5 Conflict at School (1/2)

Angel Smile ihateyounot 22460K 2022-07-24

”Yeo Ri-ah, I heard some b*tch was picking on you this morning. Are you alright?”

As soon as first period ended, a girl rushed over from the neighbouring classroom.

”Jang Mi-ah.” Yeo Ri was surprised to see the girl. Lim Jang Mi was Yeo Ri's other best friend from another class. They had gotten along in their first year and the relationship remained strong even after their classes differed.

However, she was the top student, so it was rather unusual to see her outside of her classroom in-between periods.

”It was nothing,” Yeo Ri told her, she didn't want the girl to worry; it was almost exam season and any other issues would only burden the girl.

Jang Mi made a displeased expression. She knew it was not 'nothing' but did not push the girl to tell her.

”The hell it was. It's something, all right. That delusional b*tch thinks she's hot stuff,” Min Chae slammed her desk, glowering. She shot a dirty look towards Park Jin Ae, which the girl reciprocated.

”Tell me about it later, then.” Jang Mi concluded, crossing her arms. She narrowed her eyes at Yeo Ri, then casted a displeased look towards Park Jin Ae.

”...Okay.” Yeo Ri knew that the look that Jang Mi had sent her was the no-nonsense-or-I-will-destroy-you look so she did not dare to refute, though she was reluctant. To her, it was no big deal. It was not her first time dealing with bullies, after all.

”See you two at lunch,” after ensuring that Yeo Ri was really fine, she finally left.

”See you,” the two sent her off with a wave.

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully. Packed full with lessons after lessons, there was no chance for Park Jin Ae to bother Yeo Ri.

Finally, it was lunchtime.

Most of the students partook their meals at the cafeteria, but some chose to go to the student store or just stay in the classroom.

Yeo Ri, Min Chae, and Jang Mi joined the majority and headed over to the cafeteria. Cafeteria food was free and the menu was not bad, so they went there frequently.

The trio quickly grabbed their food-filled trays and searched for empty seats. Along the way, a few people called them over, offering Yeo Ri a seat, but since there was not enough space for the three of them, she politely refused.

Another reason why was also because most of the offerers were boys.

In their school, the male and female students were segregated, and it was only during lunchtime or break times that the two genders could socialise with one another. Since the cafeteria was shared, many students liked eating there for the same reason. After all, they were in their budding youths.

Quickly, though, Min Chae spotted some empty seats and headed there immediately to secure it.