106 105. Day 1, midnight.txt (1/2)

After something like a date with Dia, I met up with Rustyala and the others.

Dea must have gotten tired of playing and fell asleep as soon as we left. After seeing that off, Rustyala and I went out on the deck of the ship.

The deck of a luxury lodging ship is no longer separate from the deck.

The deck of the luxury accommodation ship is no longer the same as the deck of the ship, which is unusually large and decorated with a large number of decorative plants and a huge fountain set up in the middle. It looks like a big park.

We were sitting on a couch next to the fountain.

Looking up at the darkened sky, we confirm that the second day of the dance competition is about to begin.

Well, Kanami and Dia have been playing until the date changes. ...... How's that? Are you properly tired?

'Yeah, I'm tired ....... It's not something I'm used to doing .......

'That's good to hear. Didn't Dear go crazy at ......?

Well, it was a little close, but it was fine.

'I knew you'd be fine with Kanami by your side. No, do you think you'll be fainter in front of Kanami ......?

Rustyala goes over to check on Dear's condition with a serious face.

'It looked normal to me, ......?

'That's fine then: ....... Hmmm, I guess we'll just have to find out for sure there: ......

It was tough in the beginning, but in the end, she felt like just a normal girl. However, Rastiara seemed to be trapped.

Quickly changing her expression, Rustyala asks another question.

''So how much longer do you have to go to your physical limit?''

'I don't know what the limits are, ....... But I think there's still room for more. I'm sure I'm tired, but not to the point where it's going to interfere with the fight.

'Mmmm, just reducing that nearly inexhaustible strength is tricky. It can't be helped. Anyway, how about doing some random exercise until morning?

Saying that, Rustyala mimics shadow boxing while standing up.

Apparently, she's planning to reduce my strength by doing a kumite.

''I don't mind, but ....... But won't that make Rustyala tired?

'I'm fine, I'm fine. Kanami shouldn't sleep, but I'm going to sleep tomorrow. Besides, when it comes to simple physical specs, I'm better than Kanami.

You're right, your fitness numbers are ridiculous: ......

I'm convinced by Rastiara's status. If it's only a numerical value, he has a higher physical ability than anyone else in this 'Vualhura'.

This thin body is almost twice as large as Volzak-san's, so I can understand the abnormality of the other world.

''Hmph. If I ran a marathon, I'm confident I could beat anyone, right?

'Well ....... Then let's do some semi-final prep work: ......

I take out a training sword from my 'possessions' and toss it to Rustyala.

'Oh, you have a good one.'

The guild gave me the one they use for training.

The blade is crushed, so it's safe unless something bad happens.

''Well then, let's play around with it on the short end. For now, as long as you don't die instantly, I can heal you, so you can safely hammer it in.

Oh, yeah. You can do recovery magic too?

'Oh, you didn't know that because you don't remember: ....... I should have hidden it until the semi-finals. Well, it can't be helped what I've said. Now, let's have a good fight.

Yeah, I'll take my chances.

I hold my sword with the intention of just dealing with Rowen.

That's how out of standard the girl in front of me is. She has the status and skills to convince me that she is.

We face each other next to the fountain, swords at the ready.

In the midnight silence, just as both of us are about to leap out of the fountain--

--I feel a boy enter the deck of the ship.

Since I had finished searching for Rastiara, I only used the 《Dimension》 to the minimum necessary. But even so, a clear hostility that is clearly visible.

A boy who is impregnated with a definite evil omen appears in front of us.

The boy holds an unpeeled silver sword in both hands and covers himself with a loose cloak. However, I can tell that he is using Dimension. Inside that cloak are hidden a number of deadly weapons, and magical tools are planted all over his body.

When I saw it, my heart beat faster and my head hurt.

I felt a nostalgic sensation.

I know that the sensation is due to my lost memories.

I shake off my headache and say the name of the disturbed boy.

'Rainer Helvirshine ......?'

This is the boy who turned on me at the ball one day.

I'll--I won't.

In response to my call, Rainer returns a distorted voice.

And with that distorted voice, he continues to repeat the same words.

And this time, in a voice loud enough for us to hear...

'--I will not allow it. Christ Eurasia, Rustyala Fuzzyards ......!

Mr. Reiner glares at us with hostility.

'You ......, I believe, Hein's brother ......?'

