591 The Early Released Monster (1/2)

Sprint did not quite agree with Annick's theory. ”Our teacher must've been devoted to the improvement of his magic level and is trying to advance into the ninth circle. After he reaches the ninth circle, the Congress will have plenty of weird rituals that can help him become a legendary sorcerer.”

Improving two major levels consecutively through rituals had a failure rate of more than eighty percent. Therefore, Sprint believed that the best solution for his teacher to become a legend was to advance into the ninth circle on his own first. As for whether or not the further advancement after the ninth circle would succeed, Sprint had absolutely no doubt about that. With a legendary that perfected matched his cognitive world, the legendary magic models that were engraved inside his cognitive world, and the experience and assistance of so many legendary sorcerers, there was no way that their teacher could fail.

”Yes, you're probably right.” Annick did not insist on his opinion. ”Our teacher did not come by the Atom Institution often. He must've been focused on improving himself.”

That was the reason why they were less burdened in the past months. Other than continuing the study on the theory of relatively, they only had the mission of analyzing the mechanism of the ancillary computation arrays. It had been a while since new exams and tests came. They almost missed it.

About the review of papers, since Lucien had become a member of the Highest Council, his job in the Arcana Review Board was automatically canceled, and they no longer needed to review the papers.

Sprint took over the journals Annick bought and browsed through the table of contents. Suddenly, he saw a paper with a particularly long title: 'The Complicated Splitting of Spectral Lines in Weak Magnetic Field and Its Contradiction to the New Alchemy', by Brook.

In the past year, they had been trying to mend the new alchemy. Although most of their ideas had been disapproved by Hathaway, Raventi, Joaquin and the other grand arcanists, the argument still made them achieve a lot.

In such a way, they perfectly integrated the knowledge that Lucien taught, the exercises he gave, the experiments he assigned to them, and the brilliant ideas in his head. They really became young people with the potential to be senior-rank arcanists, instead of vases that were backed by their teacher.

Therefore, Sprint became rather solemn after he saw the title. He turned to the corresponding page on Magic and read it carefully.

”How… How… How can there be such splitting? The quantization model of the new alchemy does not seem to apply to it…” After a long time, Sprint spoke to himself rather gloomily.

Thankfully, everybody knew that the new alchemy was not perfect enough. The sorcerers who built their cognitive world based on it were mainly focused on the simple structure of protons, neutrons and electrons and did not involve the specific energy level. That was why his cognitive world did not shake.

Annick, hearing his murmur, also took over Magic solemnly. In the meantime, Sprint gasped hard and went to the laboratory to confirm the paper. As his teacher said, even the grand arcanists were not to be entirely believed when it came to arcana!

Annick was covered in cold sweat as he read on. His slim space was even more pale, as he realized that his current knowledge could not explain the phenomenon at all.

Did something really happen to the new alchemy?

Holding the journal tightly, Annick also went into the laboratory.

When it was almost dawn, the two of them walked out their laboratories exhaustedly and both saw each other's bitterness.

”The framework of the new alchemy is definitely correct.” Sprint stressed it. Protons, neutrons, electrons, and the fundamental force that had been named as strong nuclear force by their master had all been proved!

Annick nodded. ”However, the energy level and orbits of the quantized electrons seem to be in serious trouble. Perhaps, we should abandon the flawed concept and think from a different perspective.”

After half a year of repetitive argument and research, they had learnt that they had to let go of certain things when it was necessary.

That was perhaps the young men's advantage. It was obviously impossible for an arcanist who had been devoted to a theory for decades to suddenly drop their persistence and specialty.

”Let's try to resolve the problem through energy level and orbits without adding more hypotheses. If we can't, we'll try different approaches.” Sprint said solemnly. ”We'll ask our teacher after the holiday. He definitely has unusual ideas.”

They had sensed their significant growth every month in the exploration and argument about the new alchemy, but they also discovered that the gap between them and their teacher was getting greater. Their teacher could answer their every question from a reasonable perspective.

”Alright.” Forgetting to sleep, Annick went to the library with a copy of 'Magic'.

The same thing happened in Katrina and Heidi's house, as well as the magic towers of Hathaway, Morris, Raventi, Gaston and other upper-level arcanists.

In Thunder Hell, however, Fernando was obviously agitated, which made Thompson, Chloe and other students who came to wish him happy new year prudent.

”Master, happy new year.” Thompson was already level seven and had hope to enter the ninth circle.

Glaring at them, Fernando roared, ”I'm not happy at all! I don't understand Brook's anomalous splitting phenomenon!”

Brook discussed with him after he discovered the phenomenon and wrote the paper later.

Chloe, who had the air of a poet, asked carefully, ”What is it about, master?”