Chapter 674 (1/2)

”Don't call me second uncle!”

”I'm not your master!”

They stare at Zhang Xiaoer.

”Waiter, you are short of money. I'll lend it to you. If you want to buy a house, I'll give you my deposit. But what do you think of my second uncle? Partner with an outsider and cheat me The second uncle was staring.

”Villain, villain!”




”Second uncle, master, what do you say?” Zhang Xiaoer kneels on the ground.

”Go out and earn Lingshi. Before I invite my friends to buy a house, help us repay the loan together!” The second uncle said in a deep voice.

”Yes Zhang Xiaoer lamented.

The original only need to pay a loan, now suddenly it has become four times?

Zhang Xiaoer collapsed completely!

Zhang Xiaoer is a bit of human nature. Those who have no human nature will sweep their relatives out of the house and scold them. They don't care whether they live or die!




There is a fire of water all over the city.

The people are in dire straits!

As simple as Zhang Xiaoer, he has become an animal to cheat relatives and friends. What's more, those people who are cold and thin originally?

This trend is not only spreading in shoukai City, but also in hundreds of cities.