102 101. "Ichinotsuki Allied General Knights Ball" South Area 1st Match.txt (1/2)

The Hura River separates the northwestern country of Eltraluy from the southwestern country of Lauravia.

So large in area and so clear in water quality that it could easily be mistaken for the sea, the Hura is a national treasure, one of the few places in my world where you can find it.

The closer we get to the river, the more people we pass, the more explosive it becomes.

But it feels less crowded than at the Festival of Someday.

-- Someday, the festival ......?

I know what it is.

Perhaps it's my past experience.

I shake off the headache with a familiar feeling.

I board a small riverboat from the small port at the northern end of Lauravia.

The boat, carrying a few dozen or so passengers, is slowly making its way to the center of the river. There, there was such an amount of boats lined up that it seemed as if we were about to go to war. The small boat was lifted up using a rope as it was attached to the side of one of those luxurious giant ships.

This is how the people of the Allies seem to come to 'Vualhura'.

The festival was a bit of a hurdle to overcome, I thought.

The previous festival I'd been able to visit for free, but this time I'm going to have to pay for a boat just to enter Vualhura.

I look around, checking the faces of the people walking by.

It's as if I'm on land.

There are countless ships lined up in a row with no gaps between them, and the tremors are minimal. Because of this, one does not feel that they are at sea. If anything, I felt as if I had landed on an island called ”V'Alfoura”.

V'Alfoura” seems to be full of well-dressed people.

As I suspected, the entrance fee for the boat is a big hurdle to overcome.

Immediately I drowned out the festive mood and unfolded the Dimension.

For now, I'm going to 'gaze' at every single person who looks strong. In the meantime, I'll be able to find my objective, Rustyala.

I walk around with materials in hand and figure out the ships and people.

According to the data, the fleet is divided into four areas. I'm in the northern area of the fleet, which is divided into north, south, east and west.

The contestants of the tournament are also divided into four groups, and only the team that wins in each area will be able to fight on the giant theater ship in the center.

I read the detailed rules of the tournament.

To be honest, I'm not that into this tournament. There were other special systems, but I didn't read up on them in detail. I guess the important thing now is that the center of Vualhura is a special treat.

I turned my eyes to the center.

There was a huge luxury liner floating there, towering like a fort.

The materials and size of this ship are far different from other ships. Furthermore, the density of magic power is also different. Perhaps the amount of magic stones used on board the ship was high. But more than that, the quality of the people on board the ship must be higher than that.

I decided to focus on examining the center area.

''--Magic 《Dimension Multiple Deployment (Multiple)》......

And the search would go on and on until nightfall.

I had intended to stop as soon as I found Rastiara, but I couldn't find them until the sky had turned red.

What's more, there weren't many people who were likely to be in a fight with me.

To begin with, it was rare that anyone was even stronger than Mr. Volzak from Epic Seeker. These were fierce people from various countries, but their refinement was low compared to the people of the Confederacy who made a living exploring the labyrinth. If you think about it, if you have the skill, you would have come to the United Kingdom even before the 'Dancing Tournament'.

I sighed and focused my attention on the data and 《Dimension》.

The one who seems to be a possibility is Snow's brother Glenn Walker, the man who bears the name of the ”strongest”.

Right now, he was just making the greeting rounds in the hall where the nobles in 'Vualhura' were gathered. But there's a part of him that wants to keep me and Snow together. And since he seemed to be on good terms with Palinkron as well, it is unlikely that he will cooperate with me.

The next possibility is Fenrir Arrais, the man who bears the name of 'Sword Saint'.

He too was in the same hall as Mr. Glenn.

Although he was an old man of the first generation, his body hadn't deteriorated at all. Even without the 《Dimension》, one could see the thickness of the muscles in his body. And his sharp eyesight has awed many nobles. He would be as good as Glenn-san, too.

However, as far as I can see in the 《Dimension》, Fenrir Arrais is on good terms with Mr. Glenn. Perhaps he might not be able to listen to Mr. Glenn in a righteous manner and listen to him. Most of all, it's tricky to ask someone of high status for money. I honestly have no idea how to get alone with them and how to get them to talk.

These two have little hope.

They are constantly surrounded by nobles and a large number of guards.

I have no choice but to look for Rustyala Fouzeyars and Diablo Sith more often.

However, they had not appeared on the evening of the previous day. I continue to search the entire Foura River with Dimension, but there's no sign of them.

With Dimension deployed, I move to the room I was given.

