41 Apprentice Group (1/2)

Chapter 41: Apprentice Group

Translator: winniethepooh, Kris_LiuEditor: Vermillion

Facing the threatening power, Smile subconsciously tried to avoid looking at the face shaded by the hood, as if there was a dreadful and evil pit hidden inside. He even thought it was possible that the sorcerer in front of him was a user of black magic.

After putting on Ice Revenger, it kept infusing a steady cold flow into Lucien’s body, strengthening his willpower. At the same time, Lucien could also sense the tension in the air built by the ring.

With Ice Revenger, Lucien could be immune to all the apprentice-level magics working on his mind. The person who wore the ring could, at the same time, have the Frightful Presence buff forcing people surrounding him or her to feel frightened, which was usually a buff of knight.

Without asking for permission, Lucien entered the room and closed the door behind him. Under the alert gaze of Smile, Lucien casually found a chair and sat down, then he started talking again in the pretended harsh voice,

“I knew the apprentice by accident. She made an appointment for me to meet the sorcerer who came from the headquarter of the Continental Congress of Magic. I was looking forward to meeting him to find the land where sorcerers and sorceress can feel free to study magic. But before the meeting, she died, and I never had the chance to meet the sorcerer. I was planning on asking the young lad named Lucien the same question as well, but your owl was a step ahead of me.”

Knowing that the sorcerer sitting in front of him was not his enemy, Smile finally relaxed. Rubbing his hands, he started explaining why he was also looking for the mysterious sorcerer,

“I met the her several months ago, and I invited her to our secret apprentice group meeting. Later she told us that she met a great sorcerer from the Congress. In her description, on the land where the Congress sits, all the sorcerers and sorceresses don’t have to hide anymore. We were…so encouraged…”

“I understand,” Lucien nodded, “We are sorcerers, not rats. We deserve much better than this.”

Smile raised his head and started feeling close to this unexpected visitor. Sorcerers and sorceresses always understood their shared struggle and fear. Facing the same enemy, most sorcerers and sorceresses united to help each other and to escape from the search of the church.

“Yes, sir. You must understand our excitement.” Smile lowered his head and looked at his hands again, “We also asked her to invite the great sorcerer to come to our meeting. Although he didn’t show up for the first time, the sorceress brought a journal called Arcana from him to us.”

Lucien remembered the journal. It must be the same one the sorceress mentioned in her notebook.

“Arcana?” Lucien pretended he never heard of the journal before.

“Yes, sir. When she first mentioned the Congress, some of us didn’t believe it. After reading it, all of us started yearning for the place. The journal was old, very old… it was published about twenty-five years ago. But the ideas in the journal were amazing, way beyond imagination… It was like a new world.” Smile’s face lightened up a bit.

A few seconds later, Smile continued in a depressed voice, “But she was found by the church before our next meeting. I know it was dangerous, but I still don’t want to give up. I moved from Purple Lily into this pub, hoping I could find any clue related to the Congress. Before, I was afraid that the church might still be watching her place, so I waited for almost a month and finally sent Doro there tonight.”

Lucien saw Smile’s face was changing with different emotions—excitement, astonishment, sadness and depression. He was pretty sure Smile was not lying. Hearing Smile’s explanation, Lucien felt kind of disappointed, since he was hoping that Smile might know something more about the Congress.

“Her death is our loss.” Lucien said slowly, “I’m afraid the sorcerer you were talking about might get caught with her at the same time. A sorcerer from the headquarter can easily catch the church’s attention.”

“I guess so…” Smile nodded with a sad look.

“What a tragedy!” yelled the owl Doro.

“Smile, can I take a look at the journal?” Lucien was trying to see if he could find any information from it.

Smile shook his head and replied, “Sorry, sir. The journal is not here now. We take turns to read it. The journal was very hard for us apprentices to understand, but I guess for a real sorcerer like you, it won’t be a problem.”

The power of the ring made Smile think Lucien was at least a sorcerer of the first or second circle, instead of an apprentice like him. Toward Smile’s assumption, Lucien neither admitted nor denied, since Smile’s respect might bring him some benefits.