66 The Concert 2 (2/2)
“It is awesome. It is the best keyboard instrument ever!” Natasha gasped with admiration, “Compared with piano, harpsichord and clavichord are just like toys for girls!”
“You are a girl as well, Natasha.” Orvarit’s brows were slightly frowned. The grand duke was about to applause when he heard his daughter’s improper comment.
Regarding her father with reverence, Natasha mumbled, “Even so, I’m still the most special girl among them all, no inferior to any man.”
Hearing Natasha’s murmuring, a meaningful smile appeared on Verdi’s face, but he did not say anything.
“I saw you, Verdi!” Natasha straightened her back instantly and stared at him seriously, “You don’t think so, do you? Or you want a fight outside?”
“Well… I don’t want any trouble.” Verdi was still smiling.
“All right, Natasha. Symphony of Fate is coming.” The grand duke was trying to change the topic between the two.
Taking a glance at the stage, Natasha squinted at Verdi, “My dear cousin, I believe Lucien’s work will be better than all of yours.”
“Well, at least I have my music works to be compared. While you, my dear Natasha, you’re not good at composing at all. With regard to the talent of composing, I believe I’m way more gifted than you are.” Verdi instantly fought back.
“That’s really true, isn’t it? Well… well… then how strange it is that none of your brilliant work has ever been played in the Psalm Hall, while a random guy who just started learning music three months ago somehow managed to do it?” Natasha put on a rather surprised look.
“I just don’t want to…” Verdi gnashed his teeth, feeling sort of speechless, “The guy named Lucien… his work can never be better than mine.”
“Aha! I heard what you said!” Natasha laughed, “Let’s see what will happen if his work indeed is better than yours.”
The grand duke also nodded, feeling very expectant like the other nobles, except Wolf. Wolf’s face was almost twisted together. Although the success of Victor’s concert would not do any harm to him, in Wolf’s mind, it was Victor who took away the success he deserved. So Wolf was going to pay very close attention to every single note of the following symphony, finding the tiniest flaws and putting all of them on Music Criticism.
On the small west balcony, Alisa and Joel’s hands were grabbing together tightly. Even John was feeling sort of nervous. All of them were waiting for Symphony of Fate, the last piece of work tonight.
Standing in front of the orchestra, with the baton in his hand again, Victor’s mind churned. He thought back to the failure of his first concert, the great success of the second concert, the many memorable moments between Winnie and him, Winnie’s affectionate gaze toward the end of her life, as well as the encouragement from Lucien, Rhine and the rest of his students…
“Winnie, can you hear me?” Victor knew he was ready, and he slowly lifted the baton.
The moment when Victor waved his baton, the beginning of the symphony shocked every audience present. The first few bars of the symphony were like the loud knocks at the door that instantly woke everyone up. Orvarit, Natasha and Verdi opened their eyes at the same time with great surprise.
It was fate that was knocking the door, in an irresistible and fierce manner.