is not the apostles, but the window in the rear.

Unlike the top floor, the window in this room is open.

I walk towards that window. Leaving the apostles who are making a lot of noise without me, I walk alone - alone.

Sky ......, dark .......

I put my hand on the edge of the window and let out my first voice since birth.

And as it was, I tried to lean back.

Thanks to the fact that I had so much knowledge in my head now, I knew exactly what I had to do now.

If I jumped out of here, it would be over.

If I went head first into the ground, I could easily die.

A legitimate born person would be terrified, but I could do it without hesitation.

I can return to the person I was before I was born. I can get out of this empty feeling. And when I thought that--

Yes, it's a dark world! ...... And it's your mission to clear that darkness! Rejoice that you can be the cornerstone to save this world! Thank you for giving your life to the Lord! Northfield!

Before I knew it, Sith was standing next to me, holding me with one hand on my shoulder.

He was treating me as a fellow walker of death with him, his eyes shining and pointing to the pitch black sky.

As I knew, it seems that the Apostle Sith, the Apostle of Justice, is a bit of a headache, after all.

Caught up in that disappointment, I completely missed the timing.

Following that, Diprakra approaches me.

The better still apostle translates the Sith's words in plain English.

Northfield, please take the place of our apostle. I ask you to unite the human race in place of the Apostles. Please unite the Fooziers instead of the royal families of this country. Fight the enemy on behalf of those who cannot adapt to the demon poisoning of this world. What ordinary people can't do, you can do on their behalf.

-- 'Substitute (...)'

I knew that it was the 'magic' of 'the one who steals the reason for the light'.

I also knew that I was created for it.

'...... Northfield. Will you do it?

'Of course I'm going to do it, of course I'm going to do it! Praise, praise!

Diprakra and Sith gave me an expectant look.

I nodded in a small way, feeling that my empty senses had been stimulated a bit.

'...... yes. I'll give it a go.

I didn't have anything else to do, so I took on the task without thinking about it.

Then, with a flash, he removed his hand from the edge of the window.

The two apostles are greatly pleased with his answer.

'Hmm, of course. Hmmm, I'm so happy. We have another friend. It is a cruel world, but there is still hope. Hmmmm.

'It's certainly a pleasure ....... Thus, moving forward one step at a time is ......

Behind the two noisy people, Legacie was sighing.

He turned his back as if it was no longer his business and walked out of the room a step ahead of them.

This was the end of the first face-to-face meeting.

-- Thus, I would be fine-tuned by the two remaining apostles as a 'Magic Stone Human (Jewelculus)'.

I was shown around the Fuzzyards' castle and taken to the country's best storeroom. First of all, it was time for us to study there.

Confirmation of the knowledge etched in blood. Checking common sense. Confirmation of etiquette. Over the course of a few days, he acquired the proper 'flag' of the country.

After that, it's a face-to-face meeting with a fabricated blood relation.

In order to turn the lie about the previous king's illegitimate child into the truth, he utilized his apostolic authority to go everywhere. However, there aren't many places to go around, since the Hoozeyer's Country was on the verge of destruction until just recently. After a few months, I had already been recognized as the youngest member of the Fouzeyards royal family.

No matter how strong the influence of the 'Apostle' is, it's extraordinary. I think that tells you a lot about the terminal state of this world and country.

After being recognized as an entity, it's time to adjust the magic.

Making use of the 'Demon Poison' to cause supernatural phenomena was a must for the 'Gofan'.

In this era, the basics of magic were still a bit new, and most of them could not use magic. Just being a wizard was enough to get them to look up to you, and countries would bow to you to employ you.

After all, with a wizard, you can produce water and fire from nothing. They can purify the air, change the terrain, and repair people's bodies without question. It's a miraculous power that defies all the conventional wisdom of the world, so it's only natural that he would receive an unbeatable privilege.

And I was one of the best among those wizards.

The ability to adapt to the ”Demon Poison” is high, and I can perform a variety of miracles.

In addition, thanks to the blessing of the Apostle's choice of 'the one who steals the logic of light', a certain magic is constantly being invoked from my body.

