492 Disordered Ranks, A Series of Planned Abushes (1/2)

Mutagen Exallion 48480K 2022-07-24

Day 126 - 1:31 PM - Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon

A large number of projectiles flew towards the members of the group tasked to investigate.

Since Chaaya led this group, they were all shadow people. And thus, they disregarded the projectiles flying towards them even though they saw them coming.

Human weapons would not harm them, even regular bullets or explosions, would not, despite ruining their robes. Their bodies were ethereal and were untouchable without their consent. Only special bullets and weapons could harm them.

And those projectiles flying towards them were nothing but wooden arrows. There was not even a metal tip on them. Of course, the shadow people would not pay it any attention.

That was the second mistake.

Chaaya, who had a higher danger awareness, did not feel right and immediately hid in the shadows. As the attack came too suddenly and unexpectedly, she had no time to warn her soldiers.

And thus, the arrows flew through the shadow people's bodies, tearing their bodies apart, giving them the shock of their lives before their deaths.

Aside from the Commander, Chaaya, the whole group sent to investigate, turned to dust, leaving nothing but their torn robes behind.


Standing behind the ranks of the enemies, Mark smirked. Taking the enemies by surprise was a hard tactic. After all, they were veterans of the conflict, being an organization hiding in the darkness of human society.

Thus, he had to think of a way to surprise them.

Mark started it with the Miasma eating away the thing they called Féth Fíada. The magical veil of an old tribe in Irish Folklore. Who would think that Miasma would suddenly erupt and consume the magical energy of the mist before them on a large scale? Thus, not only it terrified them, but also caused their attention to focus on the situation.

Having the enemies' attention elsewhere made it easier for him to assassinate Huo Long Yue. Mark's [Emphatic Detection] covered the whole area, and Huo Long Yue was the only one who showed a sign of realization.

Initially, Mark wanted to capture him alive. Chinese cultivation methods known since ancient times was something that would interest him. Unfortunately, the Crazy Dragon realized something after experiencing the battle last night. And since cultivators had many surprising trump cards, they usually hid, it was better to kill him as fast as possible lest he tried something that would hinder his plans.

Then, after killing the rogue cultivator, next were removing the Miasma in an unexpected way and the vanishing act of the base.

Miasma would linger and spread. That was how it usually worked. However, for both the Miasma and the base vanishing like that, the enemies would surely send people to investigate. People who were untouchable and should be able to dodge regular dangers. The shadow people.

Nevertheless, it was worthwhile. The group of forty people sent to investigate vanished with only one person surviving the assault. It was quite a substantial blow to the enemy, considering that the actual battle had yet to start.

Then, while everyone was still shocked at that scene, the arrows that targetted the group sent to investigate, flew towards them.

However, as they already saw it before, only a little number was hit by the arrows. Furthermore, only fewer died.


Then, the sound of a sniper rifle echoed out of nowhere. A bullet flew, tearing the bodies several shadow people at once.

Many froze to that sight.

At first, it was just arrows. Now, a sniper bullet came out of nowhere.

Fearing that they also had other weapons like that, everyone rushed to find cover.

Mark looked at the hill overseeing the whole situation with a stifled laugh.

The leader of this mission was already standing with his fists clasped tightly. His furious expression was quite a sight. Mark never thought that a dead person would still be capable of these expressions.

However, what could they do if they could not see the enemy at all?

Blindly charging forward would only cost them more casualties.

None of Tan Sitong's plans were usable at this point. Thus, he turned his eyes to the meat shields that seem to be disregarded by the attacks.

The humans they gathered cowered in fear as they lie down on the ground, shrinking themselves as much as possible. Since their guards were still around, these humans could neither run away nor hide. Rolling on the ground like a ball was the best that they could do and wish that none of the arrows and bullets shoot them.

Thus, Tan Sitong decided to send these weaklings forward.

He was about to issue the order. Then, one of his aides suddenly stepped in front of him.


The head of the Jianshi exploded to pieces.

Tan Sitong felt cold. That shot aimed at his head without a doubt.

Fortunately, the Jiangshi's body was strengthened and was able to stop the bullet despite its head exploding. Losing the Jiangshi would be a big waste. Nevertheless, it was not as valuable as his life.

This situation was the worst con of regaining consciousness after being a Jiangshi. Jiangshis relied on nothing but instinct to detect danger. For him, who was never a fighter in the first before he died and regained intelligence, he had to rely on his consciousness to do things.

It also became his weakness as even weaker Jiangshis without consciousness would be able to detect that incoming attack.

Tan Sitong immediately retreated to cover while the remaining Jiangshis protected him. His face was even more furious. Although the easiest way to end a battle was to slay the general, it was not in a way like this.

Tan Sitong was a great warlord. He even managed to overwhelm military bases before just using an army of he created.

But now, the targets were not playing by the books. Not even in Tan Sitong's most brilliant intelligence expected a scene like this to happen.

More sniper bullets flew towards Tan Sitong. However, non of it hit him as the Aides already got their weapons out to deflect the bullets.

By this time, the army of Auraboros already retreated into the woods, leaving the humans behind, cowering in fear.

The arrows and bullets could still take out one or two, but the cover of trees and rocks greatly hindered the efficiency.