According to the documents, Rastiara's team will be having a match in the west area tomorrow morning. We have to aim for that time to talk to them.

And if possible, ask them to destroy the bracelet in a safe place, not during the game. That's the end of my problem with the bracelets. After that, it would be ideal if I could solve my friends' problems in turn.

”Feng ......

I enter the room and draw my sword with a sigh.

It's a luxurious room. Probably, it was originally a room for a state guest level person. All of them are high quality furniture made of magic stones, and each one of them is worth as much as an average citizen's annual income.

In the center of such a room, I place my sword against the 'bracelet'.

I can't just consume time until Rastiara appears.

I'm going to try various things and check the conditions.

For example, if my body is restrained by myself and only my right hand is free. If I concentrate on my right hand alone in that condition, I might be able to destroy it more easily than I thought. I'd also like to try it when I'm drowsy and dazed.

I take out a rope from my 'belongings' that could be restrained and begin to tie both feet together.

In the meantime, I'm waiting for Rastiara's arrival with the 《Dimension》.

If I can make contact with them today, it will be a very good thing.

Thus, I continued to try every method in the room in order to break the 'bracelet'.

◆◆◆◆◆ ...

I felt a dull ache in my head and shook off the muddy sleepiness.

When I open my eyes, what I see is an unfamiliar ceiling.

Slowly I try to sit up and realize that my legs are restrained.

I make sense of the situation.

I seem to have lost consciousness last night as I tried to push the experiment to its limits. In the end, Rastiara didn't appear for any length of time, so the experiment went on until the next day, the day of the 'dance competition'.

His left arm is tied to the bed with a rope, so he moves his right hand, which is the only one free.

'Don't be misled if people see you: ......

I muttered and untied the tightly bound ropes.

In the middle of it all, there was a knock at the door.

''Excuse me. Aikawa Kanami-sama, may I have your permission?

When I checked with the 《Dimension》, the attendant who managed the ”Dancing Competition” was waiting in front of the room.

I hurriedly finished undoing the restraints.

I quickly dressed myself and opened the door.

''Oh, sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Aikawa Uzumi.

There was a woman in white formal attire giving a deep bow.

The attendant woman immediately began to explain in a clerical tone.

''I'm contacting Aikawa Kanami-sama, who is a contestant in the 'Ichinotsuki Allied General Knight's Seed Ball' final round.

Yes. Please.

Aikawa Kanami, the representative of the Lauravian nation, is exempt from the first round. He is what is called a seed. Therefore, please make your way to the arena ship in the north area in the afternoon instead of in the morning.

...... Got it.

That's all we have to tell you. We wish you all the best, Aikawa Kanami. Good luck.

She briefly told me her business and left.

Watching her back, I spread out my Dimension to gather information and understand the current time and situation.

The sky had become brighter. It was a pleasant sunny morning.

There are many people watching the ”Dancing Tournament” on every ship.

Apparently, the first round of the tournament is about to begin.

The ”Dimension” is lightly stretched out.

Rowen is preparing for the match on the arena ship in the south area.

The reapers are not in the fleet. Maybe they are planning to not participate in the 'Dancing Competition' at all.

Snow was with Teyri from 'Epic Seeker'. He is being comforted by Tairi-san in the antechamber of the arena ship in the west area. There was also an uncomfortable looking Volzak-san nearby.

I was told a short while ago that these three will also participate in the ”Dancing Tournament” as representatives of the guild ”Epic Seeker”. Perhaps because of what happened yesterday, I was worried about Snow, but as long as Teyri-san and Volzak-san are in charge, she seems to be okay for the time being.

Soon I'll be looking for the girls as well.

According to the data, Rustiala's first battle will be held in the western area.

However, I couldn't find them even though I looked for them with Dimension. Even on the day of the battle, Rastiara and the others still have not appeared. I searched the entire fleet, but still there was no sign of them.

I walk to the west area with a bit of impatience.

I walk into the arena ship where Rastiara and the others are having their match and observe the surroundings. By the way, the contestants were given special treatment and no admission fee was charged.

The construction of the arena ship was much different from other ships.

It was visibly sturdier than the other ships, and the physicality of the ship made it clear that it was originally a warship. The deck of the huge battleship was modified to house an amphitheater on top.

The construction of the arena is much the same as my image of the ship. The whole thing is shaped like a cylinder, and the seats are arranged like a platform. In the center is a sandy stage the size of a playground, which can be seen from every seat. The only difference, however, is the decoration.