356 The Two Documents and Two Badges (1/2)
Chapter 356: The Two Documents and Two Badges
Translator: Kris_LiuEditor: Vermillion
Knowing Lucien quite well, Lazar was aware that sometimes Lucien would say things that they did not understand. So Lazar smiled and said, ”Mr. Eric, please take a look at the first paper. You'll see what Lucien's inscription mean.”
Eric hurriedly opened the journal and jumped to the first paper. He saw Lucien's name on it—Lucien Evans X, fifth-level arcanist, fifth-circle sorcerer.
The title of the paper was: The Discovery of a New Particle.
Thinking of all the rumors that he had heard during that month, Eric suddenly felt quite nervous.
”You probably want to calm down a bit first, Mr. Eric.” Lazar joked. Knowing that Eric was not an expert in element spells, he had no worries at all that Mr. Eric would get hurt from reading it.
After Eric quickly scanned the paper, he suddenly looked up and his gray eyes were shining with the light of excitement, ”It's way smaller than an atom! It's a new particle! Evans, your contribution is so great that can definitely be compared to the discovery of planets! The world is way more complex than we thought!”
For the arcanists, the finding of the new particle was way more meaningful than that of the periodic table of elements. The latter was just a summarized finding, while the former had led them to the new era of arcana study.
Lucien did not expect that, after working in the office for so many years, Mr. Eric was still this passionate about the study of arcana and curious about the truth of the world. However, Lucien was still holding the suspicious attitude toward whether other planets really existed in this world.
”I'm not sure if the existence of other planets is true…” Lucien murmured.
”No… I mean… yes, we haven't figured out if the planets are really there.” Eric quickly corrected himself and said, ”The value of the discovery of electron should be compared to that of the finding of the fact that light is a kind of electromagnetic wave, the proposal of electromagnetic equation, the establishment of the three laws, and Miracle Experiment! The world is so big and at the same time so small. But we're even smaller living in this world!”
Eric used some quite long sentences. He was being a little too excited.
Lazar grinned at Lucien, ”I've never seen Mr. Eric acting like this before.”
After a few minutes, Eric slowly calmed down. He combed his think hair a bit with his hand and said, ”Your inscription is definitely valid! You're right—the gate of the microworld is opening for us. How small can a particle be?”
”Our knowledge's still rather limited,” said Lucien with his fingers crossing. ”We can talk about it later, but Mr. Eric, can you please take out the documents and badges for me?”
Lucien's words reminded Eric what his true job was. When he hurriedly reached the badges and documents in the cage, he said to Lucien, ”There's another line on the cover—Vol. 10, 789, for Mr. Evans.”
Lucien realized that this issue of Arcana was a special edition for him.
”Le… level six?!” Eric stammered a bit when he saw the dazzling stars on the badge.
Lazar was also shocked. Although he knew that the discovery of electron could bring Lucien a very good credit reward, Lazar never really expected that Lucien could become a level six arcanist this fast.
Lucien was now a senior-rank mage. He was now a member of the upper class in the Congress!
”Credits… Three thousand and sixty-nine…” Eric double checked to make sure this was not a mistake.
Lazar put on a confused smile and said, ”Maybe the discovery of electron is so important that the reward is even more than what we expected.”
”Can I take a look at the document, Evans?” asked Eric politely. After all, Lucien was already a level six arcanist.
Lucien did not mind, ”If you want, please read to us, Mr. Eric. I think Lazar wants to know as well.”
Lucien just turned in the paper a few days ago. The review comment was sent back together with the journal.
”Sure I want to know the comments.” Lazar grinned.
”The comment from Mr. Raventi is: 'Simple but classic experiment. It has discovered a new particle which is smaller than an atom. The experiment has shown us a brand new field with endless possibilities. It has pushed open the gate of the microworld for us. The finding will probably change the world we live in, and maybe not until many years later can we see the true value of it. The paper is worthy of in-depth discussion and it has overturned atom theory. Six hundred arcana credits and five thousand arcana points are suggested to be given to Lucien Evans as the reward',” Eric read the comment.
The comment from LockLynn was close to that of Raventi, and the suggested credits given was also six hundred. The combined review comment was:
”The groundbreaking finding in the microworld. The finding has proved the theoretical limit of atom theory and is of great significance to the school of Element. Worth of detailed discussion. A new era shall begin. Six hundred credits and five thousand arcana points are given as the reward.”