700 The Real Goal? (1/2)

The orange flame which covered the primeval firelord instantly lost color after the transparent pillar of light hit it and had turned into the darkest black, which seemed to be able to suck in all warmth and light.

The pillar of light dismissed into countless streams of rays and silver electric currents. They were everywhere. They were also so close to each other that they flowed unpredictably together and formed a creepy net, trapping the lord of fire within.

In such a dreamlike big net, everything had been frozen and been put into an incredible static state. It seemed that even the microscopic particles were no exception.

Once it started touching the surface flame surrounding the primeval firelord, the strange power had instantly snuck into its body by going underneath its demon scales.

The firelord had been put into a sheer static state as if someone had cast Advanced Time Stop. Suddenly, its body became transparent and its demon core was revealed - a cluster of fire that seemingly could burn forever.

The cluster of fire tried to resist the strange power. However, within a second, it had been totally frozen.

Meanwhile, the ocean of lava had lost its temperature although the fire was still raging. And a second later, the ocean had also been frozen and now looked mysteriously black.

Everything happened so fast that even Gonheim, ”the Demogorgon of Darkness”, who had been watching the battlefield, was not able to help the firelord. It was already too late to do anything when Gonheim saw the pillar of ice hit the firelord. At that time, this level-three legendary demon lord had already fallen. The legendary spell that Lucien cast called Snow Goddess's Forgiveness was totally strange to it. But the power of the spell even deeply thrilled him, although he was far away in Frozen Fortress!

The coldness had reached the limit of the world. Even Gonheim itself was in awe of the super low temperature! Having the power of frost and darkness and the gift from the abyss, it wasn't until Gonheim became a top legendary that it finally approached the temperature limit.

Therefore, when it saw how the spell hit the primeval firelord and just removed the flames defense, Gonheim had given up any plans on saving the firelord.

The temperature which was above the absolute zero only by less than one degree could not exist any longer, as the whole world resisted it. In the Seething Ocean, everything started melting and soon the ice had all disappeared.

The firelord's transparent body was still in the middle of the air, and its feet were on the flame ocean which just recovered. At this time, the scorching wind from the Seething Ocean blew the firelord's body into fine particles and made them forever disappear in the world.

The primeval firelord's life had finally come to its end, after so many years beyond counting!


In the middle of the Seething Ocean, a lava pillar gushed out and rose right into the air. The flame instantly boiled the entire demiplane!

Then the horrible lava pillar formed a new throne of flame in the air. All the senior fire spirits who were fighting against the senior ice spirits, snow elves, and frost giants looked back with their red eyes. The throne to them was the summoning from the abyss and the desire for killing. Whichever could defeat all the rivals at this time would become the new firelord and win the throne! The new firelord would also gain the entire power of the demiplane and be awarded by the Will of Abyss, although it would have to start from level-one legendary again.

In the storm, there were two figures. One was wearing a black double-breasted suit and a top hat with a silver pocket watch in his right hand, as if he was checking if it was too late for a party; the other had long, purple hair, and the silver armor she was wearing was shining in the cold gloss. In her right hand, there was an ordinary-looking sword, and in her left hand, there was a small black shield.

It was Lucien Evans and Natasha Violet!

In Frozen Fortress, sitting on the darkness throne, Gonheim's eyes slightly squinted. And then it fiercely reached out its right hand as if it was trying to grab something in the front!

The air split because of this fierce grasp, and the Seething Ocean of flame appeared right in the front!

Although the firelord's falling was totally unexpected, Gonheim's plan would still carry on. At the very beginning, Gonheim never expected that the primeval firelord could stop Lucien Evans who was fully prepared. As there were only two paths after entering Chaotic Cosmos, Lucien must have been prepared for this, or he would have been a big idiot!

In Demogorgon of Darkness's heart, the firelord's falling was just an excuse. It needed an excuse to get involved to keep Lucien Evans busy for a while, and helping its subordinate was for sure one of the best, so its plan which required strict time order could be carried out successfully.

It was totally logical that the primeval firelord would stop any creatures from passing through the Seething Ocean because of its short temper, and as the firelord's lord, Gonheim should be here to help. In this case, Lucien would take the difficulties for granted and would not be able to realize that these were all for preventing him from getting the Time Plate.

When Gonheim reached out its right hand, in the outer hall of Frozen Fortress, its good-looking face appeared on the crystal ice wall. Its two small demon horns were able to suck in all the light.

”I've given it some thought. Your offer isn't great, but it's better than nothing. The Time Plate isn't of much help to me.” Gonheim said to the figure in the light.

Clement had come here this time in person. Although he made some preparations, in the hall of Frozen Fortress, when he was surrounded by the ice walls from all directions, he still felt very unsafe, and thus he kept hoping that he could leave this place as soon as possible. However, it took the Demogorgon of Darkness a total of ten minutes to reply!

Hearing the answer, Clement released a sigh of relief, ”Your Excellency Demogorgon of Darkness, your decision is brilliant.”

If he had not been told that the new Demogorgon of Darkness was open to negotiation and trading, Clement would have never come to Desperate World. After all, this was home to this top legendary, and he might be killed at any time. It was known that the previous prince of demons was a bigger fan of killing and destroying than negotiation.

He had also prepared another plan if Gonheim did not agree. Then he would need to go through the Seething Ocean.

With the help of Gonheim, Clement jumped into Chaotic Cosmos.
