72-72 Dialogue with the Pope (1/2)








































「そうですね. 私も、そのしぶとさ(・・・・)はよく知っているつもりです」

The Pope kept a smile plastered on his face.

I felt a slight chill in my stomach as I spoke up about my discomfort with her comment earlier.

”By the way, ────, your eminence.

What did you just say about Rollo, ......?

It seemed to me that you said something about ...... as if you were treating it like an object.

I'm not sure if I heard that right.

”Is ...... that ──── something?

The Pope's smile instantly disappeared at my words, and after a moment of silence, a low voice echoed around the area.

”Is there something wrong with that, Linneburg?

It was a voice that seemed to bind my heart just by hearing it.

It was a voice that bound my heart just to hear it.

I felt as if I had been swallowed by darkness in an instant.

Honestly speaking, I feel that this person in front of me is terrifying. However, I must not show any weakness to this woman (person).

I felt this intuitively, so I continued my conversation, choosing my words carefully.

I was told that it was as a friend of mine that you brought him ──── here today.

At least, that's what I told him and asked him to come here.

So, ──── I'm sorry, but I can't hear what he said.

That was ............ what a change of heart.

The Pope laughed with great amusement when I protested against his treatment of Rollo.

”Well, well, well. You are a stout man, Linneburg.

You are a stout man, Linneburg, to be unmoved by my presence and to speak such nonsense.

At your age, your boldness ──── makes me want you more and more.

”...... Your Eminence.

Are you not going to answer my question ────?

She raised one hand to interrupt me as I tried to continue my question.

”Linneburg. Don't say a word.

You're the one who's being too rude.

You seem to have misunderstood me, but there is no such thing as a change of heart.

Originally, ──── I had intended to do so from the beginning.

The Pope smiled kindly at us again, but it was no more than a sinister mask of darkness.

”From the beginning ......? What kind of ──── is that?

I have invited you, of course, as the fiancée of my son, Tyrence.

I invited you as the fiancée of my son, Tyrence. ──── and as a dignitary of the enemy (・・・・・).

The demons there are invited as their curious friends (・・・・・).

Nothing has changed in my intentions.

There was a slight stir in the hall.

She spoke clearly.

That the Kingdom of Crais is an enemy.

We were invited to Mithra from the beginning with that intention.

That we were invited into ──── Mithra as enemies of Mithraism from the beginning.

”Your eminence, what is ──── an enemy state?


Your country, ──── the Kingdom of Crace, has made the demon race there a part of the nation. Despite repeated warnings from my country.

You know what that means, right?

You know well how our country deals with demons.

It's a complete insult and hostile act against our country to give in to their evil presence. At that point, you have turned against our country. ──── It is obvious that you are the enemy.

And you knew that, didn't you, and that's why you are the guards (・・・・)? Unfortunately, one of them seems to have disappeared somewhere.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.

”──── I don't understand, your eminence.

We have no hostile intentions toward you, Mithra.

Even if the two countries were hostile, why did you call me Prince Tyrence's ”fiancee”? It's in too bad taste to be a joke, and if you were serious, it would be even more ──── unacceptable.

The Pope laughed again.

I see. You don't understand?

Well, that's ──── it.

He was full of joy.

The Pope quietly raised one hand, and the soldiers surrounding us all drew their swords at once.

The crowd, which had been buzzing, quieted down again in an instant.

”Yes, I see. You're right, I may not have explained it well enough.

In simple terms, ──── it can be described as a condition.

”...... conditions?

Yes, that's right.

I have a high regard for your talent and good blood. I'm saying that it would be a shame to let it be buried in that dying little country.

There should be more opportunities to utilize them in our country.

How about ......?

How about making a formal betrothal here with my prince and leaving my country with superior blood.

I'm saying that's a condition for me to mercifully save your country ──── and the kingdom of Crais ruled by that foolish king.

The woman in front of you laughs with even more amusement as she says this,────, and as my father says, it's like a demon.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

To send his lovely daughter off to a country that is against him like this.

It's a good idea to have a few guards,────, or is it just one more?

Perhaps it was intended as a tribute from the start?

If it was ────, I would be grateful to receive it.

I had a hunch when I saw that licking gaze.

This person ──── from the beginning sees other people, other than himself, as objects.

Not only the demons, but ──── probably all people are the same in the eyes of this woman (person).

The cold eyes made me think of that.

──── My father did not send me with such an intention.

”──── Yes, that's enough, Linneburg.

That's all I have to say.

Since you don't seem to be listening to me,────, I'll deal with you accordingly.

──── guards.


”Seize (・・・・)

──── moment.

A lightning bolt of blue light shot from the hands of several guards and flew at the three of us.

──── That's a captivity ward.

The light of the seal where I was once captured and nearly killed by the Minotaur.

It was a much denser and more intense light than before, and it was emitted from all around us at once.

And it was ────

──────── what?

──── It was repelled by the power of the diadem that each of us wore.

The Pope gave me a surprised look and asked me.