Chapter 692 - The Yasaws Ambush, Dragging the Demons from a Mountain to Another (1/2)

Mutagen Exallion 51280K 2022-07-24

Day 151 - 8:30 PM - Gigmoto Mountains, Barangay Biong, Municipality of Gigmoto, Catanduanes

The Demons continued to move through the mountains in droves. The more Mark observed, the more he understood what was going on with the Demons.

They were not only unorganized. What caused these utterly scattered groups of Demons was the more powerful ones wanting to be the first to the frontlines. It was not surprising for races that loved the scene of bloodshed.

Nonetheless, the more they scattered around the mountain, the more things went in Mark's favor.

Since Mark already sent the go signal, the creatures he took under his command began to make their moves.

It was one of the conditions Mark told Diwata Iraya after agreeing to help. He took some of the Diwata's people to take under his command. Mainly, the Yasaws, which were deemed to be harmless and useless in battle.

Yasaws were not elementals and not exactly a Spirit Race. They were creatures of the night and were known to be among the minions of Aswangs. However, they were not exactly Demons either. They were unlike the other Demon Races that could kill enemies, especially humans, without remorse. The Yasaws were the opposite. The worst that they could do was play harmless pranks on people. They were never known to harm humans unlike other minions of the Aswang.

That was why when a portion of the Yasaws in the island decided to join Diwata Iraya's side several decades ago, the Diwata did not hesitate to accept them. Being accepted into the Diwata's sanctuary, they did not let her down and they soon managed to get a concrete position among the Spirits and Elementals.

Their origins were unknown and no one knew about the past of Yasaws. Nonetheless, they were prominent creatures in Bicolano Folklore.

It was not a secret that the Demons also had Yasaws in their camp. But, of course, they were treated as the lowest of the low. They were never included in battles and served as lackeys and servants for the more powerful Demons.

Unfortunately for these Demons, the Yasaws they belittled would be the tide turners here.

Mark closed his eyes, putting his entire concentration on the terrain below. Soon, a large portion of the mountain was already monitored by him.


Suddenly, a muffled cry echoed from a Demon. However, not only that the Demon's cry was not heard by others, his presence vanished afterward.

Mark smiled. The ambush was starting.

The Yasaws were not really built to fight. They might have claws on their fingers but their childish bodies brought them a great disadvantage in almost every aspect. The only thing that they had over others was their ability to travel fast.

Actually, saying that it was some kind of fast travel was an understatement. It was not wrong to say that they were capable of distorting space, allowing themselves and some people with them to move in fast paces despite appearing to be traveling at normal speeds.

Today, instead of resting, Mark experimented instead. He took some Yasaws as volunteers to test this unique ability of theirs.

Unexpectedly, this [Fast Travel] ability had some limitations. One, they could only travel in a straight line while using it. The only way they could turn was to stop the ability and use it again after facing the right direction. Next, they could only allow people to be included in this ability if they were moving in the same direction as Yasaws were.

Mark remembered when he first met Diwata Iraya and her people. Surely, they only moved straight, and Mark and Chaflar followed behind the Diwata Iraya and the Yasaws at that time.

It also made Mark remember his mother's story about encountering the Yasaws while going home from the church. According to what his mother said, she was walking along with the Black Children while they were talking. It meant that she was likely to be moving in the same direction as the Yasaws and got caught in their ability.

With that as a clue, Mark found out something unexpected. He remembered that his unconcious brother was brought with them at that time. He was included in the ability while being carried along. Normally, one would just pass that by as a normal mechanic. But then, thinking about it, Mark's brother was being carried in the same direction as the Yasaws using their ability.

There, Mark tried something.

Mark tried to jump backward and told the volunteer Yasaws to activate their ability in the same direction that he was moving.

As a result, Mark got dragged in and was moved along with the Yasaws.

Mark's landing at that time was unsightly as he lost balance due to sudden movement. However, Mark could only smile as it was the key to utilizing the Yasaws in battle.

And now, the same tactic was being used by the Yasaws as Mark taught them.

On the opposite mountain of the one being traveled by Demons, the groups of Elementals and Spirits laid in ambush.

They formed groups with Mark's instructions.

The main formation was two to three Yasaws and a Sylph in each group, along with any Elemental or Spirit that had enough strength to push or stagger an enemy.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href=”#&apos;-ambush-dragging-the-demons-from-a-mountain-to-another_52598257213297070”>#&apos;-ambush-dragging-the-demons-from-a-mountain-to-another_52598257213297070</a> for visiting.

Mark turned towards the opposite mountain. Another ambush group found their target.

As they rehearsed, the whole group moved towards the target using the Yasaw's [Fast Travel]. However, the intention was not to block the target's path. Instead, they appeared to the east side of the target.

When everyone appeared, the first thing the group did was turn around, all of them. It made them all face the very same mountain where they came from, the mountain west of Gigmoto.

Then, the Slyph activated her magic, stopping any sound from leaking out.

The target Demon noticed the people appearing beside him and yelled in surprise. However, the Sylph already blocked the sound, and no one else was able to hear the Demon.

Before the Demon could fully react to the situation, the Spirit Race, this time, a Kabalan, which was a centaur-like creature, charged and tackled the Demon.

Unable to react, the Demon was flung away. The moment that happened, the Yasaws activated their ability.