102 Several Events behind the Scenes (1/2)

Mutagen Exallion 49530K 2022-07-24

Day 3 – 7:10 PM - Central Business Park, Pasay City, Research Building

Nia stood inside a room with white metal walls. It was a room built to be used as a testing area for many of the Research Laboratory's experiments. In front of her, there were three floating spears made of ice about the size and length of a throwing javelin. Her hands kept on moving while the floating spears of ice would move in the same direction of her hands. She circled around, jumped and gently moved her hands as if she was dancing and the spears of ice wound dance around her in the same manner.

For anyone who would witness this sight, they would immediately think of how spectacular and fantastic the scene was. Along with her rare beauty, she looked like an ice fairy that came out of a fantasy novel.

Outside the testing area, Prof. Isaach Co and Allen were watching Nia's routine through a one-sided mirror. The professor nodded while watching the great improvement of his adopted daughter and assistant in satisfaction. To say, Nia's ability to control and decrease the temperature of the moisture in the air reached new heights in the past two days.

Inside the testing area, Nia finished her routine by launching the three spears of ice towards the wall. The spears flew fast at a speed of a javelin thrown by an Olympic athlete.


Three loud sounds echoed inside the testing area as the three spears of ice were embedded into the thick white wall. Nia then released her ability from the spears of ice slowly turning the spears of ice into water that flowed down the surface of the wall and creating a puddle of cold water on the floor. She then proceeded to walk out of the door and entered the room where Prof. Isaach and Allen were watching.

”How is it profe-, no, father?”

Mia asked with a smile.

”It's brilliant Nia! Your ability had really grown stronger compared to several days ago.”

Prof. Isaach was smiling from ear to ear as he praised Nia's improvement. Several days ago, the most that she could do was to conjure two chopstick sized ice spikes and to lower the temperature of moisture in the air in a small area while slowly turning the moisture in that small area into ice.

Now however, she could already conjure three spears made of ice and even control the spears to float with precise control.

To the side, Allen looked at Nia with both happiness and envy. His older sister's ability had already started to improve while he was still the same as before. Nevertheless, Prof. Isaach looked at Allen with smiles. Now that some of his theories were proven, it was time to think of a way and a good training routine for Allen.

The professor was in a very good mood. After all, several of his theories were finally given an answer. One of those theories was regarding the evolution of people who already had super-human abilities before the outbreak.

As he thought, Mutagen could really enhance their super-human abilities. Not only the physical abilities of the living creatures could be enhanced but also improved their preexisting mental abilities.

Another of his theories was about how to stimulate the evolution process. Was only the growth potential and DNA compatibility of the person with the Mutagen was the factors for evolution? The answer was fortunately or unfortunately, no. However, the third factor was not really easy to achieve. It was to stimulate one's potential by overpassing their limits. It was something very easy to say but hard to achieve.

One way to achieve this required one to undergo constant arduous training and overpass their limits slowly. This method was the one Prof. Isaach used to make Nia's ability to this extent. In the previous two days after he learned the possibility for human evolution, he had Nia train several times a day to the extent that she was not able to use her ability for a moment. Just this afternoon, she finally fell unconscious with high fever. After she woke up, her ability had evolved to this extent.

There was another way to stimulate this latent potential. It was to expose the person to extreme danger that required the person to exert actions beyond their current abilities. This method could be a faster and easier way to evolve but also came with grave consequences. Not all people would be able to exert actions beyond their abilities in the face of danger. It would even be more probable for the person fell into panic and fail. That situation could even cause death. No, it was highly likely for the person to die.

If Prof. Isaach were to be asked about what he viewed Mutagen as, it was both disaster and opportunity. Disaster because of what had already happened, the apocalypse. It was an Opportunity because it opened the possibility for people to evolve. In the professor's view, mankind had already reached the end of evolution. The reason for this was the way the modern society was living. Technological advancements always leaned towards comfort and entertainment and it cost the expense for mankind to evolve further.

Now however, Mutagen could stimulate the evolution not only of mankind but also the other creatures on earth. Furthermore, it would need for mankind to evolve further or else, mankind would succumb to the threat of the apocalypse and face extinction.

”Come on you two, let's rack our brains out and find a way for Allen to improve his ability.”

Prof. Isaach together with his two young assistants left the testing facility and back to their office after collecting the printed data into folders. The middle-aged professor wanted his two adopted children to improve. All his studies with the Mutagen showed that more powerful threats would come in the near future. These two should improve their abilities so they would be able to protect themselves even if he himself was not included. Other people might view Prof. Isaach as a research madman but he was a kind person at heart.