In response, Rustiala takes a step forward.

I also stepped forward and tried to take a fighting stance, but Rustiala and I looked at each other and stopped.

I, who had no memory, seemed to want him to stay back.

I nodded silently and let Rustiala take care of it.

''Ah, I'm Brother Hein's (Nii-sama) brother, Ryner Helvilshain. So ......, that's why! I can't forgive you people! I don't care who forgives me, just me!

A wind of magical power that stings the skin is blowing from Rainer-kun.

Looking at his status, it seems that he is definitely using wind magic.

'I see. Are you here to take revenge on the enemy ......? Then I'd like you to go to Palinkron first: ......?

Of course I won't forgive that man. But I won't forgive you for sacrificing your brother and living your life without a care in the world!

...... Well, I don't really live in peace, you know. I'm still in the middle of a rather difficult time.

'Stop that hemming and hawing attitude, present God: ......!

Ryner-kun pointed the tip of his sword at me and blamed Rastiara's attitude.

However, Rastiara was not looking at him, but at the sword that was thrust at him.

''Is that Hine's sword ......? No, it's not just swords: ......

Ryner-kun waved his sword wildly at the attention and continued with more words.

''Oh, I'll avenge you guys on behalf of my brother! I don't care what the Hoosiers think, I'll make them pay for their sins, I promise!

...... I don't think there's any sin enough to make us pay for it, do you?

Go ahead and do it! My brother was the perfect knight. He was the ideal knight that everyone admired, envied, and respected. My perfect brother was a rebel and it's all your fault! Because you guys seduced my brother!

...... Wait a minute, maybe you need to hear our excuses a little bit. Hein has been playing me for a long time, and he's been worried about it for a long time. So he tried to help us. ...... Doesn't that make sense then?

'Does that make sense! It wasn't my brother's fault! I was just trying to educate you for your country! But why? Why did I have to risk my life to save you!

'Hmmm, you know exactly what I mean. Well, you're right: ......

So it can't be anything other than what you instigated! You used my brother and left him for someone else! And because of that, they are stigmatized as traitors! The man who did more for Fooziers than anyone else in the world wanted to help him. That's not an unreasonable thing to do!

To the excited Reiner-kun, Rustyala replied calmly.

'...... I don't want to blow you off, but Hein Helvirshein liked a girl named me. And I think he liked the boy Christ as well. So he risked his life for that boy and girl. Not as a knight, but as a man--

I tell him solemnly.

'I'm sure Hein would be proud of that stigma. There's no room for you in there, brother.

Clearly, he determined that Mr. Reiner's anger was unwarranted.

But when he heard it, he became agitated.

'I don't agree with that reasoning the most! And if you did, that's the same as suggesting it!

'Ummm. Is that right: ......? Depending on how you hear it, it could be like a seduction: ......

Rastiara was pushed by Ryner-kun's rhetoric. Even though he had made such a clear assertion, he quickly lost his confidence.

Perhaps there is a drawback to that Hine person.

I try to step forward so as not to accept that absurd tirade.

But Mr. Reiner, seeing this, is offended.

'Christ Eurasia! And you're trying to take my sister as well! You're not going to do the same thing over and over again! I'll never allow that to happen!


Before I can say anything else, you'll be struck with a strange point.

Reiner, your ”sister” - probably Franlle Helvirshain.

I know of her bizarre obsession with me.

Because of that, I'm at a loss for words.

'Hmm, I don't know about that ....... 'Kanami, is it?'

Rastiara also looks interested and tries to get confirmation.

I reply in a small voice.

'I may or may not have an idea: ......

You have one: ......

I'm sorry.

He looks quite surprised, which is unusual for Rastiara.

I felt like I was somehow at fault, so I apologized.

''First of all, I'll only erase the Christ Eurasia that seduces my sister here! Now, before tomorrow's game, right here!

Mr. Reiner walks over to you.

The sword in your hand is a deadly weapon. It's not the same as our crushed blades.

Mmm, I wonder if it's a bad idea to kill each other in a place like this: ......

Rastiara seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Since it was late at night, there weren't many guards, but there was no doubt that if they made a little more noise, people would come running in. It would be troublesome if that happened.

''It can't be helped, let's have them be quiet for a bit. Kanami, you can use your bare hands, right?

I think I can do it.

