76-76 Places you dont know (1/2)
”Am I at ────?
I'm in a strange place.
I've been in a dark labyrinth for a while now, but it feels so bright and shadowy.
There's no ceiling above me, and it's kind of hazy and cloudy, like a rainbow with seven different colors. ...... It's a very strange feeling.
The ground is flat as far as the eye can see, and there is no end to it.
There was no obstacle except a huge skeleton and a woman lying on the ground.
...... I have no idea where I am.
For now, I walked up to a woman I didn't know who was lying at the foot of a skeleton that I could see out of the corner of my eye, and she seemed to notice me too.
”Are you ────?
The woman slowly raised herself up from the hard ground and turned her eyes to me.
It was a woman who looked somewhat like the green-haired boy who had been talking to Lean so much yesterday.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
Are ──── the people outside ...... Oaken and Roy safe?
”...... Oaken?
I'm not sure about the labyrinth core, but I believe Oaken was the name of an old sorcerer instructor.
I've heard of Oaken, but do you know ...... him?
The other Roy, I'm sorry, I don't know.
I know ...... Rollo.
...... Roy is an adventurer from the Lepi tribe.
He was a scout for our party.
I see. ...... I hope he has managed to get out of this labyrinth too.
...... How is Oaken?
How long has it been since you've been out there?
It seems like a long time to me.
I'm not sure about the time thing. .......
I don't know much about time, but I'm sure old man Oaken is more than fine.
Apparently, this woman was an acquaintance of the sorcerer's instructor.
She seems to be quite young, about the same age as me. ...... I wonder if she just met him recently.
Or did he take care of her when she was a child like me?
The woman in front of me had a very surprised look on her face as I was thinking about the instructor.
”Oaken is ...... your grandfather ......?
Yes, but ...... what's wrong?
I think the sorcerer instructor who took care of me was old enough to be picked up at any time,........
Is it possible you have the wrong person?
”No. .......
I think that's probably the Oaken I know.
...... I see. Oh, so much.
So ...... you are an adventurer too?
Are you here to conquer the labyrinth?
I'm a bit of an adventurer myself, but I'm more of a wanderer.
I didn't even intend to enter the labyrinth, but I feel like I've fallen into it for no apparent reason.
...... What the hell is this place?
I thought I touched a blue stone and suddenly I'm standing here.
You have touched the stone too? .......
That stone is the core of the Labyrinth of Sorrows.
But there seems to be more to it than that.
I don't know what his intentions are, but I'm sure it's the core of a trap that the Dungeon Master has set to trap visitors here.
”Dungeon Master?
Yes ...... is the core of the labyrinth at the deepest part of the labyrinth. ────
──── this(...).
She then looked up at the huge skeleton sitting beside us.