The root of the plan of the Banner of Light to unify humanity.

It is the magic of fascination.

Just by looking at the light that leaks from me, people with little resistance to magic are mesmerized and fascinated.

Just by hearing my voice, they are under the illusion that it is the absolute truth, and they obey.

Just by seeing me, they believe that I am the savior of the world and follow my back.

This is the power of my light, but it does not mean that I am invincible to any opponent.

The resistance of magic varies from person to person, and if you are disillusioned with the individual that is me, the magic is easily broken.

It's the perfect 'Magic Stone Human (Jewelculus)' body to follow it up.

I compensate for that weakness by preparing the best appearance possible and packing the best knowledge possible.

On the contrary, if my appearance draws the eye to my appearance, the 'enchantment' will be successful even if my magic resistance is high. The same is true if you admit defeat to the depth of my knowledge.

I've heard that I can also impress them with my speeches and dances in other ways, but this is the idea of the 'Gentiles', not the 'Apostles'. Apparently in the other world, an idol that could sing and dance was very efficient in the short run. One of the plans was to build a theater, where I would sing and dance alone.

Thus, being the perfect ”Banner of Light”, I used my magical powers to gradually win the hearts of the people at the Fooziers.

I began by greeting them as royalty. I attended all the events of my country, and when I had time, I went into town to do charity work and interacted with the people in a friendly manner. Of course, in the midst of it all, he used his miraculous magic to heal the sick on the floor and save the needy children, wiping away the fears of the people with his voice.

One month (one month) and then another - the plan progresses unhurriedly.

It is recognized as the ”Banner of Light”.

It imitates the legendary 'Lord of Control' in the north, and on top of that, it becomes a symbol that will never be defeated.

By the time six months had passed, the apostles were relieved that they could no longer leave it to me alone. Instead of following me around, Diprakra and the Siths begin to focus on their other plans.

I can't help but feel that way.

No longer would they cheer when I walked out of town, or yell inevitable victories when I stopped by the soldier's stuffing station. If I decide to perform a song or dance at an event, the whole country will be in a state of celebration.

The magic of 'fascination' was perfectly in place.

For example, if I said, ”I will raise taxes recklessly,” most of the people would say, ”Yes, I'm willing. Here, if I said, ”We will invade the nearest great nation,” most of the soldiers would reply, ”I will give my life to you.

Everything was going well.

Once the unification of this country was finished, the next step would be to 'charm' the neighboring countries as well.

It won't take much time. At this point, I had information that there were many of my followers among the citizens and nobles of the neighboring countries. The unification of the neighboring countries is only a matter of time.

The plan is really going well.

--If there was one problem, it would be the story of me as an individual.

It will come in a flash.

When you go about your day-to-day work, you're stuck in a trap.

My days as the Banner of Light were not hard. It wasn't painful.

But it wasn't fun either. They weren't pleasant.

Because I'm too perfect, and everything is too good to be normal.

It's the same as it was then.

That feeling of emptiness I had when I was born comes back.

Suddenly I don't feel it anymore. I don't care. No one matters. The world doesn't matter.

I'm too empty and sad, too meaningless and funny, and I suddenly want to disappear inexorably, and I suddenly want to die.

And again I look out the window in the tower room of the example. But now my body can no longer die by just jumping off.

Deciding to go somewhere more deadly and dangerous, I cover my face with my cloak and walk out of Hoozeyers' castle.

I ignore the castle guards and walk into the city.

I try to head straight out of the country without a glance at the people I pass.

I thought of going to the sea.

I wanted to go to a place where no one knew me and sink to my death.

I was going to end this unimportant story in a place where no one knew me - and I was going to end it.

But on my way, a boy was waiting for me at the country's barrier.

Apostle Legacy looked at me with a sleepy look on his face and greeted me with a light ”Yo”. I stopped and rolled my eyes in surprise.

'Yeah, why ......?'

Why are we here? It was a question from the bottom of my heart.

'No, I figured it was about time I wanted to die again (...). I did too after about six months.

Legacy had been able to see right through my inner thoughts. He also seemed to have noticed that I was about to jump off on the day we met six months ago.