'Get your head out of your ass and we can have a more sane conversation. It seems like you're being sprayed with some kind of biased information, so I'm sure you'll be convinced if you get that right. And if you're convinced, then maybe you'll be willing to cooperate.

We put the sword with the crushed blade back into our 'possessions' and face Mr. Reiner.

I have no intention of hurting him. I'm aiming for a coma.

Me and Rustyala have the ability to measure the enemy's strength. Hence, I decided that bare hands would be enough.

'Don't lick it. ......'

Reiner, seeing us not trying to draw our swords, seems to have interpreted it as us being out of touch. It's not that he's cutting corners. Simply, as a contestant in the 'dancing competition', he's avoiding drawing his sword.

He abominably chants a magic.

''-- 《Ix-Wind》''

A gust of wind arose from Reiner-kun's feet.

In the meantime, 《Dimensional Winter (Di Winter)》 was deployed. However, that magic was caused by a magic tool, so I couldn't interfere with it.

With that gust of wind, he jumped at me. He flew through the air with an extraordinary acceleration force, as if he was a shell released from a cannon.

I brace myself to take the wrist of Ryner-kun in the air. Rastiara next to me was also trying to reach out from the side. No matter how fast he moved, we could see it.


Reiner-kun was aware of this.

In the air he chanted his wind magic again and forced himself to change direction.

Turning at a right angle, Ryner-kun slashed at Rustiala.

Rastiara retracted his outstretched hand and quickly avoided the sword as quickly as possible.

However, he couldn't avoid it until the kick that jumped in with Rainer-kun's entire body, and he had to cross his arms to catch it.

Using the defending Rustyala as a foothold, he escapes into the sky.

Then, in the air, he took out a few knives from inside his cloak and placed them in the air.

''-- 《Canon Wind》!

Following that, Rainer-kun cast a magic.

It's a denser magic than the movement magic he used earlier. One of the rings he was wearing popped and broke, and a storm of wind arose from his palm.

''--『Midwinter of the Overcrowded Dimension (Di Overwinter)!

I deploy my magic for a moment against the knives that are falling at a terrifying speed.

I weaken the magic of the storm and grab all of the falling knives. However, even though I have weakened it, I still lose my stance as I get hit by the storm's magic with my entire body.

He quickly regains his stance and waits for him to fall next, but--


Again, Mr. Rainer used his wind magic to get away from us.

Then it lands in the position it was in at the beginning.

Me and Rustyala let out an exclamation of admiration in front of that freedom of movement.

''Hmm, tricky. We're still so weak to the flying type. ......

''That's amazing. Wind magic is such a great way to fight: ......

I thought I would be able to catch Mr. Ryner soon, but the unexpected power of wind magic made me change my mind.

''No, I can't normally do that. In the first place, wind magic 《Ix-Wind》 is not a moveable magic.

But Lastiara denies it.

Then, he speaks to Ryner-kun with a bit of concern.

''Little brother, if you're operating magic like that, you'll hurt your body, right?

'This much pain, I don't give a shit. ...... I live to break in someone else's place. I don't hesitate ...... to break!

Mr. Reiner bounced off it and jumped again.

The mobility boosted by wind magic is tricky. Besides, as far as Rustyala is concerned, he's fighting with his own body in pain. I have to stop him immediately.

I will intercept Ryner-kun while picking up information with the 《Dimension》.

The wind from above, slashing and throwing, I defuse it all.

The same is true for Rastiara next to me.

However, even if you can prevent it, you can't counterattack.

Reiner is very thorough and refuses to fight at our range. As soon as we got close enough, he would flee into the sky.

We know that if we continue to endure this, he will destroy himself. But I don't want to do that if possible. From what I've heard with Rastiara, there's a chance of reconciliation.

I figure there's nothing I can do but set a trap and give Rustiala instructions.

Rastiara, help me! --Magic! Form!

He refines a large amount of magic bubbles.

Reiner-kun begins to be vigilant to avoid touching the unidentified magic bubbles on his body.

Seeing this, Rustyala seems to have figured out what I'm aiming for.

It moves to where I was expecting it to go.

Dimensional magic 《Form》.

It's a magic that has no meaning on its own.

In other words, this magic foam is only a decoy that restricts Rainer-kun's movements.

Since Rastiara also knows that this magic has no meaning, it is not intended to make him touch the magic bubble.

