199 Their Plans, The First Steps for the Future Base (1/2)
Day 22 – 7:32 PM – Mountain Village, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon
Due to the medical supplies Mark brought back, Nicole's fever had already stabilized while the injuries of the others were dressed properly. On the other hand, Jollene had already woken up it was not wrong to say that the state of her body was way better than last night. Not only her complexion was better but her strength also rose significantly.
When she woke up, she was rather in a stupor. It was because at the time she tried to recall what happened last night, what entered her mind first was Huey's worried face as she lost strength in his embrace. She did not realize that it left a strong mark on her memories since his face was the first thing she saw when she needed someone the most.
Right now, with the exception of Nicole who was still unconscious, all members of their group were gathered around a campfire as they grilled some of the meat from the tiger Ed processed. Mark was rather satisfied with his work that he even gave him a can of tuna from the food he brought home. The skin of the tiger was hanged and left at the drying rack beside Mark's house while most of the meat was going to be made into jerky. As for the leftover meat, they were free to cook it in any way they wanted while the fat of the tiger was collected by Mark saying that he would process it as lamp oil.
This time, their members gathered here to talk about their future plans. Mark on the other hand was already resting as he said that he would go out early tomorrow.
”Is that really true?”
Ron, the one of the men aside from Huey asked as Trisha and Hallie finish narrating the information Mark told them yesterday.
Huey already had a little idea about it since he talked to Trisha last night but the others knew nothing about it. It was the information about Mutagen, the Mutators and Evolvers, and even the difference about Eaters and Biters. The information he got from the government was included. Of course, Mark did not tell them everything and Hallie knew that. There was a lot of anime that tell the value of information in this kind of situation. As a fellow Otaku, she knew that Mark would not reveal every card in his hand.
Still, it was a lot of information for them to hear and swallow. It was also the reason Hallie decided to tell them now since they were all gathered in one place.
”It's true. There's no need for Mark to lie about those since it's easy to determine whether that information is true or not.”
Hallie said confidently.
They all became silent as they slowly digested the information. Along with that silence, they sometimes turn to glance at Jollene who should be an Evolver now. Although there was a tint of envy on Ed and Ron's eyes, they were also sure that it would not be easy to become one. Jollene almost lost her life after all.
”Now, what are your plans? Although Mark said that well need to compensate him for what that idiot did, we are free after that.”
Hallie said.
That question made them even more silent.
What were they going to do? Leave? That was asking for trouble. They could not even keep their lives when they were a whole group of people, what could they do now? The forested mountains were filled with those evolved animals while the towns and cities were filled with infected. Actually, this day was the most peaceful day they had since the apocalypse started.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”We're going to stay, me and Nicole.” Hallie answered her question herself. ”Actually, we're not confident at finding that place in the leaflet since the start. The only reason why the two of us came with this group was because Nicole is being targeted by the lechers in the hotel. Comparing this hopeless journey to being their toys, we picked the previous one. Now that we found a place to stay, we have no reason to leave anymore.”
The expression on her face that was lit by the flames was resolute and way different from her usual behavior.
”We won't leave too. Right Huey?”
Jollene calmly said as she turned to Huey who was not speaking. Huey had already briefed her about what happened last night and he even confessed to her when the others were not around. She was rather surprised to the extent that she wanted to blame him for not saying it sooner but considering how blinded she was in her delusions with Jefferson, she had withdrawn the thought. Now, she rather hated herself for falling for that person.
Unfortunately for Huey, she had just received her first heartbreak so she was still not ready for a relationship with anyone. Still, she could not deny that she would readily accept Huey in the future when she was ready. After all, he was not even ashamed to narrate how he begged Mark for her life. Still, she felt helpless when Huey said that the lives of the two of them belonged to Mark now.
”Right.” Huey bitterly smiled. ”I already sold our souls to the demon after all.”
”Pfft. That's quite an analogy.”
Hallie could not help but laugh.
”But it's also true.” Jollene smiled. ”I'm supposed to be dead now. If Huey did not beg for my life, I won't even be sitting here.”
Not known to others, Jollene had another reason. She wanted to grow stronger and it was only possible if there was someone already strong enough to guide her. Besides, Huey said that it seemed that Mark had the idea what happened to her after she woke up. The sensation she had last night, she could not explain it. However, Mark was very likely to have the answer.
In the end, none of them wanted to leave anymore especially when Hallie told them Mark's plan to build his own base here in the mountains.
”If we're the first people in the base and also the ones who help build it. Even though it was Mark's base, we'll have a better treatment when other people arrives later right?” Hallie said before turning to Jollene. ”Is something wrong with what I said?”