427 About the Spirit Dimension, The Cause of the Fall of the Blood Demon Race (2/2)

Mutagen Exallion 50540K 2022-07-24

Now, however, Blood Demons had somehow resurfaced. Still, they could not fathom the actual reason why and how they became Blood Demons.

Finally, Alana could not handle it anymore. She asked a question.

”I have a question. According to what you said earlier, not only Mark, even me and some of the people here belonged to Blood Demons. But, how did that happen?”

Pefile turned to Alana before turning to Mark, then to Edzel. He then spoke.

”I don't know if you will believe me. I'll tell you, however... Not all humans are purely human.”

That was a deep statement. However, no one could refute it at all. As the existence of Spirits and Demons were now revealed before them, they did not know what they should believe anymore.

”I don't know for sure...” Pefile continued. ”There might be someone in your ancestry, that was a Blood Demon, or also had the blood of a Blood Demon in them. It is really something that is hard to determine. But... Facts, speak for themselves. As humans always say.”

It was really a hard thing to determine. However, the reaction Mark and the others had earlier, it was hard to refute otherwise.

”Does the Spirit Tree had something to do with it?”

Mark voiced out in which Pefile shook his head.

”The Spirit Tree might have helped trigger the blood of Blood Demons hidden in their veins. The Night Everred Tree, it is one of the requirements to awaken the dormant blood of the Demon Blood Race.”

Then, Pefile looked at Mark with a serious expression.

”It is different to you, however. Spirit Trees are born differently. What kind of tree it will end up differs depending on the individual planting it. For you to be able to plant a Night Everred Tree, it meant that one of your ancestors in the past is a Pure Blood Demon. Blood from a Pure Blood Demon can lay dormant but not acquired. Or else, that little girl there would already have the same pure blood as yours.”

Pefile looked at Iola.

Mark was not able to refute that either. If the blood of a Pure Blood Demon could be acquired, Iola should have grown horns and wings too.

While Mark was thinking that, Pefile added something.

”There's something I am very confused about.”

This made everyone turn at Pefile only to see him staring at Mark.

”What are you talking about?”

Mark asked.

”You see... Dormant blood, no matter what Spirit or Demon race it is, there are procedures to be followed to awaken it. Like these girls, they needed the presence of the Night Everred Tree to partially awaken the dormant blood of the Blood Demons inside them. The process was even more difficult for Pure Blooded ones.”

At that point, everyone's gaze at Mark turned rather strange. Then, Pefile finally said his question.

”Just what did you do for you to fully awaken your dormant blood, to the point of being able to plant a Spirit Tree at the level of a king of a race?”

That question put Mark into a stupor.

The answer to that question?


Mark was just doing things randomly and did other things when the situation called for it.

He had a few speculations.

First, he absorbed an actual demon.

Second, he absorbed a blood creature.

Third, he mutated himself to have wings.

Fourth, he absorbed energy from another demon.

Fifth, because of the Mutation he got after becoming a Mutator.

Sixth, because of the PsyCrystal.

Seventh, it was a pure coincidence.

Still... No matter how much he tried to speculate, there was no way for him to find the actual answer!

There was only one thing that was sure.

Eight... It was because of Mutagen.

Everything of this started since Mutagen arrived on Earth. Compared to the other reasons he thought of, it was the most likely thing that caused it.

Furthermore, for some reason, Mutagen would cause some blood-related family members to have close to identical abilities and mutations. Emika and Mikio was the best example of this. Even their father turned into a huge treant after turning into a Mutated Infected.

What if Mutagen was not just mutating people, but was actually capable of awakening the genes dormant within the person's body? That was the best theory Mark could come up with.

As Mark could not answer, there was no need to push it further. Everyone understood that even Mark confused about the things happening right now.

”Alright, I give up. I can't think of any reason.” Mark shrugged his shoulders. ”Anything else you two need to tell us about the Blood Demons?”

Mark asked Pefile and Amihan which made the two turn at each other.

Pefile then sighed.

”I don't have much to tell. I haven't lived that long. What I know also came from others.”

”Me too.”

Amihan also answered.

That made everyone rather unsatisfied. There was not enough information at all.

Mark then asked about the Night Everred Spirit Tree that Pefile spoke several times before. However, aside from its name, appearance, and the fact that only a Pure Blood Demon could raise a tree like that, there was nothing else he knew.

Most information about races was rather kept by themselves. It was because some of it could reveal the weakness of a race. With how the Blood Demons had gone extinct, they brought a lot of information about their race into their graves.

The only thing that might tell them the things they needed to know was to find a true surviving member of that race.

Mark could only sigh as the reasons for him to visit the Spirit Dimension started to pile up in front of him.