Then, me and Rustyala succeed in leading Mr. Ryner to a place.

He loses his escape and flies to the one where there are no magic bubbles - and then, for a moment, he puts his feet on the pond with the fountain.

'It's on! --magic, ”Di Winter, Frost,” the winter of the dimension!

I infiltrate the water in the pond with cold air and freeze Mr. Rainer's entire leg.

It's not going to happen until I freeze the entire pond, but I succeed in stopping him from moving.


Rastiara, who was waiting nearby, pounces on Ryner's trapped leg.

He hurriedly tries to break away with magic, but it's too late.

''Ix Wine--, ugh!

The magic is interrupted by a body blow from Rastiala. Then it goes straight into a jointed technique (submission).

Reiner-kun's voice escapes as Rustyala dislodges his shoulder.


As it was, Rustyala held me from the back and I was unable to move.

''Feng, I finally caught him ....... It's a really quick guy ......

Rastiara tightens up Ryner-kun's body with his idiotic power.

It will no longer be possible to rewind from that state.

I'm also trying to approach it with relief--

--The 《Dimension》 catches a figure approaching us at an abnormal speed.

''If you had taken them by surprise like Hein, you would have had a chance to win. Compared to Hein, they are still poorly prepared. In that case, I'm going to continue--

Rustyala! Watch out!

I shout to Rustyala, who is relieved.

A familiar sword flies towards Rustiala's arm.

She senses the attack and leaps away from the spot, pushing Ryner-kun away.

Then, a young man descends.

There was no way to mistake its appearance.

''-- It's certainly not enough for the boy alone. Then why don't I lend a hand?

Rowen, the guardian of the 30th layer (Guardian), appeared.

Rowen picked up the magical iron sword (Mithril Sword) he threw and laughed as he thrust it at us.


I shout out at the unexpected appearance of a person.

Seeing me, Rowen waves his hand. Then, she picks up Ryner-kun, who was pushed away, and puts his dislodged shoulder in.

''Tsk--! ...... Oh, who are you?

'I'm on your side, twin-sworded boy. Rest assured, we have a common interest.

And I declare that I am on the side of Mr. Reiner.

I mean, that was the same thing as declaring you to be our enemy.

Rowen continues his story.

'Two against one isn't going to cut it, is it? I'll take care of Rastiara. You can take your time fighting Kanami.

What do you mean ......?

Mr. Reiner is surprised by the unexpected intervention of a third party.

From his reaction, it is clear that the two of them have really never met before.

Rowen left his back to Ryner-kun and turned to Rustyala.

The situation is bad.

I'm completely divided.

Between me and Rustiala, Ryner-kun and Rowen are caught between me and Rustiala. At this rate, Rowen and Rustiala will really collide with each other.

Rustyala asks Rowen.

'What do you think you're doing, Guardian (Guardian) ....... I thought I was supposed to fight you in a tournament ......?

'I don't expect it. On this tournament table, I can't fight Kanami or Rustyala. I can move up smoothly to the final, but ......, it's bad if you guys hit the semifinals. Very bad.

Don't worry about it, though, whoever wins is going to fight you.

'That's a lie. If Lastiara wins the semifinals, Lastiara won't show up for the finals. --There's no reason for him to show up. And you two have a plan for Lastiara to win. ...... cannot be overlooked. Yeah, I just can't overlook that plan.

Apparently, Rowen doesn't like the way the tournament is arranged.

Indeed, if this is the case, there's a good chance that no one will show up for the final. Rastiara would have no reason to continue to fight the 'Dancing Tournament' once the 'Armband' thing was resolved.

But if Rastiara retires here, it's a different story. I'm not going to be able to get the best out of it. And it's serious, too.

This situation is a natural outcome.

However, I didn't expect that Rowen would take such a hard line approach.

''I'm going to beat Rustyala here and fight Kanami in the final. That's the most favorable form for me.

Rowen is an honest man.

He's not someone who flouts the rules.

And yet, he's even trying to fight outside the game.

'It's a little early, but the situation is good. I don't know why the 'magic stone line' isn't working where this boy is. --just enough to decide everything.

I knew I had put my own wishes ahead of my memories.

But I didn't think I was in dire need to do something like this.

No, maybe I just wanted to believe that Rowen, whom I even called my best friend, wouldn't do that. ......