I always thought that the apostles were all idiots who didn't understand people's minds, but I've changed my perception of them, only this unwilling boy was different.

The third apostle Legacy was created by the 'Lord'.

Because of his many flaws, he often waits alone. He doesn't come up with any plans or help with any plans. Because of his overly apathetic behavior and actions, the other two apostles don't expect anything from him either. Quite simply, he's a slacker free lunch.

That most seemingly incompetent of all the apostles shows me the way.

”Why you're so impotent ....... I know the reason in my own way. Will you listen to me for a moment?

Legacy asks, and before I can hear my answer, he turns his back and walks away.

He leads the way back inside Hoosiers, not the path that leads out of the country, but back inside Hoosiers.

Seeing his back, I was lost.

I could ignore it and walk out.

If it's simple strength, I'm stronger than you. No matter how much the Apostle seeks the Banner of Light, no one can stop me anymore. It is possible for me to stop them.

And yet, I was following Legacey's back in a very straightforward manner.

I was surprisingly obedient.

There was only one reason I could think of.

Because I thought we looked alike.

Legacie's apathetic personality and my lack of initiative have a lot in common. So maybe that's why I was a little interested in what he was thinking.

Then I am led by Legacy to come to one of the buildings in the city.

'This is ......'

It was one of the many wards scattered throughout the Hoosier country.

There are countless sick people in this country. No, not just in this country, but now there is a disease that is spreading on a global scale. It's the ”demon poison” that's been spreading around the world.

Basically, this ”evil poison” is harmful to humans. It is so harmful that it can eventually kill you.

Therefore, the gentile who became the founder of magic devised a method to break down the magic poison. The magic called 'magic power transformation (level up)' - more precisely, it's 'spellcraft'.

If you have the makings of this magic, you can break down the demon poison and turn it into power rather than harm it.

When this magic spread, the whole country was in a state of joy.

It is only natural that a method was found to overcome an incurable disease that could only lead to death.

However, the benefits of that magic were not easy for everyone to receive.

First of all, there are really few people who can handle magic. Even if there was one wizard who could handle 'Magic Power Transformation (Level Up)', he could not cast magic on dozens of people in a day. Furthermore, not all of them would be freed from the suffering of the 'magic poison'.

In order to live, they needed a natural talent called 'predisposition'.

Without it, there was no way they could survive.

We are dying because we are unable to resist the evil poison.

And now we are here at the place where the patients who couldn't be cured even if they were given the ”magical power transformation (level up)” were housed.

You could say that this is a space to isolate the patients who couldn't be cured by the ”magic transformation” until they died.

Naturally, the ”Demon Poison” is making them moan and groan in pain.

People are lying on cheap beds lined up, just suffering and wasting away.

But there is not a single doctor here. And those who nurse them are minimal.

You realize that this is an abandoned area.

To put it bluntly, I'd rather have a bed than a cheap one. I can die on the floor under the roof instead of in the wild, thanks to the rebirth by The Apostle and The Gentiles.

As I calmly survey the ward, Legacy points to one patient.

'What do you think of that one?'

Beyond that, there was a child and a woman.

The boy, who is probably not even in double digits in years, is suffering from an addiction to The Devil's Poison. He is squeezing out the words ”I don't want to die” with a moan. Next to him is a woman holding the boy's hand, desperately pleading with him. She is praying to God to please save my child, and this one is squeezing out ”live” as well.

'...... A tragic sight, shall we say? I know better than you the horrors of this country. Or do you want to talk about how afraid you are of dying?

No, no. It doesn't matter. It's none of our business. I'll tell you what it is.

Easily, Legacy shook his head.

It was an uncommon word for an apostle who wants to save the world.

And then, as if to talk about something more important than the destruction of the world, Legacey spoke the rest of the story.

'A child who is only waiting to die, is wished to 'live', isn't he?'

He points out that it's not the world's crisis, not the life and death of people, but the relationship between the two of them.

Legacy restates the connection in plain English.

'They say that kind of thing is called being loved.

'Ha, ha ......? Beloved, are you ......?

