20 Chapter 20: I’m a good Person (1/2)

The officers chasing after the truck quickly slowed down and went to check out the officer in the car.

The car's engine died when it was hit so the car was dead. The Airbags had come out of the side blocking the window glass from harming him.

But the criminal had gotten away with a truck load of packaged food. That was a real loss. That 1 truck of food had approximately 3 months worth of food for 1 person and maybe 6 month if eaten sparingly meaning that the Thief had just taken half a year's worth of food from them.

This criminal gave them a huge loss in both Resources, Transportation and Man Power.

The truck with it's one lane change had taken out both the police cruiser as well as the officer so this was not looking good.

”FUCK! Damn that fucking ungrateful bastard.”

The officer with the best manners had already started cursing so you can probably know how bad the situation was.

Let me go I'll avenge Jim and Ryan! A youthful officer by the Michael had already gotten ready to chase after the Truck.

An older officer who was well experienced and calm accessed the situation calmly and made the most logical.

”No, were going to the location stated by the boss.”


”Calm the fuck down! We can't chase. Even if we chase it's unlikely that we can take him down. He's in a truck, the odds of us bringing down the truck getting him is low. Even if we manage to take down the truck we'll be surrounded by zombies. Did you remember he's taking the road we just took. It's full of zombies, even if we manage to take him out we'll be surrounded by zombies and won't be able to take back a single thing from the truck!”

”But he killed Jim, are we just going to let him go after all he's done!!!”

”We won't go after him! I know that Jim has taken care of you and he's your best friend. He was mine as well! But this is the Fucking apocalypse, people will die like flies so if we follow your lead to chase after him we'll likely be joining the bastard to his death even if we manage to kill him!”

”But... Jim he... FUCK!”

Soon the groans of Zombies could be heard as a lot of screaming was taking place here.

More and more zombies started showing up on the streets.

It was a horde that was attracted for they were in the middle of New York which was crammed full of people with it's densely packed buildings.

Zombies had started showing up left and right like rabbits in the mating season.