471 Bathalas True Goal, Sending the Group Back to the Spirit Dimension (1/2)

Mutagen Exallion 46380K 2022-07-24

Day ▋▋ - ▋▋:▋▋ ▋▋ - Underground Crystal Basin, Unknown Dimension

”Before attempting to joke or something, isn't it better if you help her first?”

Mark said with a strange look on his face.

Karlene looked lethargic and frail. Her face was also drained of color. That painful scream they heard was not just for a show.

Hearing those words, Alana hurriedly stood up and ran to help Karlene. Although she could stand and walk, that was all she could do at the moment.

”Sorry, I was surprised by the girl,” Alana said to Karlene. ”She looked exactly like you when we were little.”

Those words of her made everyone realize why she said that joke like comment. After all, there were only four possibilities for a person with the same appearance to appear that they could think of. First was obviously, a child of the person. Being relatives could also do the same. The third and fourth, however, was a bit absurd. It was either the girl was a doppelganger or a clone.

And since it was impossible for Karlene and the little girl to the former two, and it was unbelievable for the third, it only left the last one.

To confirm that, Bathala spoke.

”Take care of her. There's no harm to her body the structure of it, her DNA in human science terms. What made her weakened is because I had to pull out the soul of this little girl from her. It is the first time that I witnessed a soul giving birth to a soul without a body, which made them end up in possession like state. Their souls were attached from the roots, and I had to severe that. Since she's the host, her soul was weakened. There is no problem for the girl, though.”

Everyone now understood who was the little girl. Back in the base, although quite rare, there would be times that Karlene would lose herself, especially when she was involved in bloody battles. That was how they learned about her circumstances. It was not a secret to everyone in the base. And during those times, although she would not hurt her allies, she was kind of hard to control. It was until she saw Mark while in that state. Karlene would then run towards Mark, grabbing his hand and putting it on her head.

”Karla, is your body fine?”

Mark asked the little girl. However...

”Karla! Karla!”

That was her reply. Her voice was not rough any more, unlike when she was still in Karlene's body. Nevertheless, it seemed that she could not understand what Mark was saying, like before.

This made Mark look at Bathala.

”There's nothing I can do about that,” Bathala said before Mark could say anything. ”Her soul had just been plucked off. I can't do something to modify it right now, even I will not know what consequences will happen. After all, she's a soul that is detached from the circle of reincarnation.”

”A newborn soul, is it?”

Mark said.

That made everyone flustered. Not only that Bathala revealed the birth of souls to them, but also said that the existence of Karla, was unnatural.

And then, Mark turned to someone else...

Seeing where he was looking at, Bathala nodded.

”She is also the same.” The Old Man then proceeded to tell Mara the awful truth. ”The soul of your sister had been long gone. I'm sorry to say, but the current soul inside your sister's body is not its previous owner.”

Everyone looked at Mara, then to Janette. Bathala just said that Mara's sister was already dead, and the one beside her was something else using her sister's body.

They all expected that Mara would cry or break down. Unexpectedly, she did not. Mara only showed a bitter, sad face and a little smile.

”It's fine to cry. You shouldn't hold it back.”

Pefile said as he knew how it felt to have someone you loved, taken away. He was a bit better than Mara, though.

”I'm fine. Boss already told me before that she isn't my sister anymore. I'm the one who kept on clinging on to her.”

That made everyone understand her response to the news. She already accepted it since the start when she saw that her sister had a bite on her shoulder. It was already good for her that she could spend time with her sister, although she already had a different soul.

Seeing that, Alana had an idea and turned to Bathala.

”You're a God, right? Even a former one, can't you have her sister resurrected? Or call her soul back at least? Since you gave us gifts, it will be a good one for her.”

”Hey!!!” Mara said in a fluster. ”It's inappropriate, right? Taking to a God and requesting in that way...”

Since even the person in question rebuked her, Alana looked down as she helped Karlene back to their seats.

”That would really be a perfect thing,” Bathala said dejectedly. ”But I am a former God of Creation and not a God that governed souls. That is beyond my abilities.”

But then, Bathala flicked his robe, and a medallion appeared on his hand.

”Since it is the case, let me give you this.”

The medallion, that was made of crystal and was rimmed with gold floated from Bathala's palm towards Mara.

As Mara wondered what the medallion was for, Bathala explained.

”Stay by this man's side.” The Old Man pointed his staff at Mark. ”Although it might not be sure, there's a possibility for him to run into a God that had links to the river of souls. Use that medallion to ask a favor. That medallion is not enough to resurrect your sister's soul. However, it might be possible to talk to her one last time if she has yet to enter the cycle of reincarnation. Do not expect too much as the time for a soul to enter reincarnation is not fixed. Some are early, and some wait for a long time. You just have to be lucky.”

Mara nodded and gave the old man a sincere thank you.