86 Chapter 86: Military Scouts III (1/2)
This wasn't much of a problem for the commoner people who were saved but for those arrogant and narrowminded people, the thought that they would be treated the same as the likes of your average joe was frustrating.
So when these guys saw the military personnel they thought of this as a chance. They had been part of the upper class before the apocalypse and some had connections to people within the government and some even the military if they were to play their cards correctly they believed that the government, if not destroyed, would come to save them.
They had the delusion that the disaster wasn't too big of a problem because if even these groups of survivors were able to deal with the Zombies easily then the military will deal with the situation swiftly and that it was only a matter of time before they would get back to their old life.
But this was naturally a misconception caused by there lack of information.
In the past 5 days, they saw how their group secured buildings after buildings easily with only the help of some guns and some melee weapons. So they believed that the military with all the high tech equipment they had would be able to easily deal with the Zombies.
Thus they were thinking up all kinds of ways to get in contact with some people they knew through using these military scouts.
A discrete group started to form between some of these higher class people from the past.
I had my people invite the 10 military scouts into the checkpoint which was to check for any injuries and infections.
This was to make sure that the people they let into the safe zone we created didn't turn into zombies and start creating trouble.
Those infected would naturally be asked to wait in a room of patients and those who past the checks would be given a Visa card which would allow them into the safe zone I created for 15 days.
I created this system to check for any infected people who could possibly become a liability if they came into my safe zone.
The checkup consisted of 3 steps. The first was to check for injuries. The second was to check for any symptoms of fever or illness. The third was checking their blood using a magic device I exchanged from the Dungeon.
These were the general 3 steps all survival bases in the future created for there bases safety.
The larger bases had created even more steps just to ensure that their bases were completely safe from any infected entering there areas.
I also created the visa system to prevent the people who came into my base from becoming lazy.
The Visa system works like a bank card as well.