537 The Cover of Evil, The Premature Awakening of the Curse (1/2)
Day 129 - 11:59 AM - Newton Lake, Veteran's Memorial Park, Oaklyn, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America
It was just a minute before noon, and the sun should be up and shining. Yet, a dark and malicious aura enveloped the surroundings of the Veteran's Memorial Park at the side of Newton Lake.
Despite how the sun was shining in the clear sky, for some reason, everything was dark. It was not only the brightness of the surroundings but as if the world became devoided of its color.
That sensation continued to spread, enveloping not only the whole memorial park but extended for more than two hundred meters diameter with the cursed tree at the center.
Not knowing the effects of these changes in the surroundings, Mark decided to be cautious. Carrying Elise and pulling Mei with him, he tried to flee as fast as he could.
Unfortunately, despite using the strengthening of his blood, the spread of the dark aura was faster. It was as if the whole area changed in an instant.
Mark could only stop at the boundary where the spread ended. It was because there was a misty distortion of space that felt too dangerous to cross. To make sure, Mark let go of Mei and used the nail of his index finger to touch the boundary. The tip of his nail was cut off as if it was sliced off with a very sharp blade.
”We're trapped.”
Mark frowned.
Without any other choice, they faced the direction they fled from.
There, they could see the cursed tree growing for about seven meters in height, enveloping a large area under its shadow and covering the small peninsula with its trunk and roots.
In front of the tree, they could see Ellse, floating like a ghost. However, the aura he had before while he was with Elise was all gone. It was replaced with a menacing sensation that could make anyone that looked into his eyes shiver.
An evil spirit born from a cursed object, that was one of the most dangerous things on Earth. Old paintings, dolls, houses, humans, and even a family's bloodline. Many things could become cursed in many different ways.
Most of the time, the curse was caused by the resentment that the owner of the object had when they were alive. Somethings, it was caused by the anger of a person towards another.
Many people dared try to face these things just for fun. While some ended in a boring fake event, some did not end up very well.
Despite the existence of these things, most people were skeptical. They believed their religion but did not acknowledge the truth about the creatures being taught by their holy books.
As for the most dangerous things about curse objects, it was those that could grow. It was at the expense of many lives and sacrifices. The souls of people that died with the involvement of the curse would be absorbed by the object.
Elise called out. She might be surprised that the man she shared her troubles to was the spirit of her twin brother. However, they still experienced a good time together. That was something that she would not forget.
”Don't bother calling. That thing is not the person you knew he is.”
Mark said, reprimanding Elise.
”What do you know?!” Elise shouted. ”You are just someone that Felicia brought here. As if you knew anything!”
Mark turned to Elise with a glare.
”I might not know your circumstances, but at least, I know more about that thing in front. Tell me. Did you get in contact with that tree before?”
”I-I did.” Mark's scary glare surely pushed Elise in a passive stance.
”Then, when did you meet that Ellse for the first time? Before or after you got in contact with the tree?” Mark's voice was rather serene. ”If you met him after you got in contact with the tree, then the entire time, you are not speaking with Ellse but the evil spirit of the tree that swallowed him.”
The eyes of Elise turned wide while she fell silent. What Mark said shook her to the core as it was the truth. She met Ellse not long after she tried to hang herself on that same tree.
Tears started to appear at the corner of her eyes. What Mark had said had just proven that everything thing she had in these past years was nothing but lies.
Elise wanted to cry out loud. She wanted to refute everything in front of her. However, even if Elise closed her eyes and ears, there was no going back. In the least, she did not want to cry while being carried by a man she did not even know.
”Please, put me down.”
That was all she could request. However, Mark's reply was nothing but a blatant...
Elise could not help but raise her head to look at him. There, she could see him pointing below.
When she turned her head to where he was pointing, she could see a lot of infected. However, there was something strange about them. Their eyes were glowing red and were all staring at them that was flying in the air.
It was a strange and unsettling scene.
”Don't think that I'm just carrying you because I want to. The energy being released by that can make any human without proper resistance insane. If I let you go even a second and you got exposed to it, you will become one of those infected.”
Elise's mind was in turmoil, she could not process everything that was happening right now, and her thoughts started to become chaotic.
Suddenly, Mark released a painful voice.
Mei was surprised as she suddenly saw Mark's complexion pale. It seemed like his head was in pain.
Gritting his teeth, Mark raised his free hand.
Elise fainted as Mark hit her nape.
As soon as Elise lost consciousness, Mark's complexion started to recover.
Mei was surprised. It was not hard for her to realize that Mark's sudden pain was connected to Elise.
”Gege, what happened?”
Mei asked.
”I'll tell you later,” Mark replied. ”Can you hold her for now? I still have to fight that guy in front.”
Mei nodded and received Elise from Mark.
”Even the infected are affected, why are we still fine?”
Mei asked, looking at the infected below.
”We're already demons rather than humans, so that should give us more resistance. Besides, you have your physique, and we are wearing this.”
Mark then pulled out the Trinket he took from the gangsters back on his date with Mei from his chest.
”Remember, these protect their wearers from mental attacks.”