Bringing him to such a gloomy place, showing him such a situation all the way to such a gloomy place, I didn't expect him to say anything about 'love'.

Legacie, like the other apostles, was still wrong somehow.

It was as insensitive as I could judge it to be, but I couldn't take my ears off the words that followed from Legacy.

Even though it seemed ridiculous to me rationally, my instincts wanted it.

I was interested in what it meant to be loved.

'The truth is, they say that's how parents love their children the moment they're born, like that.

When the child is born, the parents can take the child to ......

It was information that wasn't etched in my blood.

Before I could think about why that information wasn't available to me, the fact that it was, icks up a lot of questions for me.

As soon as I understood, I couldn't take my eyes off the parents and children in the ward.

A scene that hadn't felt meaningful or worthwhile just a moment ago instantly felt different.

'There will be exceptions like us, but that's basically how it is. All parents who have children worry about them like that.'

And now, clearly, I knew the reason for this feeling of instability in me.

In other words, I was lacking.

I didn't know why, but I felt that lack instinctively.

That's why I'm wavering like this. My mind is not settled. I'm frustrated and sulking.

Originally, I was born with parents, and that was supposed to be a solid place to be.

My parents were supposed to love me first and foremost, even if I didn't do anything about it.

There was supposed to be someone who would have stopped me from ”living”.

Someone who would love me the most. If there was someone like that, I would never be able to--.

Dear Mr. Legacy: ”......

Before I knew it, I was squeezing out a voice.

I called out the apostle's name, prompting him to continue with further conversation.

'Yeah, I know. Do you want to meet him once? I'm just back home.

The Legacy lives up to those expectations with flying colors.

He understands without an inch of difference what I want now, and he immediately shows me his back and leads again.

This time, without hesitation, I follow behind him.

We leave the hospital wing and walk through the city and into another building.

It was a small diner in a corner of the city.

Inside the shop, people working in the country are enjoying a moment of bliss. Many of the men appear to be engaged in physical labor, such as security and construction. Looking at the store, it seems to be a place that mainly serves alcohol.

Legacy and I ask for something suitable and get a seat at the end of the store.

It would be a hassle if the surrounding nationals found out about my face, so I bury my face deep in my cloak and then ask in a whisper.

'Master Legacy, where is this ......?'

There he is. I think that dark hair might be your father's. In more ways than one.

Legacy turned to look at the pair sitting at the counter of the store.

I immediately turn to look at them as well and see the faces of the duo.

They are sitting at the counter, far away from our seats, talking amicably.

A dark-haired boy and a blonde girl. Both are dressed modestly and blend in beautifully with the atmosphere of this commonplace restaurant. However, a closer look reveals that neither of them are normal. I know this because I have recently come to understand magic. Both the boy and the girl have powers beyond me.

And I know exactly who they are.

How can I not know? In a manner of speaking, it's as if I was born for those two.

Their names are Aikawa Uzumi and Tiara Hoozeyers.

'Gentiles' and 'real princesses'.

''That black-haired person is my ......?

Oh, you're your father. We apostles were only midwives. It is most correct to say that it was the two 'Gentiles' who gave birth to you. ...... work belly, though.

I knew that what the apostle was saying was right.

I know that a part of the body of the 'Gentiles' is used to make me, the Jewelculus.

It's natural that the 'Apostles' wanted to create a strong existence with high qualities like the 'Gentiles' and started to create the Jewelcruise, so it's natural.

There is no doubt that the people who have the most influence on the construction of this body are 'Aikawa Uzumi' and 'Aikawa Yotaki'.

I am more like the Aikawa siblings than the Tiara Hoozeyers who should be my replacement.

Then it should certainly be the dark-haired 'Gentile' who should be called the birth mother.

''Legacy-sama. The one next to your father is .......

You're the one who should be sitting in your place.

After all, she is Lady Tiara: ......

Once we've established that both are who I think they are, the items I asked for arrive at the table.

It's just barely drinkable water and a loaf of bread so hard it almost chips my teeth.

As I toss it unemotionally into my mouth, I look behind me at the two men.