541 Abilities, Ending the Battle and a Shocking Information (1/2)
Day 129 - 12:35 PM - Newton Lake, Veteran's Memorial Park, Oaklyn, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America
Staring at his opponent, Mark smiled.
Chimetrice was not evil. At least, at the general moral standpoint. He was not a person who would deliberately cause chaos without reason. His expressions, movements, and mentality indicated that he was quite a peaceful person that should be left alone.
Of course, from a human standpoint, he was evil. He was a devil, after all. He looked at humans as livestock, but it was no different from how humans saw cows, pigs, and chickens.
It was not a difference in a moral level, but more from the difference in races.
Humans were Humans.
Demons were Demons.
Spirits were Spirits.
Devils were Devils.
Each kind had their different point of views.
Of course, it was free for any to accept the view of the other race.
Nevertheless, it was not right to force their views on others.
And in this aspect, humans were the most sinful. After all, humans were known to push their idealism to other races more.
Mark and Chimetrice contested against each other using speed and physical strength. Each time their attacks clashed, loud sounds and shockwaves spread across the vicinity of the enclosed space.
Still, while both of them seemed equal, Mark was barely holding on. Although he could persist, it would not last too long.
Chimetrice was far above Mark in speed and strength. It was even though he was barely putting effort into his attacks. Instead, he concentrated on getting perfect control of his new body.
It was unacceptable to say. But if this was a life and death fight, there was a high possibility that Mark would get killed. It was even if he used all of his cards in hand. In the least, Mark could have the ability to escape, but not defeat Chimetrice.
Luckily, it was just a peaceful contest. Although the attacks were ruthless and unforgiving, the two were at least making sure not to use anything deadly. They were even missing the other's vital parts un purpose and were concentrating on restricting the other.
Chimetrice flapped one of his wings to attack now and then. He also used his different body parts in the same way. It was so that he could get more control of these parts evenly.
Mark, however, could not help but feel amazed.
Surely, Mark had different abilities. He was a Mutator and an [Empath], he had his [Blood Enhancement], there was also his [Shadow Mist Movement], and lastly, the [Psycrystal] and the other crystals that came with it.
And Chimetrice was not that different from him.
This Artificial Devil Chimera, it was not wrong to say that he was a multitude of abilities slapped together.
At first, Mark thought that this devil had a body composed of different common animals. But to think of it, was he correct. As they fought, Mark started to change his mind.
The bat wing that had very high defense, it was more of a dragon's now in his eyes.
The eagle wing seemed regular, but it actually had a golden sheen. Furthermore, the moment it flapped, there was a significant increase in his speed.
The mothwing that Chimetrice had no intention of using, it had an aura of death around it.
The dove wing that had a pure white color, it emanated an aura similar to that Succubus, Illia.
The wing of the crow, it emanated the aura of bad luck for some reason.
And the wing of the butterfly, staring at it made Mark felt like his soul was being sucked away.
His eye that was similar to a cat, the moment it moved, Mark always missed his attacks.
On the other hand, the goat eye seemed to have the ability to mess with emotions.
As for the remaining ones, it significantly increased his physical abilities in different areas.
Mark and Chimetrice clashed once more and were pushed away from each other.
”Hey,” Mark suddenly spoke. ”Is your body made up of different magical creatures?”
Hearing that, Chimetrice looked at Mark with an expression of surprise.
”How did you know?”
Mark groaned.
Magical creatures were inhuman in the first place. The stronger ones were could even trash higher beings in a physical fight. It was no wonder Chimetrice was this physically strong.
Well, Mark should have thought of it since the start. After all, even if a Chimera was created...
There was no way for each wing that seemed to have come from a regular creature had such a large size. It would not be surprising if these animal parts actually came from pets of gods.
”Then, can you tell me where your body parts came from?”
Mark asked. It was because he had some uncanny suspicions.
Chimetrice looked at Mark, unsure why he was asking. Nevertheless, he seemed to not mind answering the question.
”Actually, I don't know where these came from.” Chimetrice shrugged. ”I just woke up like this one day.”
Then, he seemed to have remembered something.
”Ah, right.” Chimetrice pointed at the eagle wing he had. ”I once heard my creator mumbling about capturing an eagle atop some world tree when he looked at this wing.”
Mark froze.
”Then, can you tell me why you are sealed in that curse?”
Mark asked once more as he charged towards Chimetrice.
The scythe and the tiger's claw collided, even though Mark attacked from a tricky angle.
”The reason?” Chimetrice replied as he counter-attacked. ”After I killed my creator since he mistreated Illia, several gods came chasing me, claiming that I stole something from them. They cannot kill me, and they decided to seal me instead.”
Mark became silent. He could not decide which one he should refute first in that reply.
The most crucial fact, however...
Mark was currently fighting a being that even gods from the past could not kill.