5 The New Royalties of EHAL (1/2)
-Inside Class A's room-
Cricket sound was present inasmuch as Quint hears no noise because his classmates are so quietly waiting for their teacher to arrive.
He up folded his sleeves as he checked the time on his wrist where his golden-silver watch is placed.
”8:34 AM--Mr. King is late for 4 minutes...where has he gone to...” He ruminated then placed his hands on his face as he looked towards the door which is still closed.
Tilting his head as he waits for another minute, Mr. king hasn't arrived yet.
He deliberately scratched his head as he contemplated, ” Why is he not here yet? We're all bored—wait! Did something happen to Mr.King?—but I do not feel any—,” He heard a squeaking noise of the door opening.
His eyes looked around, as he saw his classmates still silent, so he looked towards the door and he saw Mr. King walking through it.
He sighed in relief as he asked, ”Mr. King, where have you gone? Did you know that you arrived late? Should I report this to my grandpa?”
He renounced his sight as all his classmates stare at him and he frowned.
Mr.King clears his throat as he responded ”Umm....ah..well I'm so-so-so sorry Mr. Azelus but–” he turned back–”How should I explain this?–” he said silently as he again turned around and faced his students as he explained ”Umm..well..hehe–” his students look at each other and frowned–”I guess,..well..hahaha..My stomach ached after I ate burger and fries, *sigh* so I went to the CR and you know...I went there to defecate..hehehe” as he slightly blushed in front of his students.
He saw his students covered their mouths with their hands and giggled silently, then he looked towards Quint.
Quint heard his explanation, then sighed and also chuckled.
He controlled his laughter at the time he saw Mr.King's face so red. He deeply sighed and stood up, then shouted, ”Guysssss! Stop those giggling and chuckling,” He looked around as they are all startled then he took his seat and crossed his arms, ” Well, I guess I need to include myself to stop, he is our teacher so we must respect him”
All students stopped the noisy laughter as they all nodded.
He again heard Mr.King clearing his throat as he looked towards him and heard ” Well...I guess I need to apologize for coming late, and please Mr. Azelus don't tell this to Mr. Caeli because I do not want to suffer from his wind's wrath, plus I did not want this to happen”
He hearkened Mr.King's explanation and asserted, ” No worries sir, I won't tell him, but I do not know you are so afraid of my grandpa when he does not hurt anyone loyal to his reign even if they cannot appease him, he won't hurt anyone unless it's from the forces of th-,...well you know who I am talking to, plus why would you be afraid when you're just late for five minutes, sir”
He renounced his sight from Mr.King as he saw around him that his classmates stared at him once more.
Heard a familiar voice who asked, ”What are you talking about Quint who is the guy who you are referring to, from the forces of?” he looked beside him and it was Fritz who asked
He smiled as he asserted ”Ahhh, It's nothing”. Fritz then nods his head.
Mr.King gulped, and he said, ” Thank you Mr. Quint, and,” he clears his throat, ”Guys, don't worry about what you heard earlier, what you need to worry is about the guys who got into trouble”
Quint's eyes widened as he responded ”Sir!, How did you know?” As he saw Mr. King shook his head.
Then he heard Mr.King say, ”Well, I watched your battle with that Kenneth or alias Ace of EHAL through my dreams, and congrats for making it alive plus defeating the ace,”
Quint released a shaky smile and asserted ”Hehe, No worries now sir! But sir, who might really that man be? Is he really the ace? As Hale mentioned earlier to us, and what really is the system here in this school? I don't know since It's my first time to attend school”
”Yes Mr. Azelus, In fact, I already told Hale that I will explain the hierarchy system here, so–” Mr. King looked around seriously–” Okay, all attentions here in front students because I shall explain what is the hierarchy system here in this academy”
Students focused their attention in front as they hearken what Mr. King was about to say
Fred murmured ”Well, I guess I need to listen–” Den heard Fred's mumbling, so he silently said to Fred ”Yea, I think their system here is unlike others” as they both looked toward the front.
”Okay then, I shall start..First I know that many of you here know what the hierarchy system is and how it works, but for Quint, I still shall explain all the details regarding the system. So, Quint in schools, almost all of them has Hierarchy systems, its purpose is that the royalties which are the honored students and powerful students can help the director of their school. Those special students have an alias according to their potential. An ACE–” He looked towards Quint and explained–
”Well, An ace which you can defeat easily Quint is the strongest and are on the top with the Joker, the Joker is the same level as the Ace but he is not predictable whether they attack or stay chill. The King is the second strongest in the hierarchy, he can control those who are below him, but in fact, they have the most to-do work for the director unlike the Ace and Joker, but they are the kindest among the other royalties, so they remain undefeated”
Quint asked ”well sir If that's the case I also have met the King here in Ehal and already kicked his ass because he attacked us”
Mr. King's eyes widened as he yelps. Students also heard Quint as it shocked them all.
Fritz then asserted ”So, that means that Mental Plane Manipulator guy who attacked us is the KING?”
”Yea, he said it to me, face to face” Quint answered and Mr. King asked
”Then, you took down two royalties one at a time? You're like the joker here, already, He also is like that Kenneth which is a pain in the head royalties” as he held an unsure laugh.
Quint then retorted ”oh!, that is what he said to me too sir! he also said that I'm like the joker here, but–”
Mr. King sat on his desk and looked towards everyone then asserted ”Mr. Azelus, you're really the savior here! I thank Mr. Caeli for sending you here to fix this broken system.” As his eyes were greatly shimmering.
Quint sighed, then shook his head. And Mr.King continued what he is explaining.
”Okay then I shall continue, where are we? O! I remember, The king has all the work to do including paperwork from the director and keeping the academy in order, he also helps training his juniors and protecting the school along with the other royalties, the Queen which is also the second in rank can help the King if it's her choice to give hands, but she is the one who does all the errands, The Jack is the last royalty and is the weakest among them but they are surely stronger than the regulars, and his duty is to help all other royalties,” Fred raised his hands