357 Strange Behaviour, Trying to Pull-Off Something Making Everyone Confused (1/2)

Mutagen Exallion 49120K 2022-07-24

Day 58 – 10:15 AM – Paseo Verde, Diego Cera Ave, Barangay Pulang Lupa Uno, Las Piñas, Metro Manila

”Are you sure about what you said? Eloy, you better not be joking with me.”

A barely dressed man came out of his condo unit after he was called out by one of his subordinates. His tone was rather heavy as it seemed that he was disturbed from his fun. Nevertheless, his tone became a bit lighter as the details about why the subordinate came was revealed.

”Boss, I won't be joking with you. I'll never. Baldy and Jerry are also there if you want to be sure.”

Eloy replied like a dog wagging his tail.

”Alright. I'll change first so call Logan and Royce. Tell them to meet me in the meeting room.”

”Yes Boss!”

Eloy scurried off to follow the order while the Boss returned to his room.

”Gifre, what is that?”

A woman who was covered who lay on the bed covered with blankets asked.

”Our lookouts saw a strange vehicle lurking around the blockades we made at the northern streets. They said that the vehicle looked like something from a sci-fi movie.”

Gifre replied as he started to wear his clothes. Seeing that, the woman on the bed looked disappointed. Seeing that, Gifre approached her and held her chin.

”Vem, we'll continue it later.”

The two shared a lustful kiss before Gifre went out of the room.

As they were interrupted in the middle of their fun, the woman called Vem was dissatisfied. And thus… She started playing by herself.


Gifre soon arrived at the meeting room just one floor below.


The people inside the room stood up and greeted. Although it was only Logan and Royce was called, it seemed that the said vehicle caught the attention of their other members. Currently, there were ten people inside the meeting room including Gifre. All of them were armed with guns that should be illegal to own in this country.

”I guess you all knew why we are here?”

Gifre spoke.

”Boss, other lookouts aside from the guys on the roof saw the vehicle. I also saw it personally from my unit since it is facing that road.”

Logan, the man who was tall  but had a stout body spoke.

”What are your thoughts about it?”

Gifre asked.

”I don't know. I never saw anything like that. It looks intimidating, to be honest. Look at this.”

Logan then took out his phone and opened a video recorded by him through the window. It seemed that it was the habit of this man as there were a lot of videos and pictures inside his gallery.

”This thing…”

Gifre was speechless seeing the vehicle. Not only him but the other people inside the room had the same expressions. The vehicle looked amazing, powerful and intimidating. However, it also sparked the greed inside him.

”Boss, by the looks of your face, we can tell that you want this vehicle.”

Logan joked.

”Why not?” Gifre smiled. ”The car might be amazing but what about the people inside?”

Gifre turned to a shorter man with a thin body and an easily forgettable face.

”Royce, you think you can tail that vehicle? Investigate and observe the people inside.”

Royce looked back at the boss without any change in his expression.

”I want one from the collection once I get back.”

”Sure, sure. No worries. If we managed to get that vehicle you can take two or three if you want to play.”

Hearing that, Royce walked out of the meeting room without saying anything else. No one bothered with his attitude however as they were used to it. He was not a wordy person but he always got his job done without problems.


Day 58 – 11:03 AM – Diamond St., Don Angelo King Townhomes, Barangay Manuyo Dos, Las Piñas, Metro Manila

Mark and his team were not having good luck today it seemed.

After they took a detour further away due to the roadblock on the initial route they should have taken, they had to take several more detours.

First, they encountered a broken bridge. It seemed that whoever did that had the idea to blow up the bridge to cut off the movements of the infected. Although the bridge was not completely collapsed, it was questionable whether it was safe for a vehicle to pass through it.