420 Using Electricity Safely (1/2)

In the winter night when snowflakes were swirling in the air, crystal lights flowing with colors lit up the entire place of the Duke's villa, which looked like a shining gem against the black background of the night. The light that burst out from the villa was so eye-catching that it seemed as if all the stars had landed and gathered here.

Even if among the senior-rank sorcerers, no one had ever tried to use this many crystal lights in his magic tower. In most cases, they were used to using magic candles, as the candles' effects were also not bad.

For most of the nobles present tonight, it was not until today that they finally realized what the word ”brilliance” meant. They had never imagined that a man-made view could be as imposing as natural scenery. This power came from human beings, and this scene could be spread and seen throughout the world!

”Ladies and gentlemen, come in, please.” Barek's student, Lillian, was the emcee tonight. With a lovely smile, she invited the guests to take a tour in the luxury villa lit up like the palace of the Sun King.

The noble ladies lifted their skirts elegantly and glided in, followed by the gentlemen. All of them were very curious and could not wait to see the magic crystal lights closely.

”Very impressive. Our first stage of promotion has succeeded.” Arthur was a businessman, and the impressiveness of the scene did not outweigh the importance of making money for him.

He was carefully observing how the nobles responded to the magic crystal lights.

”I want them for my magic tower!” Alferris drooled seeing how bright the lights were, as he was known for being captivated by shiny things. ”I'll pay in arcana points!”

Gold, gems, crystals… Anything that had gone into Alferris' pocket would not come out again. Lucien even doubted if Alferris had embezzled half of the building materials of its magic tower, as it looked so deformed that it resembled a crooked peak — Located in Allyn, the tower's chance of being attacked was slim to none, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

”But these lights, because of the cost, can only benefit the nobles. If we can't lower the cost further, common citizens still won't be able to enjoy the light. Every single human being should benefit from the progress of civilization.” Lucien was inspired by the scene; To Lucien, the standard of judging whether a civilization is advanced or not should be the popularization of technologies. The commencing age of electricity should be able to do so!

Arthur certainly was not sharing Lucien's view. ”But… It is not very likely that we can lower the cost further, at least not in a short period of time.”

”Well… We will need a great number of skilled workers. The procedures that don't require magic could be separated out and put on assembly lines to produce standardized parts. Then, the cost can be further lowered.” Lucien nodded slightly like a sophisticated capitalist. The candidates in his mind were the dwarves on Night Highland. But since he had caused the vampires such great trouble, Lucien had to wait for at least two to three years to carry out his plan, when all the attention were drawn to the exploration into the new dimension.

”It takes lots of time training workers…” Arthur did not understand the terms Lucien was using, and he was also not interested in asking, since currently even the basic preconditions couldn't be satisfied.

At this time, Lillian turned off the main crystal light in the hall and only left several smaller ones. The light instantly became dim and soft. A romantic and elegant atmosphere was created.

She smiled humorously. ”No worries, ladies and gentlemen, you won't lose the romance of having candlelight dinner because of these magical lights. Romance is in our soul and heart.”

”Also,” she added, ”when you walk around in your castle, darkness shall never be intimidating to you anymore. We've brought light to you, forever, with the magic crystal lights.”

Lucien suspected that Arthur had paid Lillian beforehand for such painstaking promotion. But Lucien liked it, for the profit it was going to bring!

Following the tour in Duke James' villa, it was time for the court dance. In the Kingdom of Holm, which was known for being very conservative, the circle dance from the palace of Tria had not yet prevailed. Many old-school nobles disdained such a dance that requires the dancers to be so close to each other. Only some young nobles, when having their private gatherings, would do the circle dance.

”Mr. Evans, your design is definitely very impressive. I've ordered a set from Mr. Arthur. I had never imagined that crystal lights could be so accessible.” A dignified young lady walked to Lucien holding a glass of water in her hand, her eyes full of admiration.

The ”a set” she was talking about was a set for an entire villa, and the cost was equivalent to that of a single magic crystal light before.

Lucien swirled his glass of liquor, Sky Blue, and smiled. ”This is because now electricity can be delivered very efficiently.”

”Honestly speaking, when the lady turned on the lights, I was shocked by how bright the lights were. I can't describe it with my own words… It was like a dream. And somehow I also felt very proud. You're a sorcerer who creates miracles…” The young lady's face flushed. ”I am neither a sorcerer nor a knight… But now I can enjoy the light as well.”

Lucien grinned. ”Popularizing alchemical items so that most ordinary people could be able to use them is always my dream.”

”You're such a great person.”

The young lady's sincere praise made Lucien, who was in most cases a relatively ”cheeky” person, blushed a little.

”… To make most ordinary people be able to use them… Great vision, Evans.” Duke James and Barek, the seventh circle mage, together walked toward them. Hearing what Lucien just said, Barek released a soft sigh, as if he had seen through Lucien's hiding intention.

Seeing the Duke, the young noble lady's face burned. She hurriedly said, ”Mr. Evans, I'll leave you alone to the Duke.”

”Ha, Evans, why are you just standing there like we old fellows? Can't you tell that Julie was waiting for you to ask her for a dance? Don't tell me you don't like Julie. She's the beloved granddaughter of Count Hackson.” James joked. ”And obviously, Julie is not the first lady who you have refused.”

Lucien took a sip of Sky Blue and spoke half-dramatically, ”Perhaps… I'm an old man in my heart…”

Young and good looking, promising and talented, wealthy and of high social status, Lucien was quite popular among the noble ladies. At this banquet, the ladies present were all from the liberal families which were open-minded to magic. They did not mind marrying a sorcerer at all, and some of them even had this fantasy.