220 Departure, Towards the Eastern Mountains Across the River (1/2)
Day 35 – 7:32 AM – Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon
A three meter reddish black wall stood surrounding the whole base. No, rather than a wall, it was a defensive rampart. The outer wall was as thick as a hollow concrete block while atop the wall was a meter wide scaffold that would allow the people inside the base to move around the top of the walls. Under the scaffold was an empty space which enabled them to open and access hidden windows on the walls. This way they were able to attack both above and on the ground levels of the wall.
The wall might be just that thick but it was made with three layers. The outer layers were made of pure [Blood Metal] while the inner layers were made of stone bound with [Blood Metal] as cement. [Blood Metal], even though stronger than most preexisting metals, was still metal. Under strong impact, pressure and constant stress, it would still deform due to its malleability. The stone layer of the wall however strengthened the wall and would prevent the wall from deforming too easily.
However, a wall, no matter how strong, was still just a wall. It could not kill any intruder on its own.
Atop the walls at fixed intervals, there were meter long large crossbows. Different from normal crossbows, these ones looked more like a small ballista. Furthermore, these ones were spring powered than the bolts being propelled just by the strings. For the bolts, they were still the normal size but what made it more powerful was that the bolts did not need to be reloaded manually.
The premade crossbow bolts were placed in large metal boxes designed similar to magazines used with guns. The bolt magazines only needed to be affixed under the large crossbows and the shooter only needed to rotate the wheel at the back of the crossbow and it would be ready to shoot after a clicking sound. After the crossbow was shot, the next bolt inside the large magazine would be fed into the crossbow and the shooter only needed to repeat the process and shoot.
Furthermore, the crossbow had two kinds of crossbow bolts as ammunition. The first was the ones made with normal [Blood Metal] while the second one was made of [Transparent Blood Metal]. The first kind was enough for most enemies and threats but for more danger sensitive enemies, the second kind was more appropriate. The transparent crossbow bolts was hard to see especially when being shot at very high speeds.
This mechanism in these mini-siege weapons had been painstaking thought of with both Mark and Huey and brought the creation of these large crossbows. The outward design however was made by both Mark and Hallie following their urges to make the weapons look like they popped up from a sci-fi anime.
Aside from those weapons, the outside of walls had a lot of spikes, barbs and even hidden sharp edges. Some of these sharp edges and spikes were even hard to see due to the fact that these were made with Oracle's help.
Outside the walls, different sorts of traps were installed. From pitfalls to arrow traps, there was a large variety.
With all these prepared, even the likes of the two mutated infected from several days ago would have a hard time infiltrating. Not to mention normal infected and even animals. There would still be the threat from aerial evolved animals but there had been no attack that happened from those birds so far. Actually, even the attacks from evolved ground animals became fewer and fewer as the days passed. It felt like that most of the evolved animals started to avoid this place with the exception of the feral ones.
While the walls were fully finished, the insides of the base still had a lot to work on. Most structures were still temporary ones with the exception of Mark's base inside the crevice and the two sleeping quarters. These past days after Mark induced the Evolution of the others, they spent most of their time to finish two things, the walls and the emergency exit. As for the other things inside, these could be slowly worked on after the walls were done and even without Mark's help. After all, Mark was the only person who could accurately command and instruct the [Blood Children] but he had to leave to settle several matters as soon as possible.
This morning, everyone in the base gathered outside the main gate at the southern part of the base. They were here to send off Mark who finally had the confidence to leave the base in the hands of these people.
”Boss, be careful.”
”Leave this place to us, Boss.”
”Yeah, we'll take care of this place since we'll have nowhere to go afterwards if we don't, Boss.”
Trisha, Huey and Jollene said respectively.
”Don't forget to bring back souvenirs!”
Hallie said without shame.
”Mark, about our request…”
On the other hand, Nicole hesitated a bit on her words. She wanted to continue but Mark cut her off.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”I remember. Just don't count on it too much.”
”Okay. It's not like we're expecting it. The chances were too small after all. Also, we know you're strong but you should still be careful outside.”
Nicole said with a smile.
”Boss, expect it that when you get back, the workshop is brand new.”
”Yeah. You can leave the physical work to us. The walls are done so we can work on the buildings inside.”
Ed and Ron said side by side.
Mark looked at the two and was satisfied. These two already noticed the changes with the others but they did not voice anything about unfairness and bias but just worked more diligently.
Ed was as he was described, naïve. As long as he was given enough recognition with his work, he was fine. Ron on the other hand was similar. He was already fine that he was still alive. Although he had a hint of envious feeling, he voiced it rather frankly and did not hide it from others. Furthermore, his words were direct and without sarcasm. It exhibited his open-mindedness and being able to manage his own thinking and emotions. He might have been someone who had good intrapersonal skills but his extremely thin presence dampened this in a very negative way making him unable to show this side of him in normal circumstances. Fortunately, everyone in this base did not neglect him despite his thin presence and he started to grow closer to them. His self-esteem had started to rise and his hidden qualities started to show.
In the middle of their farewell to Mark, the latter approached the two.