14-14 The Princes Melancholy (2/2)

We don't have enough to trust him yet, but...

But the fact that my father approves of this man is significant.

The king is the highest authority.

My father's decision is absolute.

At least as far as the people of the House of Crace are concerned.

If I'm told to trust the man, I have no choice but to obey.

But that kind of order hasn't been given yet.

That's why I don't think my father fully trusts the man at the moment.

”Does he know what's going on?

No, it's still my father.

He must have sensed it.

He's aware of the unsettling atmosphere that surrounds this country.

And if that's the case...

A bet against it...

A last-ditch gamble in a difficult game.

In that light, the other day's inexplicable decision makes some sense.

Perhaps my father bet on that man.

A bet on something to come.

Whoever that man is, he can wield that sword...

There's no difference in that.

Even the [Immortal] Dundargu, who is known for his monstrous strength, groaned when he swung his sword.

Sig of the [Thousand Swords] refused to accept it, saying it was too heavy to wield.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

He wielded it with one hand.

It's certainly a good place to keep it now.

But it's a double-edged risk...

Something's going to happen.

Disturbing movements in the surrounding countries.

The use of summoning magic in the heart of King's Landing.

A blatant terrorist attack on the lives of the royal family.

What will they do next?

If I'm in their shoes, it's now or never.

I'm sorry Lean, but I think it's a good idea to have him stay with us.

If he's not an enemy, then he's got enough guards to slaughter the Minotaur by himself.

On the other hand... he could kill him at any time if he wanted to.

At the very least, if they don't do that, then they're not our enemy yet.

I like to think so.

”Not enough time, not enough people.

There are too many uncertainties with that man.

But we have to believe him anyway.

That's how desperate the situation is in this country.

Right now, this country is at peace.

But that's just on the surface.

Underneath the surface, things are progressing rapidly.

We have a critical shortage of manpower... and there's no time left to wait and see what the enemy will do.

”We must gather information.

The prince muttered and put on his gray coat, which was hanging on the wall, and left his office and headed for the city.