598 New Mode of Teaching (1/2)
”Indeed. The courses at magic school today can give the apprentices enough fundamental knowledge for them to become official sorcerers, but the arcana and magic knowledge needed for low-rank sorcerers to rise higher is now getting too enormous and complicated for them to learn and grasp on their own. That's the reason why the population of middle-rank sorcerers hasn't increased much in the past ten years, despite the sharp increase in senior-rank sorcerers.” Brook nodded and agreed with Douglas' proposal.
It indicated that the new arcana theories and achievements did not lower the difficulties between the low rank and the middle rank, and the ratio of advancement was the same as before. However, for part of the distinguished low-rank sorcerers, their advancement was much easier after they picked up the new arcana theories, like Annick, Heidi and the other studies who had been taught by Lucien with cutting-edge knowledge.
Oliver, on the other hand, was slightly worried. ”Graduated apprentices and low-rank sorcerers are the foundation of Congress. If all of them study in the advanced school, the Congress as a whole will inevitably be paralyzed.”
While the senior-rank sorcerers, archmages, and legendary sorcerers were capable of various spells, they certainly wouldn't waste their time on chores. The daily operation of Congress was based on tasks that were mostly carried out by the apprentices and the low-rank sorcerers. They allowed Congress to run smoothly.
”Therefore, we are establishing a school with a capacity of no more than a thousand students. We will select the talents in certain ways and consider expanding the school if everything goes well, but it must now affect the operation of Congress. After all, the arcanists of higher levels have their own business, too. Too many advanced schools will be a burden for them.” Douglas spoke of his plan. He had already evaluated the number of possible teachers.
”Select them in certain ways? Like the apprentice test?” Fernando was rather concerned about that. Hellen, on the other hand, was dedicated to her own research again.
Amused, Lucien said, ”The College Entrance Exam of Advanced Magic? Subdivided into mathematics, language, magic analysis, and theoretical and application of magic of the eleven schools?”
He only joked when he remembered his 'past' experience.
”The College Entrance Exam of Advanced Magic? Huh, that will be the fairest way. At least, it will be fairer than the recommendation from the middle-rank sorcerers.” Douglas rather agreed with exams.
Cheating would certainly be rare under the supervision of magic. Fairness could be ensured to the largest degree. In comparison, when the candidates were recommended, the middle-rank sorcerers and the administration of schools were often inclined to recommend the students they knew, appreciate or were associated with. The abilities in arcana and magic often came last.
Therefore, Douglas nodded and said, ”Let's set up the College Entrance Exam of Advanced Magic. The Affair Committee will decide what specific knowledge and practical abilities are to be tested.”
Lucien rubbed his eyebrow and covered his eyes, while he said to himself in amusement, I was just kidding… However, it was likely that the tests and quizzes that he compiled would become popular very soon.
”There's no need to test everybody with the knowledge of the eleven schools, is there?” Vicente asked, ”Mathematics, different magic vernaculars, magic analysis, preliminary alchemical abilities, and practical research and battle abilities are mandatory. Then, the test-takers can choose three schools to be tested on their own. After all, everybody has their specialties and interests.”
Fernando argued loudly and vehemently, ”The trend is that the schools are more and more closely connected. The wave-particle duality is combining electromagnetism and elements in the microscopic realm. Those without a broad view of knowledge cannot participate in deeper studies in the future.”
”They can consider it after they are admitted. After all, they will be kicked out of school if their scores are terrible. It will give them enough 'momentum' to make up for their foundation.” Oliver smiled.
”But that's in violation of the original purpose to set up the advanced school. If they can learn well by themselves, there will be no need to establish advanced magic schools,” said Hathaway slowly, her shock gone moments ago.
Lucien had always respected Hathaway. He added, ”We can slightly change the mode of teaching. We can ask the Arcana Review Board to list the dependencies of knowledge that is required to dig deeper in a certain domain of a certain school for the students so that they will know what is needed for their future.”
”Also, the curriculum of the advanced school can't be like the school of apprentices. The students will not be organized into different classes but given enough freedom. For example, the knowledge I mentioned can be combined into different courses and taught by different teachers. Then, the students can choose the teacher according to their progress and their foundation. Those who have spare time and who are more capable can also take more courses to broaden their knowledge.”
”In such a way, they will no longer be restricted by their initial choice. After all, they are not little kids but distinguished apprentices and low-rank sorcerers. Our goal is to let the talented students finish learning as soon as possible, let the students who are not talented but hard-working take their time to learn, and let the lazy and undevoted students have a chance to make up for their mistakes by broadly choosing courses.”
Lucien did not say anything about their test. It would be the best answer if they could advance into middle-rank sorcerers and arcanists after education in the advanced magic school.
After that, Lucien noticed that all the members of the Highest Council were looking at him. He asked subconsciously, ”What's up?”
”I didn't know that you were good at teaching. No wonder Katrina, Layria and Annick are so excellent,” said Douglas in a smile.
Fernando also chuckled. ”He was already best known for his unique teaching style when he was a teacher in Douglas Magic School, although he was blamed for being unorthodox.”